I am so sick of these roasties and their bullshit "depression" because they can't continue sucking Chads cock 24/7

I am so sick of these roasties and their bullshit "depression" because they can't continue sucking Chads cock 24/7.

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Women don’t do introspection properly ever. They MUST fill all times with distraction and attention. Yet they preach of spiritual weakness to men. Ignore them.

>constant socializing
oh look, another roastie who self-diagnosed herself for attention and pitypoints

She just needs someone to come keep her company.

Their depression comes from the normalizing of sex addiction.

If she gets bored of herself that fast, imagine how boring she is to other people

I'm not a woman apologist by any stretch of the imagination but get over yourselves. All you nerds do is talk shit about women. You try to pick at the faults and demean them every chance you get. It's time to stop and self reflect and take steps to maybe get laid instead of bashing them. Just a thought.

You know what? I retract my statement.
This guy's got it nailed.

Silence, leaf - we're busy shitting up the board by responding to a slide thread by a memeflag.

Yikes. Big incel thread.

>keeps busy and socialized
>thinks she has depression

I'm not a man apologist by any stretch of the imagination but get over yourselves. All you thots and roasties do is talk shit about men. You try to pick at the faults and demean them every chance you get. It's time to stop and self reflect and take steps to maybe get married instead of bashing them. Just a thought.
Women are so evil, sinful and "toxic" they created the term "frenemies." Let that sink in, simp.

lmao how desperate are you for a crumb of pussy?

>She just needs someone to coom keep her cumfanny.

>get laid
No. Whores are physically and spiritually repulsive. No different from fucking a dog.

kill yourself

I think the person that you replied to is a Canadian male. Their thought processes are virtually indistinguishable from females.

good post

yeah nothing motivates me to get out there and be social like depression

>1 post
>some hoe's tweet
Nobody fucking cares

Why are you sick of it? It’s already hilarious and it’s only just begun.
Maybe they’ll actually become an hero

Expose thine bosom or part ways at once.

Normies about to get a 3-6 month dose of the NEET life.

Most wont make it. Sad!

Go away

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I only like twinks, women are gross and no longer necessary

t. roastie


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Lol, retarded bitch. I haven't spoken to a stranger in months. She doesn't know true depression.

That's not true.

Dogs are loyal

Woman here we are SOCIAL animals, men can be lonely fucks because you are all USED to being alone shutins. It's super annoying not to have face to face interaction with people.

Just imagine being a girl in middle or highschool having to deal with this. It's HELL

Another "have sex" post.

Canada is one of if not the most pathetic nations in history. They are absolutely disgusting in every regard. I actively speak about how trash your country is to every person that ever brings it up. You have nothing but garbage that slurps up somalian cock on a a daily basis. What even is your culture anymore? What do you even stand for, bleed for? Well? Are you going to provide an answer? What even is your nations creed? Do you even have one?

IDK I'm reading that as more:
I have to pay for everything myself, there is no one to leech off maybe it's the 'stay afloat' point that leads me there.

Can't disagree with that.

>take steps to maybe get laid
So your advice is for men to get better by treating women as sexual objects, as sexual medicine? That's what you think women are for? You fucking sexist pig!

Women seethe at the fact that a man can just sit at home in solitude and be contented

>has depression
>goes out to socialize at bars
Ya allright

>but get over yourselves
>All you nerds do is talk shit about women
Think this is a girl posting, lads.

Lmao how can anyone not be happy now?
We're beyond blessed by witnessing the zog machine whimpering and wheezing out it's final breath in the comfort of our homes while enjoying international bants here.
The lazy leisure days are about to end and the age of the rebuilding is commencing.
If you're still attached to the old system aka the NWO which was a colossal failure you'll be buried with it.

literally this

The universe awaits...

tits or GTFO
cum slut
also vocaroo "i want yummy cumy in my tummy AND my cunny"
go, i'll wait faggot

I struggle with depression and mental health issues and im fucking sick of people bringing it up all the time. Whinge whinge whinge moan moan moan. I felt much better after i stopped wallowing in self pity, pulled my socks up and got on with things. Cant say i enjoy life, still suffer with suicidal thoughts from time to time but i have the decency not to burden others with my issues because im sure they have their own to deal with.
Your mental health isnt others’ responsibility.

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We don't seethe. We feel sorry for you. The fact that you can't see out of your little home and face life .

Look through this cunt's timeline and there will be a 100% chance that she mocks incels in an earlier Tweet.

Why even waste your time typing out that response when all you wanted to say was
>have sex incel

Lmao, she's just lonely and retarded. Imagine being unable to survive without physically seeing another person for a few weeks.

I hope she kills herself.

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Every single fucking leaf post is an abhorrent post I swear.

Cope harder useless whore. I can feel the self hatred oozing out your post.


local authorities said I’m not allowed to

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I hate how right you are here for the most part.

Women started it faggot. We had a gender role system that worked for centuries and produced the most dominant nations ever seen on earth.

But then women started bitching because the increase in communications technology allowed them to start seeing the top 10% of men (managers, lawyers, bankers, slick corporate men) and start pouting and bitching that no woman had it that good.

Of course they remained completely blind to the other 90% of men (builders, miners, manufacturers, welders, sewer cleaners, soldiers, trash collectors...) and ignored the fact that they had it so much better than most of them. All that mattered was that SOME men had it better than them, and that's not faaaaair waaaah pls gib high paying jobs and power gib gib gib abloo hoo hoo.

Feminism is a century of hypocritical bitching and moaning.

this is the first time some normies will meet themselves

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They won't. They'll bitch, moan, and complain on social media.

Self isolating in a forest or on the bank of a stream or in a wide open field reading an intellectually stimulating book for a couple of hours would do more for that roasties self esteem than she could ever imagine.

But no, the magic hand computer tells her riding the dick carousel is the only way she can cure her “depression”. Burn it all down.

It's simps like you that ruined women in the first place. Women want and need to be controlled. You only serve the mental masturbatory tendencies of your shitty ideology.

I'm sorry for you few real men in Canada. It sucks. Based Canadians are very cool.
It starts at the top. Your PM is a total PC SJW pussy boy.

topkek.. extroverts btfo

>Tldr hurrr have sex

sad cause can't have BBC tinder hookups

Self isolation with no internal monologue sounds terrible

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>Roasties facing spending time with their own little self for once.
>Roasties now realize how insufferable they are if someone if not around to act as a buffer for their bs.

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im 80% sure you're a spider...

fuck cia trannies and fbi niggers


KYS my simp, for real, you are embarrassing other Canadians on this board.

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