Whats is Yas Forums consensus on palestine ?
Whats is Yas Forums consensus on palestine ?
IsraEL means to fight with El
Get out of Kashmir!
It's their land. Palestinians want Palestine while Zionists want Palestine and the rest of the world. Only a fool would Let ZOG have an inch.
There is no such thing as a palestine. They are Jordan arabs who moved to Israel as immigrants.
Getting holocausted by the "never again" people. I hope they rise up and kill idf for their uzis
It's european land. The Roman artefacts prove it.
Semites need to move elsewhere.
It’s even less of a real country than mine.
Israelis 1.0
What's a Palestine?
I hate them just as much as the other sand nigger countries but I do agree that isreal and its warmongering bullshit is wrong and Palestine has a right to defend itself against their aggression.
we support the Jewish state here, Arabs have 22 states they can pack it up.
I'd fuck her
Okay and Israel has the right to fucking slam them when they do get aggressive.
Lefty leaf fag
Free Palestine, they have a right to take back their lands from the kikes
Palestinians are very nice people. They need a place to live and be. Israel is not a real country
Don't know, don't care. Muzzies and kikes could each other into oblivion and I wouldn't care. Semite scum.
*blow each
I don't care about palestinians at all but i fully support an independent palestinian state
Just as fake and gay as Israel. Bring back Jerusalem
I don’t care for them, but I do hope they destroy Israel and kill all the kikes
>>Yas Forums
We're wise to your jew ways, it what the /consensus/ is.
Holy Land belongs to the christians
free it
Should be under Catholic control
keep sucking kike dick nigger
We should support them in their fight against the disgusting Jews that have infested their land.
Based when they kill Israelis. As long as they stay there and keep killing kikes, I don't care too much.
Kikes. Have some jew gore.
t. Abdullah
Allah them are losers
Let's deport all our jews to israel
Palestinians aren't subverting my society and culture. Far as I can tell theyre fighting for their own from a common enemy.
Fuck them all.
Mixed race trash same as the jews
might as well
pol would support cancer if it killed mostly Jews
what is it ?
Fuck them. They've had a million chances to grow up and form a proper government but all they can do it hate the Jew.
Right in front of her granddaughter??
niggers tongue my anus
It’s a great example of why Western powers can’t win wars anymore. In a sane age, Palestine would either be emptied of its inhabitants for being a threat to Israel and the neighboring countries can eat a dick or a puppet state would be enforced to restore the peace at the expense of the Palestinians.
Rightful British clay
Dont care about either, just leave us alone
No it doesn't
You say that like it’s just an irrational response or something.
>be a defeated enemy
>Israeli government too cucked to evict you
>Western powers too cucked to let a puppet state go into effect
>powers that be can continue this petty war indefinitely because it’s better than the alternatives for them personally
We sent Indians to reservations for a reason. Andrew Jackson did nothing wrong.
There you go. They're not even hiding this
Not that I disagree with the sentiment that Palestinians would be crushed if Israel wasn't cucked. You're still a kike though.
That we hate you?
Fight me, faggot
Better than jews
Go to Israel if you love it so much
They’re fine.
jews created a laughable fake country but palestinians are objectively ugly and deserve genocide
Fighting the good fight against the Jew.
Roll et vous
Gaddafi supported the IRA so whoever is the next Hitler should repay in kind as long as its against Israel
>palestinians are objectively ugly and deserve genocide
Have you seen jews?
anus harma. yup describes islam to a T.
Israel deserves nothing but death for the oppression they put the Palestinians through .
Fuck em
If anything, both deserve it.
>oy vey
Imagine hating palestinians over fucking jews.
Glass both