What do people who are racist do when they watch a movie that features a black actor or you go to the dentist and the...

What do people who are racist do when they watch a movie that features a black actor or you go to the dentist and the dentist is Middle Eastern. What if your government appointed lawyer is a Jew etc?

Do racists never watch a film with Morgan Freeman or Denzel Washington in it cuz they are black?

Unless you live out in the woods in a hut, how the fuck do you deal with everyday life or entertainment in which you will encounter blacks and other minorities a lot of the time?

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Commies die
God laughs

usually movies with niggers in them are hacky kikel crap anyways.

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Change the channel

Racist people can and always have engaged with people of other races. They just think lesser of them.

I'm not racist, I just hate niggers.

The worst part about being racist is it will ruin every aspect of your life... happened to me.

The blacked meme got to me. Its ruined every aspect of my life. Theres not a single day where I can go without thinking about it and completely ruining my time. It's made me distant from my family and ruined my career. I had a nervous breakdown at work because I couldn't stop thinking that every women I know in my life was secretly fucking a black guy without me knowing, I had to run to my car and I cried inside of it for an hour straight while my boss repeatedly called my cellphone and I didn't pick up. Everytime I walk by a nigger in the street I get uncontrollable anger and start quivering, I hate that these monkeys fetishize our women for game. My mom, my sister, my cousins, everytime I see them on their phone I just assume they are texting a black man and arranging to have BBC sessions with him behind me and our fathers back. Everytime I see a girl who is thick with a perfect ass I just assume she is a coal burner or has burned coal before. I hate what this place has done to me, I'm completely shattered and broken over the blacked meme. To the niggers and chinks that keep posting this stuff, fuck you, just know we won't tolerate this and we will snap soon.

Only a Western Communist will talk about race all the time.

hope all the niggers get coronavirus

>when they watch a movie
Fuck off with this normie crap, I haven't bothered with films for years.

If it's too blatantly overt, I'll just stop watching and go do something else. I pick my medical health care professionals according to how closely their ethnicity matches my own. I ignore nearly everyone, regardless of race.

i dont. i literally have stopped watching all forms of (((television/movies))), save the occassional cartoon, because of filthy fucking niggers EVERYWHERE. 13% my ass. i bet its well over 50.

the only exception is my job. its 90% whites, and inherently so because knowledge and labor is involved, and even as far as that goes im about done and ready to drop out of this satanic shitshow to go give life one last shot as an anprim of sorts.


you kikes have ruined EVERYTHING.

I am building up my anger

>black actor
not a problem unless he's playing a historically white character for the purposes of propaganda or race-mixing
>middle eastern dentist
probably not an issue unless he has a big unsanitary beard or stops your teeth cleaning halfway through to pray, in that case I'd switch dentists
>government appointed lawyer
Don't need one since i'm not a criminal, but jews make good lawyers so i'd probably hire one anyways if I needed one since I want a kike fighting in my pit against the opponent's kike.
>Do racists never watch a film with Morgan Freeman or Denzel Washington in it cuz they are black?
We do watch movies with both of them.

You're just retarded and don't understand what "racist" means. If a barge showed up to take all of the nonwhites out of our country i'd help them pack, but I do not have panic attacks whenever I view non-ivory skin in my day-to-day and I even realize that kicking them all out wouldn't be "ALL good" (even though I'd still do it in a second if possible).

t. racist

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most people aren't even racist
it's just an easy way to insult someone
niggers are always testing me, though

There is a difference between being racist and being a 'white supremacist'

>Watching the Talmudvision
Spotted the NPC

meme flag thinks real life is like da moovies. The revulsion is on the inside.

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I like this movie

nice bait

>government appointed lawyer

im sorry youre a nigger but its not my fault desu.

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If it's good you watch it, if not you don't. Racism is just funny, yo

Your mom and sister love them

thats pretty epic but is expected from your kind
I hope you burn leaf

>Do racists never watch a film with Morgan Freeman or Denzel Washington in it cuz they are black?

I used to. I used to listen to black music, but since they started pushing propaganda, i counter that by avoiding anything i can, with non whites in. As a sort of defencive measure. Why are they pushing this actor here? Best for the job? Or want to push an agenda?

So i walk away from it all. People don't like being indoctrinated.

Mfw OP's pic looks like pieces of shit floating in a toilet bowl

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just look at all that disgusting chocolate colored poo

>Do racists never watch a film
No, I don't. Why would I want to watch anything produced by Pozzywood?

This has to be the dumbest OP I've seen today

OP is a faggot. There are plenty of avenues to enjoy white culture and not be bothered with shit skins. I avoid all non white, as well as leftist material.

I look at the name of a doctor before booking an appointment.

As for entertainment, if there is someone black, I just fast forward past those parts.

“Racists” are not the incestuous hill folk frothing at the mouth that Hollywood has led you to believe they are. I don’t hate blacks or asians or anybody. I went to a majority black school when I was a kid and I understand (just like everyone else with similar experiences) that they are not like us and can never be made to be like us. I don’t want any harm to come to them. I just don’t want to live near them. My problem isn’t even with them, it’s with the people trying to relocate “refugees” to my small midwestern town. All that is is someone somewhere trying to change the demographics of a place that isn’t friendly to them.

Jokes on you I only watch old wild west movies where beaners and niggers are being shot at.


How do i avoid shitskins? I go to a museum.

Racism ironically goes against the thing my very conservative father and Trump supporter taught me when I was growing up. My father taught me to judge a person by their individual actions and not as a group.

just because you want an ethnostate doesn't mean you can't enjoy blade

I don't randomly pick a dentist.

It isn't that fucking hard to not be a media whore, just turn that shit off nigger.

Where are all the diverse villians?

Partially Middle Easterner here from my mother's side and we don't watch movies with niggers.

i think i've seen this copypasta before

Usually they tend to verbally harass and abuse their would-be doctors, lawyers, etc. Then if they refuse service to the racist, the racist acts as if it's some great injustice that only affirms their beliefs.

>do you watch movies
No, not really.
>jihadi dentist
Nope, my world is white.
>jewish lawyer
Never needed one, will not employ a kike.

>Unless you live out in the woods in a hut, how the fuck do you deal with everyday life or entertainment in which you will encounter blacks and other minorities a lot of the time?
Youd be surprised how many pure white areas even my tiny country has to offer. Shitskins are poor, so they tend to live in cheap housing, flats... So cities. Not a single selfrespecting white man lives in a city without having a good reason for it.
>Your cities are colonised
Yep, they are. And it hurts. But its never the traditional farmers and labourers that need saving; they are national socialists at heart. What needs saving are the cities.

I write only in cursive so i don't h𝓪ve to de𝓪l with niggers.

and the people that always do this?
Fucking Niggers. you described how niggers act to a fucking T.

movies are a waste of time. they're propaganda. my dentist is white

There are PoC in villain roles, Black Panther, Mandalorian, and Star Wars Resistance have some.
They tend to be roles that don't affirm your racist beliefs tho, for obvious reasons.

I usually just change the channel, my doctor and dentist are white. I feel like it is easy to avoid black people in day to day life, and I am black.

>Nope, my world is white.

oy vey this is such a bad thing

I do the same. I have a huge collection of westerns right here. I doubt everyone else on here watches nothing but westerns tho


The thing is, dear Commie, that the word 'racist' is a clown world term at this point. It's being used in such indiscriminate, illogical, and preposterous ways it practically has no meaning anymore. It's like a blanket insult said by a 10-year-old who gets mad and has nothing to say.. .Y-y-y-ou RACIST!

explain MIB them

>What if your government appointed lawyer is a Jew
yeah fuck all the rest but at some point you have to worry
and this one is pretty different than ''aaagh brown people''

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Funny how racists by and large engage in the very crass, primitive behavior that they believe black people to engage in.

These kinds of racists you speak of who are actually racists in real life are such a slim part of the population. People are just people. We all get along just fine.

That being said, I'm aware enough to never relax around blacks, always assume a Jew is trying to swindle even through the guise of helping, etc. No guy in a hooded white robe rides through town brandishing a noose in today's society but if you aren't aware of the way things just are, you're stupid.

Niggers act exactly like that you faggot. I grew up as a fucking minority in Newark.

racism isn't real

people only judge others based on the data available to them about the behaviour of others, not because of the melanin content of their skin

judging people based on their behaviour is the only logical way to judge people. this is why people have problems with jews and blacks. because of how they behave, not because of their bone structure

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