Why do liberals write the best music?

Why do liberals write the best music?

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talk to bach you little bitch

Look into the mathematics of pop music.
There's literally an equation for catchy melodies and you're being tricked into thinking its good music.

It’s written for them you dense fucking nigger.

Wagner hated kikes.

Conservatives are at work..

Because they dont have jobs and they have the free time to write music.


Liberals? Best music? Bullshit. youtube.com/watch?v=Wp3dNTMbyho /thread

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Because conservatives can't think for themselves. They wait for their cult leader to dictate their thoughts.

Conservatives can't art and humanities
Liberals can't suppress their emotions
Simple as that

boring as fuck

found the nigger jew

Where's the good music been for the last 30 years then?

Can't wait til all you tasteless trannies with poop teeth get herd coof-death.


Why liberal means one thing in US and other in rest of the world and academia.liberal in US = degenerate sjw, liberal usually = person who follows ideologies of liberalism (can be libertarian)

O rly

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liberals are more artistic in general are neurologically more curious and open to new experiences. This is important for pushing boundaries and making creative things.

honestly ive always found people with good taste to be liberal. Its rarely the other way around.

Explain David Allan Coe then.







Same fucking girl. Same exact thread. Fuck!!

Because they're most in tune with their pain

>I only hang out with liberals
>I find only liberal people validate my world view
>I am gay
>I have aids

This is you in your echo chamber and world bubble

that is where you are wrong. Liberals quite literally have a part of their brain inactive that is associated with "arts and humanities".

Because they're meant to entertain us, not vote or run their cock loving mouths regarding big boy subjects like race or politics.

nigger jew

there are a bunch of areas libs perform better in that won't change the problems though

>Substantial claim that I choose to believe because it aligns with my bias.

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Zoomies and Boomies will continue to reply to this thread because Yas Forums has become Facebook 2.0 where people just share their irrelevant opinions about meaningless nonsense

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it's fear, user

i have a conservative trump supporter friend. He's on medicaid and is clearly the stupidest person in my friend group.

Me and my main friends aren't liberal because its cool, we're liberal because we think and discuss things literally all the time.

also we have good taste.

except they quite literally don't perform better in any category.


because the personality of an artist is an emotional, empathetic, impulsive faggot. even many right-wing artists have been like that.

or how about the study itself?

Conservatives make art all the time , they're just not allowed to excel in Hollywood for some strange reason , and whenever a previously established creative conservative speaks out he gets black listed , weird how that happens.
Plus conservatives are less likely to try to make a job out of a pipe dream anyhow

>1 post by this ID

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Jews own the production conpanies and labels.
Liberals dont write the best, only liberals are professionally produced

Why is music lables industry is almoust entirely jewish?

this is never true

define music.

>pic related

oh i see youre just retarded.

get fucked, bitch


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>degenerate pop music based off primitive nigger crooning is the only standard for what's "good"

I guess classical music never existed then huh

>t.deluded liberal i.e. effete snob ironically lacking both class and taste

>t. retard that believes in a sky fairy

They're more creative. They reject order and structure, which is a good thing when it comes to art, but a horrible thing when it comes to society.

too lazy to work
more time on their hands

heavily based

She is LITERALLY A KIKE. How dumb are you motherfuckers.


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>I’m smarter than my parents because my professor told me so

This is the truth.

Burzum. /thread

Because they sit around smoking up instead of working.

Excuse me?

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Also they write the best scripts, science and just about everything else.

The reason is that conservatives are actually retarded.

Each and every one of you are fucking idiots lmao. Should have stopped posting here but instead you're a bunch of fucking drooling retards that are so easily manipulated. This WAS a slide thread and the thread I wanted slid is gone now :)

Best thing is I'll make this thread again tomorrow and all you retards will still reply. Thanks for playing and thanks for helping make Israel great you fucks :)

What the fuck is good taste?

Fucking based


Cock mad slut

Actually a refreshing change to the corona fuckwits harping on.

holy shit lmao

This thread always works to get people distracted. We've been using it for years. You idiots keep falling for it. lmfao you have no idea how easy you idiots are.

You think it's the "best" because you've been indoctrinated into the Beast system your entire life. Most Western music is oozing with sensuality, but you probably are not aware of it at all. If you showed a random pop song to someone a hundred years ago, they would find it unbelievably vulgar.

Go listen to some real music

Yas Forums is full of 70 IQ retards

"adolf" has no good rhyme

artists is general
not even buttmad, it's just true
libshits live in la la land, it's where the passions in life are

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>Mustn't let them talk about all the conspiracies!!
Actually, thank you, keep it up.

as if you know what Bachs personal politics were

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The entire concept of slide threads is so retarded. The only threads that get slided are the ones that have no discussion going on anyway.

the autism is fucking off the chart if known levels of autism
jesus, kill yourself for the safety of mankind

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>guise my exception disproves the rule
fucking fags it shit thread

its manufactured by a computer this new music

where as conservatives try to do it all with instruments and the human spirit or whatever

turns out algorithms can pump out quantity of half decent music faster but the human made music can achieve a higher quality but only on occasion

oh god put the cock back in out mouth, fuck me

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>classical composers mustve been conservatives cuz in 2020 it's a conservative genre
you stupid drooling duck-licking moronic turd-fucker.

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Because (((they))) own all the record companies, all the radio stations including satellite, all of the venues and ticket vendors. It's all curated and has been pretty much since the beginning of recording. Why do you think they came after Zappa and Prince so hard? They had their own label, and distribution, thus they were able to control every aspect of their art. There are a lot of conservative artist but they have been getting deplatformed pretty much forever.