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Supposed to be big news at 6. Probably one of the fucking refugees testing positive.

Are there even any doctors in Meth Virginia?

Don't surrender, West Virginia, you beautiful bastards!


Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze

Country roads, take me home
to the place I belong
West Virginia, Mountain Mama
Take me home, country roads

All my memories gather 'round her
Miner's lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye

Country roads, take me home
to the place I belong
West Virginia, Mountain Mama
Take me home, country roads

I hear her voice, in the mornin' hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin' down the road, I get a feelin
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday

Country roads, take me home
to the place I belong
West Virginia, Mountain Mama
Take me home, country roads

Country roads, take me home
to the place I belong
West Virginia, Mountain Mama
Take me home, country roads
Take me home, (down) country roads
Take me home, (down) country roads

>tfw obese hill people inherit the earth

Let the good times roll, fuck the faggot boomers

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Imagine shutting the whole economy down for 70 deaths. More people died driving today then in the whole time Corona has been in US. OVER HYPED

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Let's be honest here, corona is trash.

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Alaska has two more cases and they’ve apparently been “out in the community” for a while. Fucking pray for us bros

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Was it a protection spell?

WV is the salt of the earth

>dark red
>31+ cases
holy shit 31...PLUS
that's like...32!
red alert!
now do number of disgusting illegal spics in states
something tells me the numbers will be way more than 31
>libs: there's not that many illegals in the US (30+ million)
>also libs: there's a FUCKLOAD of people with corona! 30+.....just 30+ not thousand not hundred just 30+
libs are pathetic trash

>no mass shootings
>no wuflu
>no satanic temples
>no coincidences

Maybe the shutdown wasn’t for 70 deaths, maybe it’s for another reason. The blind and retarded will never see it coming.

WV person here, ask me anything.

Attached: betadenirobump.png (303x347, 210.64K)

>those tiny ass numbers

Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those numbers up.

Meth cures corona

I have Covid19. I'm driving to WV right now to sneeze on you OP.

Is it the closest thing to a white ethnostate you can have?
t. Califag who's white so i don't know what it's like.

Based hicks?

actually yes, rare amount of blacks.

It's over 5,000 now nigger?

>people are freaking out over 3,415 cases
>67 people have died
>200,000 cases world wide
>8,000 dead
These fucking pussies wouldn't last a god damned day if this was the black fucking plague. The black plague killed almost TWO HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE and was spread around by fucking rats and fleas and shit in what's basically third world conditions. We're a first world nation with knowledge about hygene that is basically "wash your hands,d on't pile up garbage and don't shit into a hole and leave it there" fucks sakes. This isn't a fucking pandemic this is a case of the fucking sniffles, but every 1%er, big business CEO, and government officials are going to use this to screw everyone and destroy the breadstick economy that we've got. But hey, those fucking boomer faggots at least got their toilet paper!


it's over 5000 retard, post up to date shit or fuck off

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This is fuckery and it's so obvious.

This map is outdated

Very based

Wtf Charleston is nigger central


smaller counties don't have much niggers at all. very little to none

This. I'm not even one of the nothingburger faggots, because obviously this is a bit more serious than just a case of the flu, but the people who are freaking out and acting like this is the Black Death are being ridiculous. Humanity has survived shit a lot worse than the Wu Flu.

Well.. what was it for then?

Help this blind retard see

AKA containment


You forgot to mention the uneducated, buttfucking residents

That's in SC. Americans are so stupid they don't even no they're own geography

also might i add that the person claimed to have the one case in WV is in the eastern panhandle which is really close to another state which also has corona.

I think this is a clevar way to boost their tourism numbers.


blessed and basedpilled

Fuck that. We're full.

OMG! 67 Fatalities! It's literally killing us ALL!!!!

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Nobody wants you anyway cletus

lol n bump

Deport them with a bullet

Lol making 31 cases dark red, typical media sensationalism

WVian here, nope.

Eastern panhandle is all DC trash

WVaginas are keeping the numbers of infected and dead a very hushed secret.

Will I catch it if I loiter around in the streets? Nyc user here.

Lol get fucked. First case confirmed

>No satanic temples
Nigger WV is the epicenter.

>Doesn't understand the numbers would be much higher if countries around the world didn't enact strict quarantines

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whatever you say, fag

Mittenfag here. I did everything right, was ahead of the curve in prepping, even bought a few n95 masks and wore them like a dipshit on my rare outings. Now I'm hacking up phlegm and my breathing is getting shallow. I've been on vitamins, any chance I'll recover?

We're over 1000 in WA now