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fuck you. gimme 4k

Economic stimulus during times of crisis is not uncommon. I'm not particularly in need of an addtional 4000 dollars, I'm kinda okay, but Bush did it, Obama did it to make up for his friends at Goldman Sachs fucking up the entire financial world.
I think this one is a little more justified than the other two.

How bout we just start seizing illegals' assets and spreading them.

Cool, I could use more funds to buy the dip

shit, i better get a job

I get the feeling you need to at least be employed to be eligible don't you.

Based, let's get that bag boys.

This will catch much less hell than "Obama's stimulus" did.

>tfw when welfare scammers with multiple identities will now be getting tens of thousands a month

Bush and Obama did not do a direct payout to non taxpayers.
This is comepletely different

I'd rather give it to israel

Holy shit, the toilet paper I'm going to buy!!!

agreed, you can't really argue with that since they called for quarantine so they have to make sure people still got some income

Now that's how patriotic Americans talk, proud of you son.

As another 1.5 trillion is handed to the bankers. Peak kleptocracy.

better buy them toilet papers with your gibs now boys before the inflation kicks in

What the fuck are we going to do with pablo’s old raggedy blanket?

>little timmy the 4 year old needs 1k a month or else he won't be able to pay his mortgage

>2 trillion dollars in bailouts
>gold down
>dollar up

fuck this fucking bullshit backwards world

Again, why give rich people a smaller cut of the pie they're baking? Just make it equal across the board.

no fuck you
gimme da money

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>we literally reached the point where they are just gonna give us thousands of dollars for free

We are so fucked

Fuck I only get 2k this is bullshit

nope, only if they can prove citizenship and have no criminal history

Spics can still prove "citizenship" when illegal. They just use their cousins documents.

I make 15,000 a year and I only get 4

Why stop there, he could make them all millionaires, why greedy

Yah. Haha
> Introduce
> months & months in congress
> other bullshit added to relief fund
>3 yrs later we get a check for $13.75
Yah Thanks ill save that to buy hay for muh free petting pony from Bernie

Gold is a boomer stock and boomers are dropping like flies.

I’m going to use that 4K to buy inverse etf’s!

4k? Two new guns!

use it for a nut rag, you brainlet.

Gimme that 5k

This! I’ll leverage the fuck out of it and short the market!!!! Thanks Obama!!!!

Drooling Joe looking to rebuild some of the political capital he torpedoed on live TV.

Holy shit that's a lot. So who's gonna pay for it?

That would be like 9 grand for two people with one kid. Let’s say it’s 3 months of this bullshit plus the economic crash and layoff of jobs that 9 grand isn’t going to mean shit. It will save you for a little while.

Fucking boomers fucking up the economy twice in my generation they really fucking hate us honestly

if you really want 'UBI' first cut taxes, no sense in giving people money if you're also taking money from them.
give 25% tax cut on marriage and an additional 25% on every child, after a few years make it conditional on the child's school performance and take it away if theres anything indicating bad parenting like domestic violence

Im looking at getting $12k, now I can get my wife that boob job she wants! NOICE

Gonna buy me some hookers and blow.

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>Holy shit that's a lot. So who's gonna pay for it?

White tax payers LOLOLOLOLOL.

Isn't this going to cause inflation?

Dem white folks better give me my money and quick

>trump secured the bag

Did not see this coming.

It's literally zero interest now dummy. The bankers aren't getting shit. The manufactures of all the things we buy with it will be.

>I’m finally going to get my PC

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Gimme Dat stimmy

Nope. Because the beauty of the whole thing is US manufacturing output is already in the shitter. Now they can just ramp up and get our bag.

Why so your people can blame white people for racist tax policy when blacks kids fail in schools, dark Central American Latinos get it taken away for being drunks and wife beaters and jungle Asians regularly beat their wife’s and children?

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People will stock up on food with this money, or they'll try to, but it will be all gone.

This will precipitate the ultimate food shortage.
Use your money to grow huge gardens and trade with your neighbors.

Trickle up economics

Based money printing boomer BTFO yang gang cucks

Nice try Yael

Gold down? You following the same market as me?

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I lost my fucking job in December, living off savings. That means I get not one fucking cent. You win, kikes.


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Under 18 shouldn’t get shit they’re just gonna buy JUUL cartridges

Like a motherfucker.
But then again, all this is pretalk right now, the details haven’t been ironed out yet.

i didnt mention race so policy cant be racist

I’m thinking based

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100% white middle class males with wives and children.

I don't need 4000 dollars. I literally do not. All they are going to do is decrease the value of our remaining money and fuck up the price of goods and services.


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>be me
>120k/yr job
>4 kids
>$6,000 in socialism fun bux to spend at my leisure
>cash those checks
>buy more ammunition

Already started this years seeds in doors. might take my UBI bux and get a gun in case absolute shit hits the fan and I need to defend my food.

I’m gonna donate it all to YANG2020

> lmao "stock"
Nigger, if you don't have it physically you don't have it. Stick all your shekels in Bitcoin then. Its only lost 50% of its value in 2 weeks. Gold lost 18%

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bankers use those loans at the repo rate to give us loans at the prime rate and make money
the federal government loaning at the repo rate is basically at a loss because it's below inflation rates
and also, printing money to be able to do this devalues the currency we all posess already
it's wholesale theft from the entire country to keep our trainwreck of an economy running