Attached: Screenshot_20200317-214256.jpg (720x1440, 334.36K)

Other urls found in this thread: 1-d&geo=US&q=jimmy comet

The pendulum has swung right. Even on Reddit people are tired of the SJW LGBTQI+ bullshit.

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Perhaps the real Jew was the Jew we Jewed along the way.

seems to just be image searches now
last night web searches were even returning Yas Forums threads, but that seems to have stopped again
now searching for Yas Forums pol just returns the usual we're all nazis links

fake and gay

inb4 glownigger

>SJW LGBTQI+ bullshit
what the fuck does that have to do with the tragically martyred 6 gorillion?

Left looks stronger


What the fuck has happened at Google?!?!?!!?! The GOYIM will know if we don't have these protections in place.

Kys jew. Go eat some plants and kys

Attached: 1577289270252.png (645x773, 56.38K)

checked and OY VEY!

Attached: 1584420200005.jpg (1898x946, 287.38K)

The libshits are 'working' from home posting anit-hoarder and I'm so lonely memes.

The AI is running that shit exclusively now. As it was originally built to be run.

Hrmm I’m thinking it’s back on the table boys

Attached: E3305F64-EEC9-4F63-A74B-4612C4D61D2B.jpg (1242x889, 321.9K)

straight into the honey pot you go

That’s no foundation vs. foundation. It’s makeup.

Attached: shutitdown.jpg (180x280, 8.37K)

Google is actually usefull now

Attached: 6millionmillions.jpg (1855x679, 270.54K)

Now this is a real happening

Has anyone tried "white couples" or "white childrens"?

Attached: 2.png (615x383, 29.97K)

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Attached: 2.png (629x243, 19.27K)

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Attached: 2.png (659x311, 25.48K)

Are you saying, it’s quite possible, we Jewed the Jew by memeing in the most Jew dick sucking president in history, in an epic case of reverse Jew psychology?!?!
Can this be real?

too little too late, those responsible and any relatives need to be eradicated

but google always showed /pol,Yas Forums and threads from other boards, what's your point?

think about what they were actually trying to do

Big if true

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I'm not buying it

Attached: Screenshot_20200317-130320_Chrome.jpg (1079x1677, 614.79K)

The moderators died of corona

This is controlled opposition.

Attached: 1562742054505.png (954x636, 388.74K)

these passes for white in america.

this was yesterday too, fags

fucking kek

I'm sure it's just because they are working from home and it's temporary.

At least it's something

Attached: dripple.png (1229x357, 13.55K)

just checked and filters are still on

Left looks diseased and you’re horribly unhealthy.

I get those same results on other search engines. You have to keep in mind that part of this depends on the keywords associated with the content on those sites, which the search engine has no control over.


Attached: jew shut it down billboard.jpg (556x420, 188.58K)

Jews literally lost their battle in jewing the jewish jew.

we have broken containment

Attached: Capture.png (1630x1247, 103.02K)

no we haven't

This is about all you're getting about 50/50

Attached: Screenshot_20200317-151647.png (1080x2160, 1.97M)

Fo real, what the heck?

Attached: 7BB8F10A-D251-4C5D-A8A4-EDD91796F9FD.jpg (1125x782, 150.16K)


We are the chilllldrennnn!

their algorithms can't "see" pictures, they only look at keywords associated with those pictures by the websites that are hosting them, and they look at the click-through rate of people who search for term X and then click on picture Y. AI that can "understand" what a "white person" or "black person" is hasn't been fully developed yet and Google hasn't deployed anything like that in their image search engine.

This isn't the same as censorship though. They might have made the algo simply replace white with black while concealing it, when people make the search with that string (white + couple or family etc.)

Saw an article YouTube is saying their content curators are off work and ai algos are doing everything

instead of giving you what they want you to look at the algorithm now just tries to give you what you actually asked for

the filters aren't off, they simply changed the filtering AI which is now re-training itself to be even further dystopic
pic related, "sensitive" shit is still censored

Attached: 1559958101836.png (492x182, 6.86K)


I have seen some people going off on anti racist threads... by anti racist i mean people calling it the kung flu and people being mad over that.

exactly, the censorship was just simple word filters. people seem to severely overestimate how sophisticated Google's tech really is. It's actually very simplistic stuff, the main reason for their success was their ability to rapidly scale up their simple tech to be able to handle massive amounts of traffic quickly and reliably, with a pleasant interface and make it completely free for the users without very intrusive ads. but people just assume that because they're a big rich tech company then therefore they must have some super sophisticated and complex code or something. they don't.

>Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

What's with the number 33? If you google coronavirus 33 you'll get loads of news results with 33 in the headline.

Searching white family still shows a bunch of niggers but not as bad as before. strange

Other search engines use google.

When I searched, IME, it never brought up the catalog, it’s bring up an expired thread, or a thread of “who is whiter Yas Forums?” followed by numerous MSM articles about basically how shitty this place is because they can’t control the narrative as well here.

This is a containment universe

Why would a couple sjw’s being off work prevent these filters from working?

Kys doomer fag

hiking is still racist too

Attached: Racist hike.png (1226x798, 143.29K) 1-d&geo=US&q=jimmy comet

I haven't seen any evidence about people being off work. Last I heard, all 100k US Google employees are working from home. I'm thinking it's either a bug, or they did it on purpose. People have speculated it might be because of their deal with Trump, maybe he ordered it or made it part of the deal. Or maybe they're just trying to get ahead of having their Section 230 immunity removed.

china has left the chat?

Still aren't telling the truth about flight #297

no i tested it on naver, yandex, baidu, qwant, and yahoo japan
white american family shows niggers on every search engine
european art or european history also shows niggers

nice pfp

Time to fuck with google then, every user it is your duty to type into google “hitler did nothing wrong” at least a thousand times.

poetry. pure poetry.