CORONA PREP /comfy edition/

Post em lads

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Schizo thread

Take your fucking meds

Bretty gud. Guns?

I'm sure I'm already on a list, may as well get pictures tonight

plenty of guns but im not posting them


Do you honestly think the water is going to stop flowing?

ngl, that's impressive

ya never know

With the amount of shitskins in this country?
yes I believe a total collapse is possible

I hope you scrubbed the metadata from your photos....

Yeah dont post guns

Where’s the liquor.

I wish we weren't no guns, best I have is a axe and some chainmail.
Also the amount of plebs I talk to who have brought no extra food is nuts. Don't have to full a kitchen but get some extra cans and shit.

4chinz does it automatically but also yes I did

Good looking prep.
Wishing you many placid days beneath the earth's surface and timely forewarning from raiders.


>storing your propane next to your food
retard alert



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Good, I plan on being buzzed if I get quarantined.

Where’s your deep freezer?

>Tfw work at grocery store as a 3rd shift stock clerk
>Tfw I get prime pickings from the latest truck before customers pour in

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Family tier

Blowjob tier

Little dick manlet tier

Rational intellectual tier

Not gonna make it tier

Where's the fucking water tier

Hotel mini-bar tier

in the garage full of meat

lol rated each of my pics individually
get this boy some neetbux

Are you Mormon?

What happened to all your alcohol?

>Prepping for something that is over

moved it by the medicine fren

>take your meds schizo
meanwhile the same people who say shit like this about prepping are the ones that were panicking and throwing the grocery supply line into fucking chaos the moment a state of emergency was declared. Fuck you.

>get this boy some neetbux

Already got my stash thanks. But I suppose I can finally buy something fun besides a gun. Always wanted a snowmobile. Do you think they'll still be snow on the other side of this thing, or will Greta be right?

Your stash has been my goal
I hope you and your family thrive in the new world

Well let’s see it Mr Bat-Eater



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It's just the fucking flu

You guys are fucking schizos

Get rekt noprepper

This is gonna pass on like a month and you are all going to feel fucking stupid

Maybe, but I live in Miami. So now I’m hurricane prepped.

Thanks for volunteering to be one of the first people FEMA visits when they start confiscating people's stashes.

You dont store water on or against concrete- over time it will react with the plastic and poison the water- put it on a piece of carboard or a palate or something.

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stop stop my cock can only get so hard
ill put them on a rug my bad

Awesome work OP, do you have any magazines or electric generators to help pass the time?

Sit down, kid.

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Did anyone else go the extra mile a taint a portion of their stash with rat poison?
I marked the packages obviously but want to make sure if I get looted someone suffers.
Is it legal?

Do you know who works at the water treatment plants? Humans.

If you live in a big city, there's chance.

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I got some books to get through

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Post cats

Yeah what am I going to do with all this non perishable food

this guy doin it right

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Oh btw
I bought caution tape, biohazard signs and quarantine signs. When people start looting I'm gonna make my house looks like disease central

Obvious data collection thread is obvious. Enjoy getting raided by the feds

Belvita biscuits are a must

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my stash !

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Good lad- spread the word.

Based. I have two.