> THIS is the moment a theatre-goer launches a bizarre attack on a Roman soldier in a bid to rescue Jesus from being crucified. The drama unfolded during a performance of a biblical play – with the attacker barging on stage screaming “I am not going to let Jesus die”.
> Video shows the moment the unnamed man leaps on stage in Nova Hartz town centre in south Brazil last night to launch his surprise defence of the Christian messiah. He then slams the head of an actor playing a Roman soldier with a motorcycle helmet before booting the captor clear of “Christ”.
why are christards literal niggers
THIS is the moment a theatre-goer launches a bizarre attack on a Roman soldier in a bid to rescue Jesus from being...
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Looks like severe mental illness to me. Poor guy.
Why is Jesus clean-shaven with a modern haircut?
Good. Fuck 2nd commandment violators.
Why are most Americans retards like OP?
>your brain on (((abrahamism)))
proof that christcucks are cringe LARPkikes
>oy vey don't defend christ
>that mutt face
There is only one based way to celebrate easter:
Romanticizing the death of Christ is unsettling. His life/death did not transpire for the purpose of art and plays.
>24 So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood;[a] see to it yourselves.” 25 And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”
yes good goy thats right, attack the romans
Let me guess, you are an atheist. I suspect it because you posted something and drawn an utterly stupid conclusion but think that because you gave your self to atheism which is a form of satanism as far as I'm concerned, it must be like the smartest thing ever, cause you read somewhere atheists are really smart.
But I bet if I were to compare you with that idiot who thought he was stopping the death of Christ, which again, is really stupid case Christ died to save us, I think you'd have a surprisingly similar quantity of intelligence. God forgive you.
I couldn’t give less of a fuck whether people are religious or atheist, if you genuinely think there 100% is/isn’t a god, you’re retarded. There’s no definitive answer right now other than we just don’t fucking know.
If Jesus is not defining Culture, Culture will be defined by his enemies.
Not to excuse the Jews, but the Romans aren't innocent. At the very least, they're guilty of fear (of the crowd) and ignorance. If the "Mighty Roman Empire" truly wanted to stop riots, they could beat back some smelly jews
>The Romans
Their religions had nothing to do with jews. No way.
Don't bullshit this.
The bible itself says:
His blood be unto us and our children.
Who are you to unmake those words???
Why would you defend Jesus? He wanted to die
Mentally ill but based
SALVATION CANCELLED. Everyone goes to hell. Sorry losers, better luck next cycle of creation.
I'm not unmaking words. The Jews are not innocent, but neither are the Romans. Pilate can wash his hands all he wants, that doesn't change the fact that he was the man in charge who allowed the events to happen under his watch.
That's what happens when you preach equality and love
Right it's good that Jesus got killed by the Jews
Of course there is a God. How ignorant do you have to be to think there isn't one? How fucked up? Even without the Bible which tells you exactly as much as you need to know, even not being exposed to religion ever, man will look for God.
But why am I even talking to you right now? All I would have to do is point a gun at you and start squeezing the trigger. How much you wanna bet you'll be asking for God to save you from death? "Please God"...
Ah the old story of a suicidal masochist and his entourage.
This has nothing to do with Christianity mate
Christianity has to do with going through the narrow gate and reading the Bible on your own. It's about what Christ did for us and obeying His teachings, rather than blindly worshipping and magnifying Christ as some kind of supreme deity and expecting heaven as some kind of reward for works-based righteousness
It is unwise to speculate on the private conversation between anybody, but especially Jesus and God - who had a very unique relationship. God knows all, Jesus was told what he needed to know to deliver his message. Christ did not predict his death until before it. So while it may have been God's plan for Jesus to sacrifice Himself, Jesus was not aware of it, nor his betrayal until almost immediately before the events.
Meh.. Thought you posted judas-bashing
Awesome. Why do Christians need Jesus to be brutalized in such a way to celebrate the faith. It's just Roman Gore-porn really. Much better if he had survived and gone for a nice walk and spread his message himself if you ask me.
I thought Christians say Jesus is God
The plays were originally intended to teach the illiterate masses the stories of the Bible. “Art for art’s sake” is 20th century Jewish stuff.
Ah mah GAD!!!
Jesus is God. The Trinity is very simple to understand.
To put it into simple terms: Imagine you're playing a video game. You have an avatar. In the confines of that video game, that avatar IS you. Your avatar obeys you, and maybe even unaware of unaccepting of your existence, but still obeys. But you are still you, are you not? So both Jesus and God were the same, just Jesus did not have any more power or knowledge than what God deemed necessary for His plans.
based and deuspilled
>believe in flying purple rhino
>“i don’t believe such a thing exists”
the absolute STATE of zealots in 2020
So he wanted to die
Those arent Christians, those are Brazilians. Jungle people need another millennium to actually understand christianity, as they are now they just treat it as paganism with different gods. It's the same shit in mexico and the Philippines. Hell even europeans treated it like their pagan religions when they first got ahold of it, the difference is whites have the inclination towards philosophical thinking and the iq to produce societies where you are comfortable enough to have the time to consider these thoughts. You cant just hand something as complex as the godhead and the contradictions that infinity makes real to jungle people and expect them to get it on the first go.
Based beyond belief.
If there was one more riot Pilate was going to be put to death by Rome. His hands were tied.
Nailed it. Art with no good purpose is Satanic.
Because Yeshua paid for your sins. You are now in debt to him and must behave as payment.
Everyday I thank Hashem that he created me as a Jew. Top kek.
more like, fucking kek!!!
This is why I stopped painting. They sucked all the meaning out of art like they would the blood out of a child.
Your people are guilty.
>Literally try to stop God's will
Must be in his cage stage.
I am not one to guess Jesus's, or any other's, thoughts. Being a sacrifice is a grim task so I doubt Jesus was jumping for joy on his way to his crucifixion, but that was the plan.
Jesus Christ was an unironic literal LARPer schizo. See it from my point of view for one quick second and let what you believe in really sink in.
God wanted for himself to die
Why are you seething this hard over me not being certain whether something who’s only “evidence” is a book that’s gone through literally multiple centuries’ worth of changes? Is it really so wrong to be skeptical of something like that existing? To say that he definitely exists/definitely doesn’t exist it and that everyone else is stinky and dumb and wrong is a rather childish way to go about it, don’t you think?
Then again, you’re using the anarchist memeflag, so why don’t you go fuck a dog or something you degenerate.
"A" for effort! Now tell him who did the machinations that resulted in a lowly Roman foot soldier crucifying the Word of God Incarnate.
Jesus is your messiah, he completed your tasks. Your people have no moral high ground as Judaism has abused loopholes in Biblical law since the start.
>"I am not going to let Jesus die."
But he has to, that was God's will. Without Jesus dying none of us could have been saved. What a stupid nigger.
>saves Christ
>humanity not redeemed
Want is a tricky word. Does the fact that His death was foretold diminish his sacrifice? It was a symbolic sign from God that He was allowing himself to be sacrificed for the sins of Mankind
even the tards are based AF
aren't we supposed to let him die?
Dude, he was sweating blood in the garden. It was the most difficult thing any Man has ever done.
Nice analogy. Cool.
it doesnt matter what he wanted what mattered was his plan
i really liked this video game analogy, good job fren
>he was sweating blood in the garden
Just because a man is bleeding doesn't mean he's a bitch. Do you cry every time you get hurt? Jesus knew the plan and suffered through it.
He walked on water
Its pathetic how desperate you fucking retarded delusional Christniggers are at trying to get people to believe your bullshit and make it seem cool.
I'm really not. It's up to you to find God. I'm just saying it's real easy, especially if you are put in a hopeless situation. It's amazing how many of you brave unbelievers find God so quickly. And of course you can be skeptical, God made you that way so you wouldn't follow every dogma to damnation, but that's not what Christianity is about.
The solution is obviously to round of Jewish protestors and put them to the rake. You don't solve the problem by walking around it. That entire cadre of roudy jews should have been arrested right there and scourged.
Jesus and His Father are one. He is God, not an avatar. We cannot comprehend God, but we can comprehend His word who is Jesus. Jesus is all that our limited minds can understand.
very based
man christianity is fucking retarded lol
No ATHIESTS in fox holes
Also you're a fag
sweating blood is sign of unparalleled stress for humans
Good riddance. I like what he did, but the reason is kinda shit.
They are one being. God is Jesus in the flesh and my analogy in no way diminishes Jesus's role.
I think we're talking past each other. He knew the plan that's why it was so difficult, he would be forsaken by his father. He prayed for the the cup to pass from him but submitted to the will of God.