What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot_20200317-155807.png (2048x1057, 399.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Me good they bad

White people are the enemy

Its the end of the line for satanists


They live, we sleep.
Jews user. He’s talking about the Jews.

You don’t think he mean them right

certainly not the jews

Attached: Im your best option fellow goyim.jpg (236x247, 12.55K)

jews are everyone's enemy

He's going to war against CO2

They are hidden from normie sight.

Maybe he is talking about the virus.

He is talking about God.

He could be referring to what I read in Wall Street beta a few days ago.


Fever hallucinations

Este uruguayo es una mierda, arruina todos los hilos que en los que aparece.

Encima es bruto schizo.


Holy shit

Jews. What else could it be

Attached: 1559607268811.jpg (640x632, 155.76K)

who could this hidden enemy be?

Attached: 1581776058576.jpg (750x742, 375.47K)

Fuck you. Hail Satan!

checked and based rhodesiaboo

>Correct answer
Corona virus.

>Correcter answer
Mole people.

They're hidden in the ground. You've been warned.

you are no fun
it is much more fun to obsess over the the seventeenth letter of the alphabet and glow in the dark deep state new world order

Poop face break down shut up

Dark room baby sleeps, baby cries. Make the baby sleep once more


The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids who are causing AI mossad deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation Monsanto fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to use CERN vaccines to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan.

Him and his Jewish cronies will finally purge the goyim.

Tot siens Mugabe!

Attached: 340[1].jpg (340x187, 11.72K)

The deep state

smol enemi

Attached: pusheen no, small.png (237x232, 3.56K)

>Hidden enemy.

Yea until an enemy is named and labeled by the popular group. Holy shit this is exactly how dictatorships are started.

It’s the ... Germans again?

Lizard People.

It means the great awakening is coming

Rhodesia isn't dead but Mugabe is!
Rhodesia never dies
Rhodesian international brigade

Attached: IanSmith.jpg (468x519, 43.66K)

Attached: 2EF9D714-788E-4A55-A548-856EC6E824C8.jpg (636x827, 161.15K)

Ek se.

Attached: IMG_20200317_145438.jpg (960x892, 49.36K)



>hidden enemy
He is referring to the sealed indictments of "white supremacist terrorists" put together against users of Yas Forums.

Seoulos Scouts Cavalry standing by!

Attached: Rhodesia Horse Troop Mt Darwin 4.jpg (800x507, 186.95K)

Not the heckin molerinos! Are they juden too?!

soon brothers

Attached: Melander_and_Hupli_RLI_1977_simulation_1.jpg (798x599, 186.15K)

I doubt it. It's Russia who will save the world from a big evil, as predicted by Our Lady of Fatima.
Also, it's going to be around the time when a pope dies.

Going back to a gold standard would cause a disparity of epic proportions. No rational person would ever want this. This would cause literally civil wars in every country. Shiny rocks are stupid as shit. The determinants of economy are multifaceted and would need a derivative approach from a basket of agreed upon inputs similar to what our US policies already do. Any gold shill is either incredibly moronic or just that shill for gold.

How many of those words triggered some kind of sensor I wonder

I was going to call you a retard for taking anything from wsb seriously then I read it, it actually makes sense, probably the first logical thing I’ve ever read on there.

I felt the same way until I read it, it’s waaay to well thought out and researched. It does seem like someone is manipulating our system.

Cierra el culo, prostituta uruguaya

Chinksects and Jews.

Time to purge the planet of these two verminous races.

Guys is it actually happening? I can't take anymore disappointment.


Based trump uniting the nation by making it possible for every American to afford both next gen consoles, eliminating console wars

Confirmed. The 3rd Temple just flew over my goy shack.

He finally took the redpill, gas chamber for Kushner soon

Yas Forums got him elected.

Hes clearly talking about the globalist.

This is obviously a call for another holocaust.

Attached: They Live, Gematria.png (647x584, 161.33K)