My Fellow NEETs will we get the Relief Money?

I'm a 36yo NEET and I have about 380 Dollars in my bank account. If I get 1000 I can surely buy a Xbox One X for myself. Otherwise I'm fucked and will have to wait longer for my Console.

Does anyone know?

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>36 years old
>$380 in bank account

I hope I never become you

It actually seems pretty comfy if you have no friends or social expectations to live up to.

23 year old male here and I come from an already decent family so I'm expected to get a good job and married within the next 5-7 years. Being able to clock out of society permanently and just play games all day would be a dream, but like I said, knowing to much people fucking sucks.

Yep. 0 friends. Never had any Social Media. Hell I don't even have a cell phone.

>imagine not bring a neet
keep working wagecuck while I relax in my basement while mummy makes me hot pockets

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What are you going to do when your mummy dies?

shes not going to die
ill kill her before she even has the chance


i can sympathize OP. althought im not nearly as old as you i have a hard time funding video games. its so hard to find work. my dad asked for favors about 5x on my behalf but the others in management kept turning him down. "he has no experience" BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO GIVE ME ANY. ill use half the money to take the dog to a vet. she has a fucking itch or something

She's going to die, and you're going to be a fully grown man without any skills and absolutely no way to take care of yourself.

But at least you got VIDEYA GAEMS, right? Totally based

I have seen my future, and I am saddened.

i think we should get more

In times like this, Xbox One X + Gamepass is a blessing. Game on brother! 100% Forza Horizon 4 like a true Xchad

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such masculinity, women must tremble in your presence of raw testosterone.

>She's going to die, and you're going to be a fully grown man without any skills and absolutely no way to take care of yourself.
>But at least you got VIDEYA GAEMS, right? Totally based
keep crying and working wagie
mummy wont leave me, im her number one boy

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Do you still live with your parents?
Do they still support you?

He has it backwards, you're supposed to off yourself before your parents get the chance to croak, such is the way of all NEETs.

I'm definitely going to buy a bench press with some dumbells. I've already been working out for years, but I'm going to ascend and hit perfect health/strength mode.

I already do cardio and calisthenics but now I can do cardio and use weights for more muscle gains. Also, I would buy an acoustic guitar - but I already have one I've been practicing for around 2 months.

… I'd probably just buy organic non gmo food for gains with the rest of the money / pay off my 300 dollars in credit card debt.

P.S. I've never owned a ps4 I have gamecube, ps2, and ps3. Right now I'm playing Final Fantasy 10 Remix for the first time, it's pretty based besides all the fucking cutscenes.

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That would at least be logical


loling at this. fucking guy is 36 and wants the starwars theme xbox. thanks for the chuckle

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Can't wait to buy an RTX 2060 with my Trumpbux

Op here. I'm probably gonna get the Xbox anyway. I would still have 80 left.

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you should
get comfy for the upcoming apocalypse

Why not wait a little longer and buy the superior PS5?

Neets get nothing

>cant afford shit


your a fucking nigger, kys, hope no money is given and your parents kick you out of there basement.

>cant afford shit
cant afford shit YET

Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Surely you've considered it.

Get a PC, you won't have money for games anyways

I bet your mouth was wide open when you typed this.

will "freelancers" get neetbux?

I'll take my 4k check, become debt free, put the rest away into savings.

I actually just take grad classes online for my Grad Plus Loans. I make about 21,000 tax free after tuition since I only take 2 classes a semester and get pdf's of the textbooks so I don't have to waste money on that shit. Then I donate plasma for another 3000 which brings me to 24000 a year and I have a fellow NEET friend who does the same thing as me although he is only 28. So combined we have 48000 tax free and we share 1 car so expenses are low as fuck. We call it the "League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen" we are thinking about trying to find some other dudes with the similar mindset as us so we can have 4 of us in a 4 bedroom and have even more money.

You dont need to purchase much games anymore thanks to Gamepass or free games such as Apex Legends. Or you can pick used games for $5-20

Get a pc, comfy shitpost station as well as halo and forza at higher quality, also 144hz has spoiled me.

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It’s all collapsing and you’re thinking about videogames?


>Milton (((Friedman)))
OK Joomer.
Central bank Joomers S E E T H I N G over Trump bucks.
It's gonna happen. And fuck you.

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>console pleb
buy a pc you dumb fuck

They're employment support funds likely tied to tax filings. Enjoy the neets and their kek thread.


Jannie is that you?

Ah yes, an honorable death

Bro let me tell you this right now. As a NEET yes you will experience depression late 20s/early 30s but once you get into mid 30s and you see your peers fuck up their life's such as Single Mothers, Guys paying Child Support, Guys with Mortgages who have to work. You realize that you essentially dodged a bullet and you have 0 worries in life. No responsibilities to worry about. No mortgage, No ties.


Can you buy me a game pls? I only need 30 bucks I swear!

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>Chase jews charge you $12 per month for a standard checking account.
Close your account dummy.

>Not buying the newest console with $1000
>Not just building a PC
Now I know how you got to where you are.
You're retarded/.

Its actually 4.95 a month. They got this new shit for poor fucks like me.

Well the Xbox One X is currently 300 so I would have 700 left over. I was considering building a 500-600 dollar PC also. Rx580.

You won't have to once yangbux via trump kick in and people realize we should just keep it

pls help a fellow NEET out

39 yr old neet here, this is true. Normie life is a lie.

Im finna get a PlayStation

How does NEETing in the US work? Where do you get the money from? You guys got social payment over there?

If they do the right thing and give 1000 to everyone regardless if they filed taxes you can buy 33 $30 games.

I would go with the pc, mostly because it is more than just a toy, it is capable of being a tool which makes it more worth its asking price.

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well I'm a neet so there's a chance I won't get it since I never filed taxes. I am on PS4 tho so only way to gift is a PSN card or something.

Also, if you're gonna get an Xbox, atleast wait for the new one cause its coming this year and its backwards compatible with Xbox One

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Supplemental Security Income (SSI), it takes a while to get it, and they usually deny you on the first try, but there are attorneys that will just take a percentage of the RETROACTIVE payments and get you it.

Disability, living with Parents, living off of Student Loans like I do. Lucky ones get disability for bullshit Mental Disorders.

How much you guys get per month?

How does the plasma donating work

Don't you want friends?