CHINESE MAN IN AMERICA: "This is the precursor to genocide."

Do you support Trump's disgusting racist behavior, Yas Forums? Shame on you.

>Trump is setting the scene for Chinese Americans and all Asian Americans to be treated like pestilence spreading vermin. We are like rats or cockroaches spreading disease in the minds of many racist people and Trump is encouraging this thinking. This is the precursor to genocide.

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holy based

Sick man of Asia is back. Small peen too.

your penis won't get any bigger chang

Honestly I dont care if this was caused by chinks eating bats or whatever. I only care about being robbed. And that'll be by niggers, not chinks.

If only Chinese immigrants had somewhere they could go where people won’t look at them funny for being chinese

Look at how they latch on to the rest of Asians for help. Like that video of that drowning guy pulling the other down with him.

That's retarded, there won't be a genocide.

What WILL happen is that Chinese land investors are gonna get BTFO. And that's worth cheering about.

Why are Asians such raging SJWs? They act like kikes

this only motivates me to genocide eugene gu

eugene is unintentionally proving white genocide exists

>Literally Hitler is literally calling for the literal gassing of Asian-Americans!

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Westernized Asians are the most disgusting and annoying people on the face off the planet. They make me sick.

If only Chinese people had a whole country they could live in where nobody cares they unleashed a massive plague on the world

Eugene is built for a pack of niggers.

Chinese people need to be deported to Mars.

>chinks getting literally murdered by the trillions by the communist party yearly
>american chink instead of fighting for them gets a lobotomy and fights windmills on twatter
NOTHING intelligent had ever come out of twitter, prove me wrong

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>we are like rats
Yeah chink we know. You did this and caused the black plague. Don't call facts racism

The hive is agitated. The amount of chink shills is increasing exponentially just like the Wuhan virus.

>calls it the chinese virus
>hours later, he tweets the hashtag #KILLTHEVIRUS

Anyone with even mild schizophrenia can see what's happening here. He's trying to get us ready for a chink war.

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Please someone post the picture of this guy pretending to be a white woman and posting about black cock.

luckily chinese are so fucking detestable even white liberals hate them.



A baseball bat beat Vincent Chin to death?

Asians are social climbers and being SJW is popular. Indians are like this too.

Me chinese
Me so dumb
Me accuse trump of ray cis um

This Eugene Gu seems to be a lot in the spotlight , lately.


Absolutely. Yellowskins should be driven to extinction.

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Hysterical GuFlu ranting

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That gook kike is so cringe. He reply’s to every post trump makes.

Its only Asian "males" because they get BWC in there womans ass everynight they get kinda salty they have semen rejection

fingers crossed

This Sick Men of Asia sounds like an amazing title for the book I'm thinking of writing about the coronavirus.

>we are like rats or cockroaches spreading disease
>t. Eugene Gu(k)

Fuck, i hope so op.

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>Hello, and thank you for calling the Redpilled Company. Who is speaking, please?
It's me. Get me the based department.
>Patching you through now.
*hold music*
Uhhh, hello? Based department?
>This is the based department, how can we help?
Yeah... you're going to want to see this...

Attached: baseddepartment.jpg (750x1334, 78.21K)

Similar to how we have sentient guns are go around doing school shootings and robberies, we apparently have sentient, racist baseball bats now

they learn from the best here in America

>we are like rats or cockroaches
not like.

warhammer posters are cringe

anons have been saying almost every significant flu comes out of that region
could be bs could be because they're so unsanitary and disgusting

That's an unemployed sock puppet account larping as a doctor that keeps getting posted here cause the twitterati algorithm keeps moving the posts up the ladder re: Trump tweets.

sounds like he has a guilty conscience to me.

Absolutely based.

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I hope the glowniggers are keeping tabs on all the Western chinks now openly operating a CCP shills. You know for a fact "Eugene" is in communication with the mainland.

>We are spreading pestilence and disease in their minds

>CHINESE MAN IN AMERICA: "This is the precursor to genocide."
God I hope so

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Typo, it was a baseball loving bat

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Eugene (literally) Who.

Eugene Gu k

Didn't he admit that he wasn't a real doctor?

hol up , Turks have rightful claim to one of those terms

My non-Chinese asian fiancee always rails against the chinese and their dirty wet markets.

U maed me kek. Thanks. Heres a (you). You earned it.

lmao the virus originated in China, hence the name "chinese virus". nothing racist about it
this tiny-dick pussy needs to stop being such a butthurt faggot

The precursor to genocide is Chinese people literally killing millions of non-Chinese with their virus.

Eugene "[Black Dicks] are much bigger" Wu

People see what they want to see. But sadly Trump isn't saying these things out of racism. He's just making sure everyone knows which country is responsible for grinding the whole world to a fucking halt. That way Johnny Business-Owner considers outsourcing less of their labor to peasant gooks.

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This timeline is pretty based.

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Well here are links that show that every pandemic in history has come from China.

>Black Death came from China
>The Spanish flu is thought to have started in China despite being called the "Spanish" flu.
>The 1957-1958 Flu Pandemic was traced back to China
>The 1968 H3N2 Flu Pandemic was traced back to China
>2009 Swin flu started in China

Chinks are essentially flu pathogens.

theres more than 1 race i mean breed of cockroach in the wild.

Good point. I love when the narrative cracks begin to show.

>creates a fake account pretending to be a white girl to try and promote pro white genocide opinions
>literally using the term white genocide and mentioning how much she (he) thinks it should happen
>boo hoo white people don't want infected foreigners coming into our country
What is this nigger smoking? At least he really got me thinking about how many Twitter accounts are fakes created solely to spread propaganda.

meant for

Chinks are so disgusting, pathetic and weak.
Russians have been suffering demonization for DECADES in the western world yet you never hear them complain like this.
These bugs are the biggest pussies ever.

I know my chink neighbours get their marching orders from peking, i hear them jabbering on their secret transceiver, checking in with dear leader at odd hours.

I’m tired of Eugene Guk and his fucking takes on modern society. Does anyone know if she’s an actual doctor?

Ritelarry colonacaust

Fuck off with your twitter e-celebs.

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To be fair they have it in other asian countries too like thailand and indonesia

Nobody says anything when it happens to whites.

Fuck jews and chinks.

>encourage this thinking

this is like an obese man who never showers or wipes his ass blaming the person who told him he smells for other people thinking he smells. We went almost a hundred years without deadly flu pandemics. Then China goes and dumps a series of them on us in two decades, all a direct result of their disgusting hygiene practices.

This. Most of the ones that live in their own countries are fine if not preferable in many areas compared to Whites but for some reason when they become westernized they are either exemplary people total faggots who shoot up schools or talk about how much they hate white men while they are dating one.

>sick man of Asia
They still get super butthurt over that comment. Some Chinese dude I know flipped his shit when I said that to him jokingly. I mean it started as self deprecating humour to begin with so I’m not sure how he got so offended, but I think that
>sick man of Asia
Is as close to “nigger” as you can get with the Chinese. Shit, even “yellow nigger” won’t raise an eyebrow.

Eugene's whining is the precursor to genocide.

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"Sick Man of Asia" is now the go-to term for China. Spread it far a wide boys.

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Oh well.

For the subconscious seeth someone remind Eugene that white men would never attack asians because WM AF is the most popular interracial couple :^)

Holy shit. I used to think chinamen had tougher heads than this. I used to respect them on a personal level but they are turning out to be worse than faggots. Their shit commie government lets a disease out, kills lots of people, then they want to blame everyone else because their little yellow feels got hurt? Fucking assholes.

good post. I agree memeflaggot.

I'd hate to have my surgery performed by this SJW. Imagine mid open heart surgery he finds out your a Trump supporter and lets you die, or even worse, he lectures your unconscious body on why you're a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic trump pig.

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It's amazing this little chink actually managed to rape someone.

This guy has completely outed himself as a CCP agent during this.
Gitmo or deport him now.

Agreed. I couldn't imagine what kind of shit health care that cum sucker provides.

you will get genocided for being a whiny bitch faster than you will for being a ching chong, slope shit

fucking truth.

chinks are simply not ready or intelligent enough to be trusted with deadly diseases, they literally cant keep them contained.

how many times have western countries had outbreaks because they lost containment?
and western countries have been at this a fucking LOT longer than the chinks.

Don't even think of comparing the Indians to the Palestinians. Palestinians were civilized and living in the modern world. Indians were hippies living like animals. Do I support kicking hippies off of land they aren't using correctly? Yes. Do I support kicking civilized people with buildings and infrastructure off of their land? Fuck no!

Oh yeah, and linear time too!!

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