What went wrong with zoomers? How did they get this way?
What went wrong with zoomers? How did they get this way?
That is what life without God is like.
Gen Z is an awful degenerate immoral corrupt valueless degenerate generation, just like the many generations before them.
Is that Goldie from Legalporno?
It’s a women. What do you except she probably has the intellect of that toilet seat anyway. They’re just made coronavirus had taken all the attention away from them so there child like brain had to do something
good word, probably true
Lack of a father figure and beatings.
it's a fakew new cover, the lift the original and just use a new cover to lick, people are so gullible and feed attention whores like they want
>What went wrong with roasties? How did they get this way?
ftfy and im a 30yo boomer, they were always like this deep inside, we just repressed them back in the day
Shoot her in the head
Social media unironically ended civilization.
She should have her teeth removed challenge
Based coomer.
She needs to be arrested
Who's to say she didn't clean the hell out of that seat beforehand? This is how women troll.
Aaaahhhhhhhh!!! My zoomer crush is fucking some other dude right now and I can't do anything about it!!!
Fuck, why can't I find this kind of girl anywhere, if she's willing to lick a random toilet imagine what she'll do in bed
I don't even care about non-AIDS STDs anymore
She probably made more dosh with that vid than you make in a year. But hey, Boomers gotta bitch. :^)
I got banned from Whisper for posying this
>where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Take the project melody pill
fpbp. Let god into your life.
>What went wrong with zoomers?
>Posts a 27yo
i blame coonsumerism
They ate too many tide pods
god is a drug. god is dead for consoomers. :(
This is the fault of capitalism and the media. Under capitalism, there will always be a degeneration of the population. Here you will have a look at China. There, since childhood, people are told that they need to learn, develop and start a family . In the Degenerate capitalist West this will never happen because capitalists need people who will buy their products and watch their ads
The only way I'd lick a toilet bowl is if it's brand new and uninstalled. This is just disgusting no matter how much you cleaned it.
I love how everybody is freaking out about this as if she couldn't have cleaned and sanitized the toilet seat before licking it.
Everyone is a capitalist until you beat it out of them.
>Muh money
> oh no, i might get a virus which has an 0.01% chance of killing me
zoomers are actually based af
>This bitch will lick a public toilet seat or fuck her dog, but doesn't want anything to do with a guy looking for a family and future
I hate what we are now.
God I wish I was that toilet seat. Thinks he took a dump on it afterwards?
The seat of the toilet is the cleanest part of the entire bathroom.
It’s still disgusting Leaf
It is everything that counts in their societ. This is how it was build over decades. And when the young generation turns out to exploit the system to their benefit, all those boomers can do is to point fingers and screech.
A generation of spoiled morons.
Yeah, becuase your faggot ass was there when she put the new seat on, and you made sure to put on the biggest fucking faggot flag possible before speaking your shit opinion.
Kill yourself or give me your address so I can do it for you.
You don't have to lick a toilet to prove that point.
More than welcome to try, commie fuck. Come knocking and I'll ventilate you.
not really a challenge is it tho?
I think zoomers are as politically split as the previous generations. Half are based and the other half are leading a surge in transgenderism.
It’s the end result of ADHD, oversocialization, behavioral conditioning, nihilism, and probably high fructose corn syrup. I’m certain we’re the last generation before the complete reset.
>T. Zoomer
Stop posting this thread you're shitting up the board even though that's your intent and the jannies are in on it I will still call you out every chance I get and sage.
They all think they can be famous, which is a consequence of not only social media but reality TV
Raised by social media.
Hollywood. Porn. Jews.
>licking a toilet seat
That's disgusting. Where am I supposed to do my blow now?
>you made sure to put on the biggest fucking faggot flag possible before speaking your shit opinion.
This is why i will always respect basedburgers more than my eurofag compatriots. I wipe my dirty asshole with the EU occupation banner. Me and the lads used to cruise around drunk in a 1976 Ford Taunus pulling down EU flagpoles with the towing cable and setting that disgusting piece of garbage on fire afterwards. Glowies dont bother, statute of limitations is already expired. And one day we will burn you not just your flags. FUCK "EUROPE".
How much to piss on her? Asking a friend.
So true.
kissing a white girl is like kissing a toilet seat
if you do this you might as well lick a toilet seat
They pretend to be free and cool but deeply they all have a death wish
Im pretty sure she licked worse things
No fathers.
fake just like the fags licking door handles and ice cream.. haha all fake
I like their small soft bums
This guy gets it.
As shadow can only exist in the absence of light, so to can the Enemy only exist in the absence of God.