What's your opinion on Native American people?

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They are the exact same thing as spics but revered and not hated.

My family has a long history with native Americans. Or as we call them, "savages".

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aren't most of them half white now

im native, it owns

>free healthcare
>casino money
>white people fear me i may cast spells on them

actually, you may think they are Mexicans but they are actually a completely different ethnicity.

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My girlfriend is a prairie nigger and she's gotten a masters degree paid in full thanks to the white man. She also gets money from her tribe's casino and gets discounts at hotels and restaurants when we go on vacation up north.
>t. Michiganfag

I don’t really mind them.


Some are based, most are the opposite though.

Source: personal experience

I am in Michigan too

That's like saying French and Ukrainians are the same.

or spanish yeah

dead weight

Imagine giving Siberian migrants pretty stones, casinos and shit instead of just taking over their land. LMAO, westcucks never change.

We should’ve killed them off entirely, that’s the one thing Andrew Jackson failed at. If they weren’t around today, Americans wouldn’t have to be guilt tripped over us taking over native land.

As any canadian will tell you, Andrew Jackson had the right idea.

I've been seeing a lot of Michigan anons on here, lately. Especially after the Shanghai Shivers started infecting everyone.
How long do you think it will be before they start curfews and the negro begins to riot?

only the Aztecs. The Native that are from south america that mixed with the Spanish and became south Americans and Mexicans.

European flu killed them so they couldnt fight back.

Are there even any pure blooded native Americans left? It's a shame

They fought us hard and made us earn our westward expansion. We should have honored them with the.warriors death they deserved and wiped them from our lands, instead on putting them on reservations and making them a spectacle and relic of the past for our entertainment while they slowly rot away.

Part Native American here in Oklahoma.
My brother once said that any Indians who were worth a shit bred out with white people and the ones that are left are not only undesirable and bottom of the bucket but also inbred by now.

Made a lot of sense to me.

they don't really bother me. there are few of them and they don't seem concerned with undermining the western man.

Not too long fellow Michigander.
Governor Whitmer will make it happen.

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I'm ok with them as long as they stay in Mexico where they belong

Most Canadians disagree with you, you little faggot.

You can keep the bitch.

They got fucked over am did nothing wrong would u believe the Canadian government had a secret sterilization program on them
He’ll u can rape a native on their land an u run back law can’t touch u
But if they kill u it’s ok
Which is fair I guess
But settlers got greedy for the land an now u need cars to make those long distamces

Arrange marriage n breed right away

We’ll stop drinking n doing drugs n lose some weight
Your old school ancestors are hotter then u

They're forgotten citizens, all anons should send them the unneeded blankets of dead corona-chan victims as a sign of goodwill

Yes, if not more so. You can still find genuine Natives in Alaska, Arizona, and New Mexico. Anywhere else, and it's always 95%+ whites with blue eyes claiming Cherokee or Sioux heritage, and how oppressive their people were.
Anything for gibs.

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I'm retarded, but not as much as Elizabeth 1/1050 Warren.

They can be really bad drunks.

Never give the natives firewater, user. My dad taught me that years ago.
I've seen tree niggers remain civil when drinking beer, but the moment you give them some hooch they go off the fucking rails.

When I was like 7 or something my family went to some Native event gathering. Lots of good food and one elder did a cool dance, chanted to the sky, and shot fire out of his mouth. Definitely one of the most interesting things I've witnessed.
t. arizona

>never invented the wheel
>never had steel
>never had sustainable agriculture that could feed all of the people
>horses are from Europe
don't give a shit about these sub-humans

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drinking Ayahuasca with Shipibo people and taking peyote with the Huichol - that's the only real contact i had with Native Americans.
your image fits very well.

>beautiful start with flute

Edmonton here.

They’re a plague worse than corona. They have their own crime units, they flood ambulance calls weekly, they abuse women and animals, they don’t understand their own heritage and are unironically endlessly racist. In America certain tribes owned slaves after it was outlawed because they didn’t believe in the morality of western civilization.

They also don’t comprehend that they didn’t adapt to eating wheat like whites so they always end up fat and pear shaped. They destroy the environment their culture is based around and obsess over government gibs.

From a personal anecdote, every good native I grew up with ended up a burnout, addict or pothead with zero urge to better themselves.

You can respect their dying traditions but stay away from them. After another 100 years of natives saying their oppressed despite being on a pedestal, people will begin to ask why the culture and people aren’t flourishing. It’s just a waiting game.

I fucking hate wagon burners.

r u single

Also that tune is Scottish

My Native American bro once ate a whole pillow, then pulled out his cock and pissed while spinning his whole body at speeds a man that fat should be incapable of.

This is a true statement.

Whats your opinion about X brown people group?
>fuck em
same plainware pottery folks

you could say the same about most nomadic people, like the uralics and mongols

>They also don’t comprehend that they didn’t adapt to eating wheat like whites so they always end up fat and pear shaped

what are you supposed to feed them?

proof that genocide works

Sure, buddy. But what have you ever done?

Ok simp


People have to learn how to eat for themselves. People are fucked when it comes to what they eat. Come on, are you married to a nutritionist?

I worked on an ambulance in a reservation. Do all of you still have class 3 jaws and speech impediments still, or are you still trying to be like the ghetto niggers in America since you love your culture so much?

"Simp" ok bud, go suck Leon Draisaitl's dick, I know you want to.

i only eat chicken and spinach, and im fine user

I don't like them.

i'm wondering what their staples were. meat, nuts, and other wild stuff?

I'd rather be like a black ball player than some dude bitching about minorities on Yas Forums when it's literally happening.

Depends where you lived. On the plains, lots of wild red meat, other supplements. Red meat is key for micronutrients.

our brethren against the eternal imperialists

>building a nation on an indian burial ground

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That's just disrespectful. If Wal-Mart is what being a white man is all about to you, I can't help your faggot ass.

How’s the reserve? Still crime ridden? Face tattoos? Maybe try joining white society sometime instead of crying about our success you cheap teepee Neanderthal.

100 times better than niggers

Cha! Not even buddy! I dirty sniitch! Get back to yer job white boi! You talk like like u think ur a gangster but ur just a white boy buddy! *gets beaten by drunk uncle running bear*

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Celtic music and spirit truly is beautiful. Thankfully it's still alive and well, just misdirected

this is what happens when people let their identity fall by the wayside. this could be white americans if we don't get our act together.

>shitskin detected