>Australians get free gibs from their government
>Americans will get free gibs from their government
>Australians get free gibs from their government
>Americans will get free gibs from their government
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Because you already spent the money on socialism, you dumb dumbies.
it is kinda funny.. really, we're supposed to be the communists.
>you can only implement socialism if you don't have socialism
American turbo logic.
Ive been getting free gibs since 2001
All the countries you listed are full-time capitalists, they can afford to do this once in a while. Commie countries like you can't, you blew your wad on socialism/communism already.
This is a treat, not the new rule.
>Even Peru has gibs for the informal job extreme poorfags from its unspent budget from previous years
We do get money though
>europoors can't even afford a brr brr money machine
That money is for refugees
Because Ahmed and Jamal need that money, how do you think he will rape your woman with his stomach empty?
Actually we get it
You got to pay for free housing for all the muslim refugees, euro user. While you are at work, they (unemployed) will be robbing your house. :)
aight, hate to kill the lulz.. but the truth is, Scandinavian governments are implementing measures that make sure private businesses don't go belly up; they will receive funds to stay afloat and pay their workers and the public sector will receive the same pay as always.
OP is a troll, they get paid just to go to college
Why do burgers have an obsession with Europe and Muslims. You lot shouldn’t fucking throw stones you had a Muslim mut president who turned Minnesota, Wisconsin and Maine into Muslim shit holes plus the thousands of niggers who are already Muslims. Check yourselves.
EU is dead, this is the final blow
doubt it.. but aside from that, how are you guys doing in Spain? I hear it's full martial law?
not me
I am working for burger company, paid in Crypto. I am not registered as a NEET and neither employed
american muslims are tame compared to the muslims in europe. i’ve never met a muslim that i couldn’t completely wreak.
>i’ve never met a muslim that i couldn’t completely wreak
But you did manage to wreck your own language.
>implying e1000 euros isnt enough to feed a standard interracial household in the USA without needing to sell food stamps for TP and blacked.com subscription for an entire year
You seriously what nigger?
Not martial, just "state of alarm". You can't leave home, unless to go working.
Public transport was reduced to 50%, so they are full every day, it's going to get worse.
They are preparing the martial law for next weeks.
Damn.. sorry to hear that.
But you do get, why are you lying?
where and how in the fuck are you doing that?
>martial law for next weeks
Because we are paying feminism, homosexuals, transexuals, abortions, lesbians, women studies, climate change, islam, niggers, gypsies, jews, etc...
We pay for everyone else to be rich and live a comfy life without working.
We even moved our industry to china, morocco, turkey..
Actually he's 100% correct, oil lesbian.
Waste all your money on gibs for spastics for decade after decade and guess what, you won't have much left over for when you need it.
Now fuck off.
Only Australians who get free gibs are old cunts and poor cunts on the dole already. Actual people get nothing.
I can fucking confirm.
Enjoying those migrants :)
we got too cocky euro neetbros
>Australians get free gibs from their government*****************
I earn 700AUD/week which is very poor and I get nothing.
The only receivers of gibs are those on welfare payment because the government knows that they are most likely to actually go and spend it irresponsibly on bullshit. Also, pensioners and boomers get the payments because they overwhelmingly vote for the governing party.
You're not even in the EU so why do you want Euros?
Man as a American I never thought I would actually get NEETbucks as a non nigger with 15 mouth breathing kids
I want to donate my gibs to a Yas Forumsbro
Starve some more, store prices.
It's the same story in the USA except people are colder and more violent and selfish here. You can work all you want to get looked down on by women and eventually be a lucky guy who gets to buy a special someone a pair of leather boots that were made in Vietnam.
>mfw america becomes a inflated socialist country in our memelifetimes
To all the wagies out there crying and who were fucking seeeeething swearing that NEETS wouldn't get our god damn bucks. It was our birthright, we have finally made it my brothers! congress.gov
Because Anglos are the masters of the universe
shut up
It's coming bro! Every EU nation already announced business stimulus. MORE WILL COME!! THIS IS THE END OF THE LINE FOR THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. The central banks don't know what to do. The liquidity problem persists whil they're throwing TRILLIONS at the problem. Giving it to normal people is they're move of last resort!
Because Dollars are superior, Europoor.
Because you have no control over your money-printers.
The kike does and he doesnt give a flying fuck about you
>>you can only implement socialism if you don't have socialism
uh, actually, yea. you can only implement an idea, if it hasnt been implemented yet.
>but guys you can implement something thats already implemented
danish logic.
*not registered as employed
Got into contact with a company working with cryptocurrency. The salary is 17,000kr just smashing my hands on the keyboard for 30 hours a month.
Pretty chill job, a big reason why coronavirus didn't affect me at all as I can work anywhere, but wish I could have 10,000kr extra one month.
you've spent it on sandniggers
>Danish implementation paradox
Sounds like a worthy addition to the iceberg conspiracy meme
Here you can check it yourself, since you are a neet you can get direct economic aid and even a place to live.
so you're working black?
Post the in store prices, leaf.
Cant wait for faggot trudeau to announce neet bux for me. Based Canada looks after its population
not really, I am going to call Skatteetaten on how to file my taxes for this.
>Implying the American government runs on a budget surplus and has money 'left over'
They just magic the money out of thin air
More debt to the debt clock
but I am technically employed. I'm not entitled to neetbux
can confirm
>Americans will get free gibs from their government
wait, what?? really? havent heard this
Unless you get minimum wage then you are not eligible for extra economic aid.
Hey now, our companies are getting millions! So there’s that! Meanwhile go to work Sven no quarantine PAY.THOSE.TAXEEEEEEEEEES!
Billions fick sake
You europoor will get run over by a truck of peace
shut up