What’re Native Americans like In real life?

I’ve never met one but question for US and Canadian anons. What’re they like? I appreciate that America and Canada are the size of a continent so they’ll be different depending on the area. So what’re they like? Do pure blooded ones still exist in large numbers? How common are WMIF and IMWF relationships? What about the Mètis in particular knowing they’re mixed with European to start with?

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worthless drunks and thieves!

Most of the time they act normal but if you’re around them enough you’ll notice they live up to their drunk n violent stereotypes

morally beaten down that fallen in drugs alchohol
basically pol on steroids

Hi bong, i’m a half breed on my dad’s side. Drunks, tweakers and schizos are basically the norm, but most are descent enough.

Ones I met cant be trusted.

Unironically drunks and now opiate addicts, Red lake is full of them

Castizo here

I've met a few during my US tour, and they're decent people. Some look like this picture, some look more asiatic.

I wish they didn't breed with whites or blacks, but kept to themselves and tried to preserve their culture.

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not trying to get arrested but...thumbs down

Which tribe user

Fucking colonizers shouldn’t be trusted either.


The ones near me are actually pretty chill. They live on their Mohawk reserve, which is just across the bridge from Montreal. We have a pretty good understanding, we act respectfully when we visit their reservation for cheap gas and gambling, they act respectfully when they come into the city for their cocaine and prostitutes. Everyone wins.

The world is falling apart and you faggots still native thread posting

So let me say this,

The spirits of the natives that were wiped out have finally released the curse upon the world The Wuhan flu is coming for you to cleanse the world.

good luck.

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They're complete assholes, drunkards, and most are morbidly obese. Had one for a roommate. They're self entitled dick wipes.

dont use that word

A once noble, but now broken race.

Very sad.

I'm dating one. She's super smart, has a bachelors in physics, doesn't seem to react that much to alcohol I guess, she's pretty chill I love her a lot.

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how did you find a injun gf?

All of the ones I've met act exactly like white people, hang out in white circles, and are married to/date exclusively white people.

Go back to Asia you drunk!

Sounds a lot like honkeys and niggers, desu

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Is she 56% or legit

Thank god it will wipe you worthless fucks out also!

Look how dirty this niggers pants are!

There was an Indian high on Lysol runnin’ through the trees,
he slipped and fell on his moccasins and he skined all his knees,
Past the field where the crick turns back by the old liquor store,
I’m gonn drag the wife outside and I’ll best her to the floor...

My middle school was right next to a res. They're like low-energy mexicans.

The day of the rake draws near leaf

Whoremongers too

45%East European

Sober, Married to a Spanish girl, don't know my tribe

I'm white as hell in culture, fuck niggas. blacks are ok, mexicans are cool too.

Isn’t Cherokee just a meme tribe at this point

It’s me in the TP wife’s coming over gonna watch TV, the TV remotes in the the TV stand and my TP looks
Like a garbage can, if I had one wish I’d be a white man not a god damned Indian in a garbage can, sporting around in a mini van, trying to steal all the white mans land, well I sniff Lysol and I smoke some crank and my god damned wife will never take me back, heading on down to the local bar, I sell cigarettes and I sell cigars,

The only full blooded injuns I've ever met were very nice and welcoming, but they didn't speak a single word of Spanish.

Drunk violent crooks. All of them.

they pretty much all are except comanches.

Also any ideas why NA birth rate is self imploding recently?

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Never met one. All I've met are full blooded, or 95% white people who want to pretend they have Cherokee ancestry. One was a natural blonde with blue eyes who always complained about white people.


Those are the ones that gave up

Their cultures were destroyed so they base all their ceremonies and customs on old Westerns.

That’s why they all talk the same bullshit about “sacred ground” and “honoring ancestors”.

They’re just regurgitating the “Noble Savage” tropes baked into the movies from the 1930s and 40s.

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>The spirits of the natives that were wiped out have finally released the curse upon the world The Wuhan flu is coming for you to cleanse the world.
Even if their demon spirits are involved, give the glory to God. Ultimately it'd be his judgement upon the world.

I've been in a rez in New Mexico while visiting family. Mostly drunks, stare a lot at you if you aren't one of them. I served with a Navajo, unlike the ones I saw in New Mexico he didn't drink but was always looking for a fight. He throat punched a newbie Pvt for calling him Mexican and beat up two Marines in the PX parking lot for blocking his truck and then running their mouths when he told them to move. He was a lot of fun to be around in Iraq.

>don't know my tribe
How not? What do you think of wypipo? What do you think of Bongs?

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Ill suited for modernity. They largely bear the warrior gene. When not fighting they resort to drinking (I live in the UK but am from murica).

Lived in Ontario 20 years.
They’re all addicted to hard drugs (heroin, fentanyl and heavy alcoholics.) native homeless bums downtown overtake any other race in homelessness in Canada. They’re let themselves go lol. And they get a free pass in Canada anyways

Yeah, but some pure breed, like my old man, do exist.

Lazy drunks who live off casino gibs.

Well he fucked that up didn’t he

they are drunks, they are theives, theyre racist , theyre lazy, and they esspecially hate white people. theyre mean to and cruel to animals (so much for respecting the land), they kill each other all the time (old habits) have irresponsibly large family.

do i hate them? not a chance. this board sees a lot of holocaust denial. but an even worse genocide happened on north america and is never called this. natives would send us all back in a heartbeat. they are the white mans future. their culture destroyed, the women defiled, and demonized when they indulge in things you cant take from them. i support initiatives to give them more money, to celebrate their culture, to give them special privlidges. reparations are owed to indians not blacks, we bought this land from them in the same way you buy your apartment each month from a land lord. i want the second language of canada to be a native one not french. i pity them and can see it repeating itself with whites. but i can also see theres no saving them now. but theres still time for us if we act soon.

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drunk, violent and impervious to pain. imagine a zombie but less intelligent.
t. albertan

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just go on youtube and search for drunk natives. It will explain everything you need to know. However, all tribes are different.

What's funny, is that the ones that have been removed and put on reserves and have kept old traditions will go on living.

Around my area they look like white people who stayed out in the sun too long and they act like white people too. One of my friends is a Chitimacha Indian and he's pretty conservative as well, surprisingly.

One of my supervisors is native American she pretty cool. I also had a co-worker that is a peyote man and a leader of his tribe. He used to help out with number stations during the Vietnam war. Really cool guy very intelligent.

I'm smarter than you subhuman. lmao

You never met an Injun you stupid subhuman retard slav.

Literal snow niggers the both of you.

Useless drunks that push gambling.

what's with all of these threads today? is this a meme ?

indian here, we're mostly based or assimilated but uh not a monolith

Joe Rogan is interviewing a woman talking about Native Americans. Also do you have any idea why pic related () is happening?

A lot of my friend group is Indian or some mix of Indian and white. I've never had any of the problems everyone else seems to have


This user shitposts with the ancestors.


Native births are hidden in other races.
This magic called 'bullshit on form'

Most of the time, they're stupid but they're mostly harmless. They almost all live in Native reserves or in ghettos.

I don't hate them nearly as much as I hate niggers and mudslimes because Natives still have every right to be in this country. Th

>So what’re they like?
Prairie Natives commit a lot of minor crime and
form gangs but that's largely because White biker gangs are banned from cities in those provinces so they use Native American ghetto teenagers as proxies to do organized crime.

Natives in the other parts of Canada (below the arctic circle) don't commit a lot of crime and are generally friendly or depressed, but they have a HUGE alcohol, drug and suicide problem. Almost all of these natives live in reserves (small towns in the middle of no where) that are 5-15 hours away from any other settlement.

And then you have arctic natives, Eskimos. Eskimos aren't really Native Americans, and have much more in common with modern Asians than they do modern Native Americans. Eskimos came to North America only 1500-2000 years ago and actually genocided a lot of the Native groups that were in the Arctic, noting that these previous tribes were primitive and retarded.
Unlike the other Native Americans who just live in small reserves scattered around Canada, Eskimos actually have their own entire territory, Nunavut. The entire population is 91% Eskimo and they're in control of the politics of the whole area. They're probably the only Natives who aren't completely a lost cause because they actually have accomplished things, but they still have an alcohol and suicide problem.
Eskimos actually repelled the Danes out of North America and kept them out of Greenland for like 200 years.

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