Superhumans confirmed

Germans are superhumans. Any doubts?

Attached: GermansAreSuperhumans.jpg (1334x628, 214.18K)

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Our cases come from retarded tourists visiting italy a few weeks back and these people usually are below 65. Wait until the old people show symptoms in a couple of days, numbers gonna skyrocket

wow 2k new in a day, germany will be fucked soon

Master race confirmed

desu coronavirus doesn't affect blacks. so that's why there so few deaths.

you just wait jamal. it has just begun in africa

I'm an eastern European nigger. My viking friend.

hopefully so.

Doesn’t look like many krautoid have recovered, hopefully it’s just delayed deaths

Blut und Boden

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even pandemics are disgusted by you, niggers

It's because the superhuman Germans build up their immune systems by picking their noses and eating it.

Attached: germanmasterrace.jpg (1589x1266, 376.65K)

Germans are the height of man. I'll be installing a shelf tote this summer to celebrate my parents and grand parents country of birth.

That dude is polish.

Germans are Eastern European. East Germany was communist, after all

Cute face, but looks like a faggot with a faggot haircuts.

have to be those Turkish genes, Ahmed

>Germans are the height of man
Yet they’re still manlets, while their eastern neighbors are absolute units especially Poles

what does German even mean?
And what happened to this guys earlobes?

Attached: norway2020.png (300x452, 108.64K)

cockroach genes

Just checked the news. Less than 30 in ICU.

Germanized pole.
We have many of them here in the east.

your government is only counting the deaths caused DIRECTLY by coronavirus.
In Sudtirol your kind is dying like other people

The law targeting the spreading of infectious diseases only requires to report new infections anonymously
And since it’s anonymously no recoveries or deaths can be reported
The few deaths and recoveries that are being listed are due to indiscretions/careless actings of hospitals where some of the infected were hospitalised

The government is not allowed to count it at all

Ashkenazi created bioweapon confirmed

Attached: 200128141817-charles-lieber-file-large-169.jpg (460x259, 18.33K)

And according to our data, even 80+ y.o. people have only 1.1% chance of dying from corona alone. 98.9% had major comorbidities like heart disease and diabetes.

This explains the disparity between the Poles relative passivity and the Germans collective Napoleon complex hahahahaha

Attached: CE234D29-8A9E-40E0-A162-5DECB0DE746A.png (737x1000, 410.63K)

>scat fetish
Pick one

>Total recovered 67
>Active cases 9274
>Total cases 9367
You sure aint an example of the superhuman Germanic race

>total recovered 67
super sick faggots, maybe

They have 26 deaths out of 82 million which is almost the same as US 101 deaths out of 327 million.

Ahhh, the "lay and display" model.

Luckily I'm one seventh German myself.

It's dieselgate all over again.

Attached: pepe under the carpet.png (1267x785, 107.21K)

Dude, the deaths are going up quite drastically in the last 48hrs, we are catching up to Korea.

This weekend I saw people partying in parks and shit. Nobody took this thing seriously, I am sure with tens of millions socializing, there were 100k infections in that one Sunday alone.

Yep. The city where I live, for privacy reasons I'll refer to it as "B.", most people with infections are aged between 25-49.

ZEEE G-E-R-M-S-H-A-N-S !!!!!!!

That guy in your pic isn't looking particularly masculine and i've seen many Germans that don't look like him btw.

Me: Germ, any?

Hans: nope.

>Implying they were not erradicated by the russians after all that post ww2 rape.

In two weeks most of humanity will be dead and the hubrids will reveal themselves. The surviving humans will be their living sex dolls.

Germany 8084 Cases - 20 Deaths
UK 1950 Cases - 56 Deaths
Netherlands 1705 Cases - 43 Deaths
Norway 1438 Cases - 3 Deaths
Sweden 1190 Cases - 7 Deaths
Denmark 960 Cases - 4 Deaths

Total Cases 15327
Total Deaths 133
Fatality Rate 0,86%

Medcucks BTFO by real whites

Germans (actual Germans from Germany) are a more or less historically oppressed people if my reading of history is correct. They lost both world wars.

kek, same in norway until we got (almost) to the top of infected per capita worldwide

then people got a bit scared, but then we stopped testing unless necessary

DOES HE LOOK LIKE A BITCH ? is that what you're saying !

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 6.3K)

That is a really weird homoerotic thing to say btw.

the scat makes us stronger

6'5'' here and something tells me you've not been to either region. Though it is true that many people I stand at eye level with have some Eastern ancestry.

he said he's east yurop. probably from your country

He really kinda does. Germanics aren't masculine anymore as a people.

That sounds logical, if that’s the case and you had say 7k people come back with it and spread it then when it hits vulnerable groups it’s going to be like a bomb going off with catastrophic numbers from the beginning.

I’m sure their new Muslim overlords appreciate the superior genes their children will be getting from their blonde concubines.

whiter than you, regardless, fat mutt

There's such a thing as too tall.

Depends on total tests. US Chads don't even test until the patient is dead. The survival rate is how many of us self-revive after death.

i posted the reason for this a few times already but dont feel like talking like a fag to explain it again now so here are the links:

all the muslim women want uncut german cock, not even honor killings will stop it

Attached: Screenshot (63).png (1986x1484, 3.12M)

Attached: intro-1543431928.jpg (780x439, 39.37K)

Strut posted.

Attached: MegaFarce.png (1248x666, 1.61M)

Uuuh, why would you get with an Arab woman? you're not even a real racist.

German? More like Germán lol

Bro, just wait until the Muslims take over Germany. Honor killings will stop it.

Honestly everybody knows Germans are the best race. The only thing that makes Nordics and to some extent the British good is partial ancestry from Germanic regions.

They are the master race. Hitler knew it, the entire world knows it really. When people lust after and aspire to whiteness, it's really Germanic appearance and intellect they desire, not Spanish or French or Eastern European.

Jews are an abhorrent mess, they should be exterminated.

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