It's happening!

Danish authorities to declare martial law at 7 PM CET (18 mins from now).

Things are getting serious.

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Other urls found in this thread:

False and Danish.

True and viking. Wait and see, toothpaste citizen.

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This is begging to get a little too real for my taste.

Danes seem a little more mindful of everything than most of their neighbors.

>Danes going for martial law
>Dutch going for herd immunity
See you on the other side.

Why do Danes and Dutch hate eachother?

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Maybe it's because Sweden does the herd immunity thing too? So they can close the bridge forever?

As usual.. We're the most sensible nation in Western Europe. We went lockdown @ 300 infected and 0 deaths. Took Norway 3-4 more days to realize it, and Sweden is still not locked down. And we even got a Social Democrat gov't here. But they're pretty based and rightwing compared to pretty much all other Soc.Dems in Europe.

Probably why their language sounds like it does.

I love them actually, they are more similar to us than Germans. When I hear a Dane speak on TV, it takes me a moment to realize they are not speaking Dutch.

Martial laws?

nah, i'm gonna buy cigarettes, now.

Yeah, and the Britcucks backtracked. Herd immunity is real, no doubt, but the problem with corona is that it's highly contagious, which means that your silly attempt at doing that will fucking destroy your health care system. It's all about mitigating it, cause if too many people get infected at once, you will be fucked in the ass. Look at Italy, my dear toothpaste faggot.

Guys I really don’t want to get drafted into the NETTO stalingrad virus fireline

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Funny thing is.. In Denmark, you can buy both cigs and booze in supermarkets (as you probably know since you're Danish) - which will be open during martial law, so it's no issue. Can't say that about many other countries.

Post pics?

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what are you expected to do? shoot the virus?


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Soon to come. T minus 5 minutes.

We are gonna see a full national lockdown within a couple of minutes

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5.. 4..3..2..1

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Give us an update/summary afterwards if the thread's still kicking.



Aaaaaaaaaaaaand.. nothing.

We are trying to achieve herd immunity slowly. All restaurants and bars and stuff are closed, people are asked to work from home if possible, and we are canceling events. Also, Dutch people don't go to the doctor very quickly. I have never been to the doctor for a flu, and I have had some severe ones, including hallucination inducing fevers as a child, and my parents didn't take me to the doctor. Also, I am not so sure we really care that much if a lot of elderly people die, to be completely honest. I mean of course we care, but I think Dutch people tend to be fairly accepting of death and I think most people would just see it as something natural.

>your silly attempt at doing that will fucking destroy your health care system
It already is wrecking hospitals in the southern provinces. Although way more measures have been taken compared to the UK, already healthcare is suffering from strain due to their "lean" modus operandi.

Your government is currently doing a way better job.

Stay safe danefriends

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My grandmother is from vriesland and said they all hated the Danes. Maybe an old timer thing? Or maybe just her specifically

Medical student here when can I expect to work full-time fighting corona-chan?

bitch just get to the point

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Another nothingburger

Special bonfires in ghettos when?

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>worth a single Article

>I think Dutch people tend to be fairly accepting of death and I think most people would just see it as something natural
This, it's slightly worrying how complacent people are here.

source: my ass
Her royal highness is gonna give a speech at 20, just gonna be some motivational "stand together guise" stuff.

I thought Boland was based

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Its illegal to be more than 10 people at a public gathering.


Your people endured Nazi occupation and starvation, and used to be some of the most vicious and dangerous sailors and colonizers in the world. What the fuck happened?

we are putting HV soldiers at the borders now and the police has officially requested the army for aid

Frysians and Danes are essentially the same people. Then Frysians are the stubborn brother, they hate everyone, including us, and want to be independent. I am sure if you heard a Dane and a Frysian speak, you would not be able to tell the difference.

In 3h 52mins Finland will enter the state of readiness. It's as close to martial law as is possible without foreign aggression.

Congregations of over 10 people are dispersed by the police and even domestic travel is controlled.

I'm expecting to be activated in days' time now.

>We are gonna see a full national lockdown within a couple of minutes

So who is gonna protect the german and swedish border and east and west coast if all muscle is protecting the toilet paper?

Why O doing so badly you danecucks????

You a reservist?

All restaurants, tanning salons, gyms, barbers, coffe shops etc. shutdown by the guberment

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Max 10 people together including privately

all fitness centers, sports centers, clubs, bars, arcades, shoppingcenters etc. closes

restaurants and cafes will close, takeaway still possible

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Porn and fast food and shit.

>Your people endured Nazi occupation
Nothing wrong with masturbation mashines, senpai!

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so where is it


>Martial law in a socialist country.
>Men jailed for eating meat or loose fitting pants in public.
>Women able to coerce sex and money from attractive men at will and summarily execute unattractive men.

I can't find anything on the English internet.
Is anything actually happening or is this more political barking the boots on the ground will use to wipe their asses with?

LMAO imagine a country so cucked, jew media in USA and their nothing burger flu can make them do marshall law

Nothing burger flu bros.

>Herd immunity is real
Are you new here? There is no such thing as immunity to this virus, herd or otherwise. WTF is wrong with you people, don't you look at the data rather instead swallow every stupid thing some gov. retard tells you?

NO SUCH THING as immunity to this virus. You have antibodies post infection for a short time, possibly 6 weeks..but the virus also hides out in the neural system and can resurface and any time, only the second time it's 100xs worse than the first. This virus has the ADE of Dengue..and there is no such thing as immunity.

Attached: wuflu herd immunity lie.png (1498x1940, 1.19M)

Long on German mobile crematoria?

Denmark isn't a socialist country, you dumbass.

>i've been blessed

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>No more than ten people in any room

How are shops going to handle that? Is there going to be a queue outside the store and a person saying "alright, someone left, now another person can enter"?

its a larp

Hvorfor hader du os?

ge såsen, du jävla bög!

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Great no gangstalking

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>normies didn't prep

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That is how it is for a family member who lives in Italy. She stocked up like a month ago though.

Prime minister was announced to speak at 19:00, OP jumped the its habbeding gun like the massive nigger faggot he is and claimed martial law lmao

Likely just her specifically, or it's more a part of the universal Frisian nationalist sentiment that dislikes Franks, Saxons and Danes for occupying their beloved Greater Frisia.

Either that, or she doesn't like vikings for the fall of Dorestad. I assume she's not from the tenth century though.

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Denmark > Poland

>babbies first zombie apocalypse
Shoot the infected, of course, silly.



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No it isn't. I work at a hospital in the south, we are still doing fine and taking precautionary measures. Maybe you mean the drunken retards of Brabant?


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We still are. thats the whole reason we are complacent. We are tempered in raw shit and rarely give a fuck.


2019 SARS-COV2

Are you trying to tell me different viruses have different features? Stop swallow the stupid shit your government is saying and start swallowing what user is saying.

It is true that the Danes are being genocided slightly more slowly than some other countries in Europe, but it is still not sufficient for the survival of the Danish people at all.
Has immigration decreased or increased with the new government? Has immigration by Muslims and Bantus been completely outlawed? What about (often Bantu-mixed) Amerindians as well as non-Muslim Indians (both of which are much better than Muslims and Bantus, but often still hostile and exploitative and malign towards us)? How much influence do the very Jewish cultural marxists/cultural radicals suh as "Det Radikale Venstre" hold in society as well as politics? Is redistribution without care of whom it is going to (rapists, murderers, Muslims, those who support and defend them, etc.) still going on?

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My jew detector is going off

Why are these so many disgusting Nords in my board.
Fuck off!
Also, what does martial law mean?


NO herd immunity.

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recalibrate it

it means i bang ur mum

Oi vey!

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right now if you want to, bøsbøs

it means not only are you no longer allowed to poo in the street, you are only legally allowed to poo in your own home.