Pick a team reloaded: map edition

Could anons help me update?

> Team Lockdown (red) : severe limitations are enforced on the population, you can go out only for a good reason, such as buying food, meds and cigs. It is red because all the measures are taken to stop and contain the spread of the virus.

> Team Sparta (green) : you can still go out, at the cafe and gather. It is coloured green since the virus has a green light to propagate, it's called Sparta because the propagation is by design.

> Team Fence (orange) : It lays some way in between the two above, the government didn't take a clear stance, or different areas in the same countries may enforce different rules, it's called 'fence' because the govs who belong to this team are still on the fence, it's orange because the virus can still jump the fence and propagate.

How to find out which team you are: ideally there should be an official stance from your gov, such as China and then Italy did for the lockdown, UK for the herd immunity and US for business as usual, all is under control.

The underlying implication for the teams are: reds decide to save the population and sacrifice the economy, sparta the other way around and fence somewhere in the middle.

Attached: pick_a_team.png (3566x2421, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Serbia orange. People over 65 forbidden from going outside, everyone forbidden from the streets from 20:00 to 5:00, borders are being closed but fucking cafes and malls still work. Clowns.

>georgia merged with russia

hmm i wonder who made this

China, SK, Taiwan and Japan are doing the best and they're on different teams. This just means that some countries simply suck more at containing the virus than others.

I'll try find another one, but meanwhile the major countries seems to be accurate ?
Ideally US should be divided into states too

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when did we become Russia?

checking for other maps, memanwhile, which team?


where did you get that map?

It also don't have Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Also Kashmir it is not a country.

Malaysia is orange because for state that have autonomy, Sabah and Sarawak doing different lockdown. Also people don't treat this seriously and think it is holiday. At least stupid boomer people will died then.

so you can just swim from africa to south america poor brasilians gonna be overun by niggers

I found it online, it's 2003 or something, couldn't find one more updated for free, if any user can help with a link for a vector world map, I'll happly reframe

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I carved it myself the best I could

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Wtf with Russia, mate?
No lockdown for now, will be orange this Friday according to rumours

add Bulgaria to lockdown, ski resort was put under quarantine today.

t. horst

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can you still go around, to cafes, gather?

Ukraine orange. Public transport is shutdown, trains are cancelled.

Perú, Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia team fence-orange

no, only for work.

Food shops, pharmacies are working. Very strict regime for visitation in gov buildings and courts

Cafes, malls, schools and everything else is closed but you can still go outside. If you wanna enter the country you have to spend 14 days in a tent near the border. We had like 27 cases and were doing all right but some idiots went to the hospital and lied about being in Italy and potentially infected a bunch of people including doctors and patients.

see stay safe anons

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Put Denmark in red, or at least orange.

You haven't heard the news yet?

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Orange team here. But I could say something between orange and red. Schools, bars, cinemas, theatres etc are closed, all events are postponed but you can still go outside. Internal transit system is somehow limited and borders are completely closed for foreigners besides cargo.

>but you can still go outside
cafès? gatherings?

Belgium is in lockdown starting tomorrow


What are the criteria for differentiating between them? Is red curfews? We almost have curfews, and gatherings of more than 10 are illegal.

Up to 50 ppl but still unrecommended. All cafes are closed but will deliver food and coffee via internet order.

And we also have closed our borders, and all stores except food and medicine.

>Belgium is in lockdown starting tomorrow
there's something official? yesterday seemed like germany was in lockdown too

>What are the criteria for differentiating between them?
>and gatherings of more than 10 are illegal.
>Up to 50 ppl

I'm using the Italian protocol as the lockdown standard for the west, it's very strict since we must stay at home, there's no going out if not for necessity, such as buying: food,meds and tobacco, if we're out we need to have with us a self-statement stating the reason we're here, in case we're stopped by police.

Another criteria are the political statements: if your leader bought into the herd immunity thing that's def team sparta, hence I should put you both back into team red : if you can still meet with your friendsm you can still spread, 10 friends are a lot of spreading

>closed our borders
borders and travel restrictions are relative, they can vary too much imo

lol painting on Indonesia

>borders and travel restrictions are relative, they can vary too much imo
Only citizens and food/medicine-trucks get in.

forgot pic

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>I'm using the Italian protocol as the lockdown standard for the west, it's very strict since we must stay at home, there's no going out if not for necessity, such as buying: food,meds and tobacco, if we're out we need to have with us a self-statement stating the reason we're here, in case we're stopped by police.
Ok thats still tougher than Denmark. Our queen told us to stay home, and we dont really have anything to do outside now, but I see your point. Maybe we get there in a week.


>Belgium will be under strict confinement from noon this Wednesday until 5 April inclusive.

>Only citizens
the reason I'm doing this is bcs there's not an european or western standard in place, so far our is the strictest, you norfs seem to be reluctant to both limit personal freedom and have a naturalistic approach to life, which is consistent with you being norfs.
This is a side aspect of coronavirus: it's about how we value life, how we manage such things, time will tell which approach ended up with

Ireland is pretty much fenced at this stage. Schools are closed, pubs are closed, and the Taoiseach was just on TV telling people to stay at home. All my friends and family in Ireland are working from home.

>I'm using the Italian protocol as the lockdown standard for the west, it's very strict since we must stay at home, there's no going out if not for necessity, such as buying: food,meds and tobacco, if we're out we need to have with us a self-statement stating the reason we're here, in case we're stopped by police.

I see. Yeah, no that bad. Actually I could say we have a lot of freedom but still less than UK for example. Will see in a few days.

Belgium Red now

Germany is more orange though.

Alaska and Puerto Rico are part of USA and should be Orange. Greenland should be same color as Denmark.

Chile yellow

We're in team lockdown actually.

Green should be called 'Team Mental Retardation'

It must also be said we have different climates and customs, norfs ddon't tend to loiter just walk around -also due to climate- and irish prolly don't need cops to check papers, and villages are diffrent from cities etc.

cafè, gatherings? another point one could make is economy vs human life for a functioning society, you have the economic burden of EU so I won't point finger, but I'm still hearing in the news about loans and central banks etc., but we're now in existensial crisis, we'd rather survive in debt than die with the books in order.
What's the discourse there? How do you see this thing unfolding?

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France is red, now, because of our faggot in chief's previous incompetence

Hungary is team red. The borders are in full lockdown, only citizens can get in, and they have to get quarantined for 2 weeks. Everything is closed except grocery stores, drogeries and drug stores.
Only family gatherings are allowed, and there are restrictions on marriages and funerals. I've also heard from a trusted source that there's gonna be a full Italy-style lockdown with curfew in a few days from now.
It seems like the government tries to suffocate the virus with everything they have.

Denmark red/orange please.

>We're in team lockdown actually
Not yet

Cafes, restaraunts is closed, no gathering more than 10, no public transport, but we still can go outside unsupervised and use taxis

I should mention that when i said 'everything', i mean it. Schools, universities, churches, cinemas, you name it.

No New Zealand on your map. We're probably sparta

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nobody gives a fuck you kiwi shit

Team CHAD forever

oooooh what a madlad

>That map
Fuck off Chang.

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>Denmark red/orange please.
pls see this but I'm up for debate: here gatherings meaning going from bar to bar with friends, there could be something different, and you tend to follow the rules without policing
ok, both orange, you too


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I'm siciliano actually, med bro, state your team

Pepiks and Hunbros are team orange

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Estonia has closed borders..

>team Sparta
Not anymore, gov is planning total lockdown

uuuh rare

Here in the UK our beloved government keep making helpful suggestions like stay in and wash your hands, don't go to the pub, uninvite your Nan from Sunday lunch, that sort of thing, but not actually enforcing anything so I think we're still team Trojan.

And Schengen Area outer borders are closed,

If you want to make color (greece)

Attached: 500px-Schengen_Area.svg.png (500x496, 80.64K)

Btw why Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are parts of Ch*na?

In an official statement putin today told that he wants government to take efficient and necessary measures to curb the covid
I guess that means team fence? Since he didnt demand lockdown of everything


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You are next, mambet
Didnt want to be with us - enjoy chinks, faggot

Tiny contribution

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Bчepa, бpaт
Bcтpeчaй зaвтpa в кyтaиcи

You can't get out of your home? Wow.

Team fuck boomers I'm going down the pub.

You wish,Sergay
Chink will devour you country aswell

>team red
>just came back from my night drive
Top kek my man, no country will take red tier measures due to muh freedumbs and muh democrasii.
Democracy will be the death of us all.

? :) Estonia is orange , so is Greece

sorry outdated map, couldn't find one better yet
which color stavros

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I hope plenty of swedes die

>Poland isn't marked
gj OP
>team fence
Someone didn't pay attention
Anyway, I'm enjoying this nigger free zone
No non-Poles allowed, feels good

>mongol offspring
>the most retarded of slav nations
Good company.


user, I'd appreciate a colour code best =)

Attached: pick_a_team.png (3566x2421, 1.44M)

Well i was thinking Orange? :) team fence

Atleast borders are closed so only citizen can come back

Yes cheers :)

how's the general feeling there, user?

We would be team fence, but fence would mean that we simply closed all of our borders and implemented some special rules.
But no quarantine
Meanwhile Britain and Germany are suicidal since they don't even have any proper border controls(those you saw are stupid and do not even check if someone has the virus or not)

Also Czechia can be set as red, since quarantine has been introduced
Austria is same as Poland
Belarus is Green