Why do women have no honor?

In Norway 80% of medical students are women and as many other countries today, we are in an economic crises. Yesterday, some military personnel got asked if they could work free in the crises (mostly male), they said yes. Medical students, however got offered part time jobs without pay to help in crises and they got furious (mostly female). This is after the government has paid for their education which cost millions of dollars and given them life insurance for life, and they are secured high pay jobs for the rest of their lives. The poor males fight for their country without question and do not need money or status in return. Rich, privileged women, however, do not lift a finger without getting money for it.

Why do women lack honor?


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Because woman are irrational, hysterical and childlike. It’s our fault for allowing them to be elevates above there status.

Can you imagine the future mental problems... they’ll have to marry someone poorer and dumber then a doctor

Why don't they just pay them both wtf


>Why do women lack honor?
From an evolutionary standpoint women simply weren't the ones running around hunting mammoths. Their breeding strategy was to get knocked up by Chad Thundercock and be alive long enough to have the baby. Chad Thundercock simply dumps his seed and then probably dies shortly after while fighting some wild animal. All of your questions stem from this shit

Because a lot of people have lost their jobs and we are trying to give them shelter?

Ist here a movement to have more men in medical profession and achieve some form of equality or is it always more women, less men?

first post best fucking post

They (like all Scandinavian women) have a nanny state looking after their every need while their educational system tells them they're somehow victims of an alleged patriarchy.
"Honor" is useless in a context like that.

>why do women lack honor
Smaller brain capacity/functionality for logistics and coherent strings of thought/planning. That, plus a reduced desire for self-made sustainability and self reliance. Their psychology tells them that men will provide them a safe existence and therefore they have less concern to secure that safety themselves.

Always more women, less men as long as the job is high pay.

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This. It is biological.

They all think if they have elite jobs in society than they will automatically get a man higher than them.
They literally don't realise there are not enough men for them to do that in elite jobs as women make up the majority ofthem now.

These days as women give out sex so easily, men don't see a need to chase highest status elite roles i society anymore, because they can get the sex easily without doing it,

thats why.

>ITT: incel echo chamber

Have sex virgins.

I mean seriously, they're pushing women in STEM everywhere, women in construction women in every male dominated profession but I've never seen the opposite, women go into law, medical and education profession and they never say they need more men. (((Feminism))) is a movement that wants to replace men everywhere.

Thanks feminists and globalist kikes

how could you wear open toe shoes as a healthcare worker . thats just nasty think of all the bodily fluids it absorbs

>In Norway 80% of medical students are women
Hold on, excuse me, excuse me ..WHAT THE FUCK NORWAY??!!!

Their* status. Use your own language correctly, bong.

It's not because they are women, it's because they are doctors.


because women are women? how the fuck do you expect them to behave, like men? norwegian faggot.

I am a married female. It is biological to women want to get more resources from less work where possible.

bruh, you can't even spell, what's your status?

But yeah, you're right.

Big pharma wants their money.

Women are based and don't work for free you commieshit.

Most women seek out resources and have inclinations to procreation or acts that lead to such.

This explains lots of the behaviors you see. Consider it deeply.

Show tits whore

readjust your buttplug, leaf.

Redpill me on norway, are they as cucked as Swedens? Are they making their little girls have sex with young 30 year old refugees?

Give me some of that. I have two female doctors home and I don't know how to keep them home. If the government would stop paying them I'm 100% sure they'd still go to work.

Just women

That's no excuse. Do you want equality or not?

No hospitals here will allow that.

His logic is sound.

relevant to the pandemic of single teachers who hate men and live it out on their students
even feminists wrote books about this war on young men
the decline of academic excellence can be mapped according to that change in education roles
italy has it especially bad and the biggest gender disparity though all nurture/school/university environments
but it's not like anyone is far behind
before modern antiracism this also affected a lot of young roaches and shitnigs because "I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT KIND OF MEN YOUR CULTURE CREATES REEEEE"

Not an argument

germany had 63% in 2006
for 2020 it's over 70%

The solution is simple. Get the men with guns to tell the dumb doctor women to go to work. If they don't want to work shoot one and tell the others to get back to work. This shit isn't hard.

Arguing with holes

Nope, we just have a politicial system where both the right and left are radical feminists.

What the fuck

Yes it is an excuse. Equality isn't when women start acting like men. Equality is more about opportunities.

>all the incel neets itt acting as if they'd work a real job(i.e. medicine during crisis) for free

Canuk's law

I mean, it's pretty self-explaining. Women generally do much better in school than men, as it is basically made for them. It rewards mindless cramming (büffeln as you call it) and obedience instead of rational thinking, creativity and real teamwork. As you need very good grades to get into medicine, it's mostly women being able to do that.

id never do something for free that i can get paid for, if you do you are just a cuck

Based and redpilled.

I love being an opportunistic Sigma male. I work smarter, not harder and fight no battles other than ones to ensure my survival or I will benefit greatly from.

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Well men who dodge conscription are punished. Do you force your women doing jobs for free? Probably not then of course they won't be happy if you ASK them politely. This is how politics work. You whip them until they submit to you then praise them and say they are good boys and they will self rationalize the slavery, kinda like men don't you think? If you want "honor" in women then you need to start punishing them.

I am deployed in "heimevernet" during this crisis while studying economics. I do not get a single nok in return.

Break your hippocratic oath and you lose your medical license.

Also this

The worst part of it is that women are absolutely useless in anything but (perhaps) knitting.

men were always the ones risking health and life for others.

How many levels of soi is that man on?

Based. Most of the ones at work spending more time gossiping around the printer than they do working fucking piss take

In the medical field, men are surgeons and other specialists that require a lot of school and training.

Women just get a two year community college degree because they're lazy and stupid then enter the field.

a big boi emerges

The number of male MDs is still good it's just thst that number also includes nurses and other aides that are like 90% female.

Women should not be admitted to medical school, at least not in the 1:1 proportions they are with males.

Why? Most of them literally work only part time after finishing school, literally a drain on the systems educative resources.

Japan was right in limiting the percentage of female matriculants.


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It's not our job to have honor. It's our job to do whatever it takes to survive, have kids, and make sure they survive to a certain age

thats the truth everywhere, but when they get in to university their grades be much lower

So many fucking faggots migrating to this board, where the fuck you think you are bitch, this is incel central faggot

Praise kek, FUCK BOOMERS

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maybe youre just too individualistic nation? here thousands of med students volunteered

Based leaf, patrolling thots.

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shouldn't you be asking why males are allowing a hostile state to use them for free?

Military personnel, people that are wiling to die for their country, then go through training where there get commanded around on a daily basis... Basically a preselected sample

>gee, I wonder why they don't mind doing this when the country needs it

>In Norway 80% of medical students are women
Any source on that? Not doubting your word, but it's nice to have a source when redpilling normies.

>Making their little girls have sex with young 30 year old refugees?


Go on....for research purposes.

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Sounds pretty sexy.

Why shouldn't they be paid for something so important
the government an jews piss away large amounts of money on stupid shit all the time

How does that relate to women having no honor ? You sound like a muh dick nigger.

How do we put them in their place?

Why is Norway of all people asking their citizens to do things for free anyway?
Your state is fucking rich. Each and every of your citizens is practically a millionaire. How can your government be having money problems?

Because women are assholes

Nigger, I said 'Do No Harm' not 'Work for free'.

I legitimately want to get drafted into helping with the pandemic, probably will volunteer at a hospital if it's possible

Our medical schools are at 50% female
If people think that the system is strained right now, give it another 10-20 years and see what happens

I did not know this
No wonder health care is going the shits

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We're not the bluepilled whiteknight faggots and tradcucks that have let feminism get as ludicrously far as it has.
Every man that ever voted for a party that offered more rights to women. Every police officer that prevents a man from controlling his wife properly. Every faggot that didn't demand women be included in the draft when they won equal rights to serve. Forever throwing more rights at women while at the same time shielding them from all the associated responsibilities that men and only men pay for them.
They're the fucking Great Whitenight Faggot Army ruining everything. Not us.

Women don't. They are trash. Get over it, just dont simp and ignore women. Never do anything for one and simply go about your day.

Can't you conscript them?


Why are Nordcuck men doing ANYTHING for free after the fucking taxes they pay?

Oh and BTW folks, this is medical students that asked for a payroll. Not people that already have been employed etc.

all of them

THIS. Look at the surgical staff then look at the nursing staff.

My liege, we have surrounded Great White Knight Faggot Army, what shall we do with them?

Norway do have incentives for males to go into nursing though......


I don't hold doors open for roasties anymore and if I'm eating out, I only tip ugly men.