Giving actual Americans 1k to 5k in stimulus would help the economy more than actually giving the corporations a bailout. Prove me wrong.
Giving actual Americans 1k to 5k in stimulus would help the economy more than actually giving the corporations a...
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For some goddamned reason people here want to give zero interest loans to all the financial sector. What next? A stimulus plan for airlines and travel and leisure industry? Stop being a fucking paypig for the suits and take your thousand and buy some fucking groceries or something.
No one knows how the fuck it'll work, not even Trump. Don't hold your breath
>prove me wrong
I can’t
they'll spend it all on useless shit in 2 days:
xbox, playstation, 4k tvs, phones
this should be reserved for families first
the good news is niggers won't get it because they don't work. The bad news is that they're niggers, and will loot shit soon.
I plan on using trumpbux for more ammo and supplies to keep niggers away
I'm just hoping for hyperinflation so I can pay off my mortgage.
you're not wrong though
I'm not against it but we all know most people will spend it and not save or invest. Which means the money will return to the wealthy like Jeff Bezos.
It's going to be based on income, not employment status, you idiot.
I want to see all the niggers and spics get Trumpbux just to watch his mouthbreathing base throw a tantrum.
Let's just give people free money forever. Then everyone can be rich!
>I'm not against it but we all know most people will spend it and not save or invest.
You want people to spend money.
Did Trump say it will only be sent out to people employed
>stimulus vs cooperate bailout
how about neither you fucking communist
Which they’ll spend on corporations which will jack the prices of goods
Yeah, give the niggers a few grand. It's just what they need.
End the Fed, prove me wrong.
Yeah because we all know the best thing for a state of emergency is pure capitalism.
And just like that, Trump beat the Dems at their own game.
That would have already happened in the panic buying process.
just think of nike's profits, itll save the DJI
I mean, it’s all funny money anyway so probably. Most of those people will waste it just like always though. Better off giving it to someone who employs people. I dunno.
we need a thread on how to avoid the jew and use the $1,000 to live sustainably, like hydroponics for food farming, etc.
Those folks will spend it on consumer goods or paying off their substantial debt loads. This probably needs to happen so stores and car lots don't fill up with repo'd furniture and cars.
You're damn right OP.
My calculator doesn't even go that high. How much money are we talking about?
If stimulus is approved, Im going all in on Nigger Meme Brands.
Nike stocks
>Take your UBI
>Invest it into NIKE
>Niggers all use their UBI on Nike Shoes
>Stocks go up
>Come out on top.
Just like during the Bush years, any extra money the government sends me is going into my savings account and possibly a bit later into a market fund. Most people used the Bush Bucks to pay down debt rather than to buy staff. I don't mind if the government sends me some money but I'm not going to go buy a tv with it.
Neither will help the economy. It's essentially the same as looking at your fat fucking ass and instead of eating less, you manipulate the scale so it tells you half of your real weight.
Jfc just add the zeroes on you mongoloid
Lol no. I have serious doubts that you know anything about how the economy functions. Stop spamming this board with illiterate nonsense
>they will spend it
>therefore we should just give it to the ultra-wealthy who will hoard it offshore
great economic stimulus plan there dummy
>My calculator doesn't even go that high
>Calculator clearly shows 3.5E11
Kill yourself, brainlet.
It's going into savings for now until this shitstorm passes. Once it does, straight into investments.
Doing either hurt the economy. Prove me wrong.
yes let's just inflate currency on top of potentially millions loosing their job because communist china is such a shithole they're eating animals riddled in disease and exporting it globally
you're retarded
Actual Americans are gonna bring it to the corps anyway, so why bother with the middle man?
Its going to everybody, nigger or not.
Please be bait. If not, the answer is 350 billion based on your numbers. The US population is a bit below that and money probably won't be given to every man, woman, and child.
He's a journalist. Math is beyond their programming.
hyper inflation doesn't mean your wages go up.
The joys of already being debt free. No jew breathing down my neck. Send me all the money you want Trump-O.
only employed people I think so the number is likely much much lower
If you give it to Walmart then Walmart will be able to stock their shelves. If you give it to people then the shelves will be perpetually empty. The stimulus should go to grocery stores like Walmart, pharma companies and other important corporations that we will need in the coming months.
only mouthbreather is you. kys worthless partisan shit.
the goal is for them to spend it. What generally happens is it's not spent as a stimulus and tends to flatten as a spread out income boost. What would work better is coupons funded by the Government.
do you think walmart ran out of money?
Wal-mart is a multi-billion dollar corporation. They can already afford to stock their shelves.
MFW cash only illegals wont get their helicopter checks!
Lol the corporation will get all that money anyways.
>nigger buys new jordans tv ps5 and lets the niglet spawn get fed by the govt
I already have all that shit.
Going to blow on getting my car's paint touched up.
the free money is being handed out, the point is to hand it out to individuals instead of large corporations.
also loosing =/= losing, retard
Are you fucking retarded?
but then how would their executives be able to make their latest million? :(
>Nation wide panic buying
When this shit happens in local regions, like Florida pre-hurricane shenanigans grocery/box stores and hardware stores make out like fucking bandits. This shit happening Nationwide is an absurd payday for such businesses
>Liquidate all goods
>Mandated shutdown (operating cost jubilee)
>Shutdown ends and people need resupply results in prolonged period of goods selling as soon as they hit the shelves
It's a fucking fiscal smorgasbord. Btw, Hill country Texas checking in, no panicking, people unanimously saying this is bullshit, stores are still absolutely empty. Just went out for regular groceries... All they had was some spam, canned herring, canned peas and some bottled water.
>get 1k to spend.
>store is empty.
Burger education.
Guaranteeing people basic housing and food would do far more for the people.
Otherwise people inevitably decide that objects are worth more (since you get more and I'm worth more than you) and Demonrat areas just hike taxes and take more from the people to run overblown governments that do little for the people.
Ya keep the airlines open or give people 1k so they can blow it all on hand sanitizer and toilet paper. Genius
>tfw limited budget and shopping for a gun and couldn't decide on a pistol or a shotgun but now I can buy both and spend the rest on ammo
How long before prices go up because literally everyone knows that retarded niggers have a 1000 bucks in their pockets? I wonder if crime will skyrocket, since niggers know that the chances of someone having a grand on their person is much higher.
>free money
and you have the temerity to cal me a retard
Also adds to immigrants running schemes (such as in England) where they have several kids just to claim more child benefit (until the UK finally capped it).
Conjuring money and giving it to people is inflation. Prices will go up disproportionately.
Buying guns with mine. Can't wait!
Fuck your family. Keep your greedy hands off my future tax payments.
Damn, pic hasn't aged well