>1000 (or as Trump said, more, possibly much much more, it could surprise you) trumpbux to all >google and other social media sites lifts filters on search results >wikileaks grand jury disbanded >travel bans to major countries where elite would flee to >national emergency declared which leads to martial law and arrest of deep state actors >hillary files appeal to TRY to stop court order that she must testify about emails >TRUMP MAKES MARCH 15TH NATIONAL PRAYER DAY >congress on break from the 14th to the 22nd >schools and many major businesses already temporarily shut down for the next month >entertainment shut down for the foreseeable future leaving plenty of time for people to get caught up on current events >national guard being activated across the country with major cities already being locked down >30k US troops deployed to Europe for an "exercise" starting the 15th >trump making moves against the IRS and FED, while installing those who wish to return to the gold standard >harvested adrenochrome is manufactured in Wuhan, supply now shut down, possibility it was infected with COVID-19 >adrenochrome, the shape of the molecular compound found to resemble a white rabbit (follow the owl & Y head(rabbit)) >celebrities and other elite getting sick in droves >CEOs and others in high level positions stepping down or resigning
these are major happenings looking stormy outside
Trump also just said >The coming weeks we will all have to make changes and sacrifices...but the short term sacrifices will produce long-term gain...
continued from the previous thread which hit bump limit:
The oxidation of adrenaline to the N-methylindolequinone, adrenochrome, is catalyzed by ferritin iron in the presence of Hz02 at acid pH (1).
>ferritin iron >IRON >THATS 2 FEs >When Fe++ was substituted for Fe +++, the colors appeared more slowly; the higher the pH, the more rapid was the color development. Fe++ is able to produce colored complexes with adrenaline as a result of its autoxidation to Fe+++. The colors disappeared on addition of reduced glutathione or hydrosulfite to the solutions and reappeared on subsequent shaking with air. >Oxidation of Adrenaline in Presence of Fe +++-Al
2 irons studied, regarded as FE+ COVFEFE chemical sign FE
After Epstein, John of God, and NXIVM was all shut down the elites ran out of their pure natural adrenochrome supply. You can still manufacture it synthetically. If you don't get it, there are likely massive withdrawl symptoms. It appears there was a lab producing it in Wuhan ironically. It would be hilarious if the all pedos unknowingly took batches that were tainted/poisoned. It would conveniently identify the users as well. There are a lot of high level elite falling sick all of the sudden, CEO's stepping down, actors leaving the limelight, hollywood producers dropping film production etc
trump shit on the fed earlier yesterday? youtu.be/8Ds56JTcBv8?t=802 with fed dropping rates even more he's going to bankrupt them and spend all their money before moving over to the new currency free from usury to the central banking system
>STREETS CLEARED >FLIGHTS GROUNDED >CRUISE LINES DOCKED >Bill Gates STEPPED DOWN >Bob Iger STEPPED DOWN >Other (((CEOs))) STEPPED DOWN >Kobe Bryant KILLED/WITNESS PROTECTION >Tom Hanks (((INFECTED))) >Trudeau (((INFECTED))) >Vatican (((INFECTED))) >Bread and circus sports SUSPENDED >Educational institutions SUSPENDED >Air travel to flight risk locations SUSPENDED >30K troops/gear to Europe DEPLOYED >Federal Reserve CALLED OUT >Student loans and payroll tax CALLED OUT >National Emergency DECLARED >Event 201 Pandemic RED >Worldwide Sweeps YELLOW >Operation Corona 2020 GREEN
Caleb Garcia
Ryan Cook
>ferritin iron >>IRON >>THATS 2 FEs >>When Fe++ was substituted for Fe +++, Are you retarded?
Leo Green
youre not seeing bigger picture. 200 soldiers in wuhan war games nov 2019. the wuhan lab synthesized adrenochrome. covfefe= COV infected irons. theyre killing the elites.
>Why do you think Trump is revamping the trade deals, using tariffs, cutting taxes to bring back jobs and manufacturing into the country, stimulating the economy, and nominating gold advocates to the federal reserve board? He's attempting to mitigate the inevitable crash and failure of the fiat system. He is preparing to flip from oil to metals, and restructure the federal reserve and fold it into the gov't where it belongs according the Constitution. It will probably happen in his second term.
>Did you see who's portrait Trump chose to have hanging right behind him in the oval office? Andrew Jackson, the man who repealed the Fed's predecessor, the Second Bank of the United States.
he's going to seize the assets of the deep state to pay for it all cause the link above gives him the power to
we cant let these threads become big CHECKED threads but damn if the checks dont happen mainly on the hope posts. it may be a false up, but at least we will stare into the void with love in our hearts
>It all makes sense now. They declared a national state of emergency. Trump said "I have powers in a national emergency that a lot of people don't even know about."
>Google is the largest "go-to" source of information. It makes up at least 70% of all search traffic.
>When Trump said "We have 1,700 engineers working on the site" and Google had apparently heard no such thing, I think that THEY learned that Google was being taken over at the same time we learned it HAHAHAHAHA.
>And by the way, removing the censorship algo would not be pertinent in any situation except for massive disclosure of the storm.
>I take this as further confirmation that THIS IS THE STORM. If they were just seizing it to help us deal with the virus from an information standpoint, there would be no reason to mess with the algo to such an extent - or maybe even at all. You would just want official information to come up for certain virus-related searches, which would be super easy and definitely wouldn't require "1,700" engineers or likely any algo tweaks. Information regarding adrenochrome and all these other things that are magically available now aren't at all relevant to coronavirus. Which means none of this is really about a virus.
also on adrenochrome it's what the elite used as a drug the way they got it was through torturing children before ritually killing them this was done to produce blackmail on people who wished to seek power
once trump got into office the supply lines for these began to be cut off they had to find a source of it or face withdrawals when you're rich and powerful you don't just ween off you find a new source
the new source happened to come from wuhan which happened to be the lab funded by soros and bill gates which also happened to be where corona virus broke out
it's a ritual it's to get blackmail it's to find those who are willing to do unsung acts in order to gain power this allows them to operate behind the scenes without ever putting themselves in the public eye
The question is how much more dangerous is it than other virus epidemics we've seen over the years? How many of the reported cases and deaths are false positives from faulty test kits? And it's already been reported that there's 2 strains and that it's mutating rapidly. Some here think there's a mild public strain that infects the general public, intentionally released by deepstate to put everyone into panic, and maybe the second strain was released to counter that and target adrenochrome users only? There's certainly something going around, but how much of the pandemic is really a result of the virus, and how much of this crisis is a cover for other operations? The hospitals being overwhelmed makes sense if every person who gets sick and shows some of the very generic symptoms (fever, cough, potential breathing issues) are all rushing to the hospital at the same time seeking treatment due to the panic.
IF true, we enter into an entire new era of civilization. the 2000s werent meant to just be iphones and controlled youtube videos. this is the great awakening. perhaps the new age named age of aquarius is fitting. we enter a bold new world together anons, regardless of what outcome this brings
There will be much glory to be won, in the days, weeks, and years to come. Soon. Prepare yourselves. Readiness and opportunity merge, and form luck. Dream about the future - you may just manage to shape it. Dream of green fields, warm nights and God's embrace. We will live through this anons. This is our story.
Elijah Cooper
How the fuck is martial law going to result in the arrest of ‘deep state actors’ They’re just going to take your guns and send you to fema camps dumbass
Can you imagine being 'upstairs' and having a discussion about what character to incarnate on Earth as during these times. >Conspiracy theorist radio persona >Look like Bill Hicks >Friends with a DMT smoking MMA fighter and podcast man >NWO >Caveman >Gay Frogs
Last thread was holy. This is something, I don't know how to will play out, but faith in God Anons, dig, meme and pray. We'll get there, the pedovores will fall, everything does in the end other than God.
Mason Ortiz
Remember, the responsibility of every single human being is to demand ABSOLUTE truth.
They get no quarter These vermin will be scrambling for power during the chaos. They are going to fuck up first and use violence. Hit back a hundred fold and remove all of their power
But it sure would spit in the face of all of us who have labored to raise families, work hard, be good citizens, while not going into debt.
Seems it would punish people of faith and intelligence, hope and clarity...while rewarding those who were greedy. Most debt isn't held by Main Street but by jews who destroyed American communities, families, and entire western nations for the ever-expanding shekel game.
Nicholas Nguyen
Trump says he's going to destroy anti-Semites >silence Trump hires Elan Carr and orders him to create a database of anti-Semitic posts by spying on Americans internet activity >silence Trump signs anti-Semitism ban bill >silence Trump makes a tweet about an "invisible enemy," which he has been calling the corona virus for over a week >HOLY FUCK ITS HAPPENING! TRUMP IS GOING TO BTFO THE KIKES! (((INVISIBLE ENEMY))) WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS???? It's all so tiresome..
>travel bans to major countries where elite would flee to
The elite would purchase a $644 million dollar yacht and sail wherever they want
Kevin Rogers
Ayden King
Praise God, user. I see you.
Julian Gutierrez
What if the stress caused by the gouvernment reaction is producing the adrenochrome in our bodies which the virus latches on to, thus causing greater death rates?
David Murphy
> Soon as we return to gold standard a bazillion (((holohoax survivors))) claim it was dug out of GGGGGpappy's teeth or shit out of GGGGmommy's ass into the soup
Ian Walker
most people didn't have a choice it wasn't the system they wanted, it was created and forced upon them
I would have thought we are just passed island breaking away, assume 3 branches are US, UK, RUS - can you please give your interpretation i suck at this