Explain to me why this isn't socialism, Yas Forums.

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It's national socialism

and it's national

Because Trump is doing it.

its an emergcency

Why do we need to try fielding complex issues into your simpleton mind?

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
"Everyone gets gibs equally."

Because the government isn’t taking over the means of production, you stupid fucking retard. Get an education or at least use Google before you post ever again.

It’s okay when Trump does it

Socialism is common ownership of the means of production, which is very ambiguous in itself. Since the means of production is still owned by oligarchs it's not socialism, just capitalism with populist bailouts.

It is
But I still want a fat stack of cash

Do the homeless get it too?

If Trump actually does a full 180, turns into the next FDR and fully embraces socialism, then I'm 100% supportive of him. He better just openly label himself a "socialist", too. Tell the world he has had a conversion. Imagine a 2020 election where Trump is the socialist candidate and Joe Biden is the right-wing capitalist candidate. Maybe Trump can dump Pence and get Sanders as his running mate. I've heard many rumors that he wants to dump Pence for 2020 anyhow

It's fucking disaster relief you nigger. What's the matter, you mad that the rest of the country is getting some giba now too? Does it make your welfare checks seem less special now?

George Bush did this in 2006 or 2007, cant remember. It was only $400 but no one complained when they cashed that check.

I’m getting a small portion of my money back so I can pay my taxes.

you are saying it like its a bad thing lol

>free money given out to people with jobs who are unable to work because of an unprecedented international pandemic
>versus free money given to everyone because fuck having to work n sheeeit

hurr durr I'm literally retarded

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We can no longer go a single day without new stupidity

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I'm gonna spend my 1000 Trumpbux on a new vidya card and vote for Biden in November.

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Socialism is subversion designed to get people to hate small business owners and people with slightly more money than you.

Corporations are a form of power they should be kept in check just like the government. Helping small people and individuals and protecting them is a GOOD thing.

This. It's actually egalitarianism, technically.

That was a tax refund you nigger.


I don't know, this is for the market, what the elite cherish most. If this was for people, itd go to providing free healthcare to people.

I will refuse and my dad will to. My mom said we "need" it but sorry, no handouts in this house thanks

it's socialist monetary policy to preserve our capitalist trainwreck

you're an idiot, buy an AR15

If trump does it it magically doesn't cause hyperinflation or landlords raising rent

It's socialism but if the fucking airlines and wall street kikes get it so should I.

>been getting Yas Forums since December
>in the best health I've ever been in
>just got a chill new job
>Trump giving out money

This timeline couldn't be better.

Yes, it's absolute egalitarianism backed by BRRRRRRRRR

/thread fpbp

Trump’s not seizing the means of production to redistribute the spoils. This is like an aid package. Only it’s actually for Americans this time.

>the checks stop when the virus scare stops

Is that what they really want us to do?

It has nothing to do with workers owning the means of production. This is emergency welfare capitalism at best.

No it was a tax credit.

>wwwahhhhhhhhaaaaaattttt you mean helping the poorest of americans the bottom 80% of the nation who has less wealth than the top 1% what helping them afford things to consoom is good for the economy what!!!! nooooo we can't jsut help the lower classes wit hthings like universal healthcare so they have more money to spend on goods and services noooo they need to pay thousands into my kike private healthcare insurance company noooooooooooooooooooo
Even the biggest neo liberal wallstreet serving kike who just blew 1.5 trillion on wallstreet for a 50 minute boost to the market can recognize aleviating the poor is good for capitalism and good for the economy, if only retarded right wingers who vote against their economic interests and for the benefit of billion bankers could see this. even zionist in charge will do a bit of socialism if it's good for the economy. Right winger cuckolds hate to have to admit that.

I enjoy scratching my asshole and inner cheeks from outside my boxer shorts and then sniffing my fingers until I pass out.

>Because the government isn’t taking over the means of production
oh sweety you don't know what's about to happen, do you?

Try to imagine what people will buy with their money, and then buy those things now.
Because prices will be going way up with all these new bidders.

The government is giving you back your money, the money you and I give them to deal with shit like this stupid b.s. Does everyone get bent when they get their tax return?

It was a check that came in the mail. They were dispensed in alphabetical order by last name. Process took a few weeks.

It is. This shifts the window but instead of buying one or two guns this year.. I'll buy 3 or 4 with this money. /shrug
Let them fund the Boogaloo.

who cares, governments serve us not the other way around

Becaus is a pandemic you moronic shill!

Go on...

inb4 a check of $27.50

It's never socialism when Republicans do it, get with the program.

Because The Government doing things isn't Socialism. This is a one time payment to help during a crisis. The means of production are not being seized, nothing is being nationalized and everyone gets an equal payment regardless of their ability.
This payment is more Capitalist than anything, because it is a return on investment.

Really it’s because this is an “emergency situation” and a lot of people who would normally be working are not

Then send me your check you mong.

Debt means nothing.. money is printed out of thin air.. as long as other countries play along..i guess this can continue for some time...

I have a feeling inflation is about to take off..i wonder if there will be price controls next! They are already limiting food purchases on certain items... probably be expanded ot everything in the store.

y'all jelly

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Technically tax payers are just loaning themselves the money from their children's futures.

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Emergency this time. Eventually it will become permanent. Don't be so short sighted.

Spending on the poor is perfectly fine, it's just that the people who want to do that at the moment are hostile towards their culture, symbols and values. When the right votes in their own interests, they are voting for their social interests at the expense of their economic ones. If you want to win them over you need to keep your socialism and combine it with nationalism, if you protect their heritage while helping the poor you would be the greatest hero in existence for your people.
You're almost there, you just need to have some sympathy for their identity, not just their wallet.

Why is it not martial law New World Order tyranny when Trump does it?

More for me

In a capitalist and free market system, the government wouldn't have the authority to order private businesses to close.

Since the government has assumed that power, they now need the power to hand out NEETbux to mitigate the impact of that order.

Giving the state the power to close businesses, and then declaring that we have to just let the unemployed starve because "that's capitalism!" is internally contradictory.

Good. Fuck zoomers.

What's the alternative? China? People don't have food and are protesting over lack of food and the ability to pay rent. China is even putting them on the hook for quarantine fees now.


Lmfaooo suck a big black cock you fucking super cuck.

Everything you you said is the opposite of the truth, shitmong.

Dont think about being a slave goy, just take the money.
Dont think about how the government makes money goy, just spend it.
Dont look into the banking cartel goy, it's not real.
Its ok to go into big crowds to spend money goy, when have we lied before.

Getting real tired of this shit.

Pretty much this.
Things like drug addiction and untreated/undiagnosed mental illness (the 2 actual leading causes of homelessness) are symptomatic of a broken society. If someone goes to a doctor with a gaping wound the doctor should suture the wound first and then worry about prescribing painkillers.

>drop interest rates and give free loans to wallstreet
>give free shit to the average person one time

I don't think its a good idea but if you didn't bitch that our interest rates aren't controlled by supply and demand you're too late

Also the auto bailout was horseshit but it didn't end the country

Landlord raises the rent I’m fucking killing him and hanging the body from the traffic lights. Profiting off of your fellow citizens in a time of emergency is a kin to treason

This whole thing is a global outbreak of panic intentionally peddled by those with a perverse incentive to do so (the doom-porn media, election-year politicians, and ass-covering bureaucrats).
Between the flu spike a few years ago, and the hundred other things that kill old people by the hundreds of thousands, the caronavirus would barely register on the graph of shit that happens to old people, and yet it is being used as the impetus by a small group of sniveling, bungling, imbeciles, to tank the global economy and summon forth a new era of socialism from the very pits of Hell.
May this shit wake up a champion of freedom like the fucking Kraken.

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I am fine with national socialism, just not lefty socialism.
National socialism
>Does what is best for the NATION
>Excludes immigrants, leeches, niggers
>Is paid for by workers and is for workers
>Everyone who can contribute, does
Lefty socialism
>Open the borders! Free shit for everyone!
>Excludes white workers, gives freebies to niggers, illegals, trannies.
>Paid for by workers, given to the lazy
>Everyone who can contribute has the OPTION to work. No one does.

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