Observations from shopping today

This nation is a disgrace. Fucking fatties in motorcarts stocking up and Pepsi and cheese puffs. In all honesty I wish this virus was real and would cull the herd. Obese fucking slobs.

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>fatties in motorcarts
Isnt it a meme? I mean can you really see that shit in common supermarket?

One tank isn't enough to defeat Germany.

you'd be surprised
visit a supermarket in any of the southern states of america, you'll see at least a handful of these hippos scootin around

Unfortunately, yes Ivan. You can see them everywhere else too. It's not as frequent as some euros would have you believe, but it's a pretty regular thing. Everyone dislikes them, except other fatties.

>Isnt it a meme? I mean can you really see that shit in common supermarket?

No meme. Its fucking gross what has happened

that needs to be purged from existence

M4 Sherman making it's way through the Alps (spring 1944, colourized)

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They bought all the fucking chicken breast. Like for real? Actual food is the last the thing you fat fucks actually need.

how pathetic is it to get that fat and not kill yourself

how long can one of these fat people survive with only water? I bet they would outlast everyone else in an apocalypse

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Over a year. Might need some electrolytes that's about it.

>that look of disgust
that's the fattest airplane I've ever seen

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you seem to think it's normal, but these people only exist in the US

M36 Jackson moving into Alsace to reinforce resistance forces.

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I don't see anything.

Damaged LVT-2 Water Buffalos awaiting repairs near Juno Beach (Saint-Aubin, France).

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She has a condition user. Stop fat shaming her. How would you feel if you would have such HEALTH problems?

is it possible for human to obtain such a form without chemistry radiation?

diabetes must have taken ur eyesight, fatlord.

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Group of M18 Hellcats patrolling unidentified seaside village (1943, Italy)

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>cull the herd
based and seedpilled

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I think it is only possible if you were crazy fat since childhood. It is almost impossible to overcome it if you always were fat.

Her health problem is eating carbohydrates.

Looks like someone kept stuffing his pants with straw with the unnatural bends he has lol

He's a semi-portable bearer suitable for block chock points like doors.

Refueling near Aachen (late october 1944).

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What's truly sad is that this is a more socially acceptable form of being a drug addict

I live in the south and do see this occasionally. Most of the time its fat black women.

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I heard this one is Polis.

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i live in north jersey and it's a meme in this area. I've personally never seen anyone so obese they ride around in those scooters, but everyone is fucking brown anyway

We have fit people, slightly chubby people, and the morbidly obese. It was the Rise of the Obeses that pushed our average weight up so much. And yes, they do go to the store and are hard to maneuver around.


Average *national weight.

Washington State here. Despite being one of the healthiest states, I see lardasses all the time. I can't imagine places like Ohio or Louisiana.

How does this happen? i would fucking kill myself if i couldn't use my legs

Viking XL, pure white northern American breed.

Here in Seattles eastside, plenty of cheap cabbage carrots onions potatoes & celery along with frozen meat to eat healthy for 2 weeks. Enough pasta & liquor (from before the habbening) to get diabetes if they lock us down longer than that.

i mean we all have times you got fatter, i am 5 days into quarentine and i cant go out of home, starting to feel it, but how can you achive that level of fat without realice it????

Obviously everyone has fit and fat people. But SUCH fat people just don't exist here or in the EU


Wtf all of them are white not black

Long-awaited repairs after exhausting
skirmishes with 19th Panzer Division (field tank depot near Nierstein-Oppenheim)

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NC here. Its not a meme. My mother in law is a fat fuck who lives off poptarts,icecream, and canned spaghetti

>canned spaghetti
Kek what

Low IQ and being raised by low IQ parents. Dumb parents gave them any kind of trash they wanted to quiet them as children and they never learned anything different. Their palates are ruined and they comfort themselves with food. I see it all the time. This is the result of a lifetime of shitty eating and emotional and intellectual stunting, two problems that feed into each other. The only intelligent fatties close to that size I have met had other severe psychological issues associated with food and were basically using food to commit suicide the long way.

It's mostly mildly retarded people honestly. They scoot around and spend their neet bux on food and ask stupid questions of clerks.

These people living on high powered scooters cannot work right? Who pays for all the food they eat? And the medical expenses to keep them alive? I thought you burgers have no social security

In all seriousness, poor parenting and addiction from a young age is what creates these people. Sad, but they're gross so its hard for me to feel bad for them.

I once saw two fat black women nearly get in a fight over whose turn it was to use the scooter cart.

srsly borschbro, these chubby fucking savages put ravioli in cans.


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This isnt socialism if you pay the fatfucks

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That guy is a paralyzed vet. He lives in the VA hospital near my old house

Lone M3 Half track heading battlefield to pick up wounded (outskirts of Hague, Netherlands).

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Stocking up? Motherfucker that's a snack.

So glad I stocked up on drugs a couple weeks ago. Its dry as a fucking desert right now.

a common supermarket? nah

wal-mart? absolutely

thank him for his service.

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but anyway how the fuck you get to that point ok you can be fat, but at some point you have to look at yourself and normal people around and realice that you are fucking gross.
My mind is incapable of unerstanding this unless the american food has so many hormones and drugs that is actually like a drug

>In all honesty I wish this virus was real and would cull the herd.
The virus is real, it's just a weak lil baby virus and needs help to grow and evolve. Time will do this somewhat, but maybe it could use a little energy?


Yeah same. At the Costco today, when they opened up, retards went straight for the fucking tp and water instead of shelf stable stuff like nuts and shit. Absolute brainlets but it left those areas empty at the beginning cause tards wanted their tp and water.

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Stay safe espanibro, here in 48 hours the country will be shutdown and on quarentine

Sugar is posion

The 5th Armored Division has been deployed to protect supplies in this time of crisis.

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it's not really common to see morbidly obese young people in the carts, but you do see overweight old people on them
occasionally you see some old war vet who got sick of using his cane

Some other Anons said it's a southern thing. I live in California, which is somewhere in the mid range for obesity when compared with other states, and see this regularly. Not every time, but often.

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finally a chance to post my OC again

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I thought fats love to cook. My fat schoolfriend became a cook


These people should be melted down and used for fuel.