Italian crematoriums cannot cope with 250~350 deaths per day

“Unfortunately, we don’t know where to put them,” said Brother Marco Bergamelli, one of the priests at the church. He said that with hundreds dying each day, and with each body taking more than an hour to cremate, there was an awful backlog. “It takes time and the dead are many.”

really, REALLY makes me think

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Back in the plague they just tossed them into a pit. Easy solution.

> 6,000,000

wrong pic

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Maybe certain unsaid ethnic/religious groups burn faster and cleaner.

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>each body taking more than an hour to cremate
w-w-wait a second


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Oyyyyy veyyyyy

Coffins and cremation are kike inventions.

Men should just take the bodies and bury them to let the organic matter return to the natural cycle.

How many cookies?

Well yeah if you waste time and energy putting them in coffins first... just pile the bodies up in the back of a pick up dump truck and use it to dump them into a giant cremator

oh no


Corona-Chan, the gift that keeps on giving

>6 Quattuordecillion

I firmly believe that Cookie Monster didn't bake any more than 300,000 cookies and if that makes me antisemetic then so be it

but the germans did 600,000,000 cremations a day with only 4 pizza ovens..... i think we all need to start asking some questions here...

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You guys are idiots. Nazi Germany literally built enough crematories to handle that many Jewish prisoners, the Italians don't have the same amount so of course they'd be having problems.

Cremation should be nationally mandated now. I’ve got boomers piling up in my refrigerator now because all these fucking families want to keep grandma on ice for three months so everyone can attend their christcuck funeral service.

>Nazi Germany literally built enough crematories
how many exactly?

me heard 6 long nose man die in holobunga. but 6 a lot. no fire burn 6 bodies in 1 hour. holobunga math not add up

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l-let's not look into these numbers goyim, it would be very anti-semitic

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Germans help them out!

They should ask Germany for advice

Maybe Germany and Ukraine can open all their camps back up and use the Nazi models that worked at 200x efficiency of modern capability.

hmmmmm. Really activates the almonds.

>Maybe Germany and Ukraine can open all their camps back up

dont forget poland

they can always put bodies in giant freezer and then just shatter the bodies.

Oy vey

I hear Auschwitz had the same problem toward the end of the war.

I will never forget polish dead camps.

Huh, so using the math of an hour per body, and the official Auschwitz stats of 4400 bodies per day in 46 ovens... Huh still doesn't make any sense, unless the Nazis developed crematory ovens that were over 4 times as efficient as the ones used 80 years later

Is this some kind of stealth Holocaust redpill?

Thats antisemetic

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Specifically old fat women. They really good for kindling

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i heard the nazis made jews spontaneously combust to speed up the process

really makes you think

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ah, the german efficiency

Not surprised, must be one of those little villages mostly populated by old people who are quickly dying out because of the virus.

Where's Hitler when you need him.

I thought it was really easy to burn bodies? Some calculations I did using historical data indicated you could burn a body to nothing in 5 mins in the 40s. Why have we gone backwards?

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Cool it with the anti-semitism


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Base 211.

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That has to be fake


let the bodies hit the floor?

Do not think about it, goy

I couldn't find the 2d one, maybe he pruned it quickly after because oy vey.

He is right. We aren't trying hard enough to burn the bodies. Corona virus confirmed as nothing burger.

10/10 would impregnate

we have no choice but to consult the forbidden technology

which means the holocaust is fake?

Need to get advice from the Germans obv

this roague golem needs to be SHUTDOWN

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Newer scholarship estimates on the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust range somewhere in between 5.4 million people and 6.2 million people. This has to do with a problem in evidence. Despite the stereotype of the Nazis being super bureaucratic and writing everything down, they did in fact not keep an exact tally, especially where shootings and the extermination camps of Operation Reinhard as well as the non-Reinhard camp of Chelmno was concerned. Furthermore, the Nazis did indeed try to hide what they were doing, with which I deal here.

In order to arrive at the total figured, the methods historians' use is combining direct estimates, i.e. the number of victims in concentration camps, extermination camps, through killing squads plus all additional material about killed people, with methods of indirect statistical comparison, i.e. population statistics before and after the war. By combining the two methods and looking for a convergence of evidence on one range of figures versus another, we can estimate figures with a high degree of confidence. Given the lack of complete population statistics this number still has a margin of error (that's the reason for the range between 5.4 and 6.2 million) but not a margin of error so large that 6 million suddenly become 3 million or just hundred thousand.

its oiffically happening

Wuhan Wuhan We Got Ya All In Check
Wuhan Wuhan We Got Ya All In Check

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Let me show you how this works:

One key source is the so-called Korherr Report. Richard Korherr was the head of the SS statistics bureau and in March 1943 he compiled a report about the decrease in Jewish population in Europe from 1932 to December 1942. He arrives at the conclusion that through normal decrease due to the death rate, due to emigration and due to German policy, the number of Jews in Europe has decreased about 4 million from 32 to 42. With regards to about 1.2 million Jews, he uses the phrase "Es wurden durchgeschleust durch die Lager im Generalgouvernement" (Guided through the camps in the General Government), which was what Himmler suggested he use instead of "Sonderbehandlung" (special treatment). This is Nazi code language for killed. So we know that by December 42, the head of the SS office for statistics gives a number of killed Jews that is 1.2 million.

However, several things need to be looked at in addition to the number Korherr gives here. First of all, the number of 1.2 million Korherr gives here seems to be correct in relation to the Operation Reinhard extermination camps. We can verify this number using the Höfle Telegram. The Höfle Telegram is an intercept from British intelligence. Sent originally on January 11, 1943 by Hermann Höfle, who was Odilo Globocnik's deputy in Operation Reinhard - the killing of the Jews of the General Government in the camps of Sobibor, Treblinka, and Belzec - it details the number of Jews that have arrived at the Operation Reinhard Camp by January 1943 and it also arrives at a total number of 1.2 million. So, using the Korherr Report with back up from the Höfle Telegram, we can assert with certainty that by January 1943, 1.2 million Jews had been killed in the Operation Reinhard Camps.

They should ask Germany to help

What did the germans use 80 years ago?
That was effecient.

>with each body taking more than an hour to cremate, there was an awful backlog. “It takes time and the dead are many.”
Stop being so antisemitic


From the Korherr Report it is also possible to assert that Korherr did not have the Einsatzgruppen numbers. This comes from the Korherr Report itself where Korherr writes that he didn't count the Jews in Russia and on the frontline. The Einsatzgruppen reports are available to us. From June 1941 on, the Einsatzgruppen send detailed reports about their activities in the Soviet Union to Himmler and various other agencies. From those we can assert that by late 1941 the Einsatzgruppen killed at least 500.000 Jews in the Soviet Union. With the second round of killing that is less well documented, the total number of victims of the Einsatzgruppen by 43 comes through a variety of sources to about 1.5 million people. That combined with the numbers we have from Korherr shows that by mid-43 3 million Jews were already dead. And that does not account for the Jews killed in Auschwitz, the Jews killed in Poland during the operations in 1939, the Jews of Serbia being killed by the Wehrmacht and by gas van, the Aktion Harvest Festival in the Majdanek camp, the killing of the Hungarian Jews in 1944 and so on.