CORONAVIRUS RACISM: Nurse racially attacked by couple while walking to overtime shift

It's not safe to be an Asian in public these days.

>Reizel Quaichon was already "mentally shattered" from "risking her life" working long hours during the COVID-19 crisis when the shock attack happened. Sharing her story on Facebook, Reizel says she was pushed aside and called a “c***” in the "inhumane" incident.

>In a statement she wrote: “Yesterday I was racially abused by a couple at the train station on my way to a night shift at the hospital. “A man elbowed my rib, intentionally pushing me to the side, the female partner then shouted racial abuse saying: “at least we are whites you f***ing c***.”

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I fail to see the issue. Your thoughts are dumb and aren't worth sharing.

fucking anglos are despicable

There's no point in trying to stop the racism at this point, it will continue to get worse. Everyone alive outside of China will hate the Chinese, even leftists (though they won't admit it)

She should have just started coofing, they would have left her alone.

Wow. They are literally repeating the script from 2016/2017 where Muslims were being attacked over Trump's travel ban. Just how fucking retarded are these fucking retards?

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Is there anything more pathetic than a chink trying to get into the racism victim game?

go home brown piggu

Literally no one on earth gives a fuck about "racism" against asian people

fake news D&C bullshit this is how they stoke the fires of actual hatred
leftist media = everyone hates everyone and everyone should hate each other because racism

Agreed. Jesus is in my cock and only comes out when I masturbate.

You are not European, Pajeet

The idea that niggers and kikes would let chinks get a piece of the action is insane.

LoL. What is a "racial attack"?

>“at least we are whites you f***ing c***.”
this is how you know its fake

>at least we are whites you f***ing c***

nobody speaks like this in real life

Chinks and gooks are actually the one Group that DESERVES to be hated on based on race. They Always, ALWAYS try to gain Reputation for their whole racial Group.
They will Always say shit like "chinese don't do this" , "chinese People are very humble", "chinese People are very orderly" and so on even if it only concerns them as a single Person.
You'll never hear a pajeet say this shit or a nigger, because they see themselves as an individual.

>even leftists (though they won't admit it)
the animal videos definitely get to them

>things that never happened

Reminder that entering one of the special categories of "victim groups" is akin to winning the lottery in modern society

This happened for sure. Me and my wife always make sure to yell "at least we are white" at asians daily.

Fak U Batsoup Poop

As a dedicated racist, I can confirm we don't sound like that.

I would say that unironically, but this zipperhead is making shit up

Damn things got fucking based in a hurry.

She's actually kinda pretty.

This is called attention seeking. Chinks can be bigger drama queens than niggers. Incidentally niggers attack chinks all the time in the US and nobody talks about it.

I would shag this monkey-looking bitch.

correct, these fake dialogues are so easy to spot.

And then everyone clapped.

>this one possibly fake random atypical case needs your urgent attention, ignore 100000 rapes every day in the cUcK

the far-left media and brainwashing machine is literally going insane

>I'm a racist, I want to punch asians and kill them all
>but this story about this asian person getting insulted is just unbelievable

this is just CCP propaganda. didnt happen

>going insane
Welcome to 8 years ago.

Well maybe she should go back to chingy chang chong land then

Coronavirus seems to have exacerbated racial divisions and reversed some parts of social justice activism which is why I hope the government will step in and further regulate human behavior in order to thrwart both systemic and episodic racism. I hope places like this get recognized as vitriolic, hatemongering abominations, get closed down and all the people shamelessly participating in the brazen racism here get finally incarcerated for their inexcusable demeanor and are stripped of human rights. Human rights cannot be granted to people capable of such inhumane levels of racism which is why I hope all of you get what you deserve which is shame and suffering. I hope no person of color ever sets their eyes on this cesspit of hatred and gets subjected to this level of racism, all of you should be permanently prevented from being able to air an opinion on any matter. This is just too much.

>imagine feeling like you are better than someone because of your skin color
is there anything more pathetic than white niggers

>things that never happened

>My statement wrote

can't wait for the story about this being a total fucking lie in 3 days.


>A man elbowed my rib, intentionally pushing me to the side

Lmao of course that happened

>mfw hoax

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Why do nurses constantly congratulate themselves for doing their job when doctors don't do this?

this. the one bug tells us they represent all bugs.

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>Its not safe to be an asian anymore
And thats a good thing.

Yes yes, they need chinese police in america otherwise no tourists. China numba wan and all that.

Every woman I've ever fucked, dated, has fucked or dated a friend of mine, or that I've otherwise gotten to know well -- they all have a story of abuse they pull out of nowhere for attention at some point. Usually it's daddy, sometimes an ex. They're not gonna falsely accuse their dads on public record so their story is going to be strangers since it can't be disproved, and it will be chink-related because that's the sympathy flavor of the week. Expect a lot of these now that the first dumb bitch thought of it, a million will follow.

They just posted a pic of the alleged perp.

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Black ones.

Good. She's taking up a house and a job and now social media space and pages in the news that would otherwise be occupied by white people

Press X to doubt

Asians are racist themselves and don't have feelings anyways. Fuck this whore.

>at least we are whites you f***ing c***
She's watched too much TV.

They need to just quit trying. The niggers, spics, and redskins have a monopoly on the market.

>And then everybody clapped

Juicy Smolet taught her well.

If Chinese Flu is racist what would they think about the Gook Flu or the Zipperhead Flu?

no one gives a fuck.


How about the dogs and other animals that they innocently skin alive for an agonizing long time? Can she talk about?

>things that i totally didnt made up for attention

Lying chink. She's probably spreading it in the hospital somehow. LOCK UP ALL THE ASIANS NOW!

>Fake hate crime

I’d love to take her temperature.

Asians are so fucking fragile lmao

It's straight out of an episode of Law & Order

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Women are so inferior, the transgressions that occur towards men on a daily is nothing compared to this mundane shit.