Lets see how many fags here are actually hedonist materialists or not

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This was kinda fun

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Based Juan. I was pratically the same.

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Very shitty test. Many questions are very dependent on many factors. I’d probably get much different results normally. Like the question would you save somebody you love by sacrificing yourself? That is dependable. I judge my decisions based on what’s best in accordance to nature. If I am a young man who is still capable of having a family and the loved one in danger is old then i’ll probably save myself. If the loved one on the other hand is young and better then me and I know he’ll be better in the advancement of the bloodline i’d happily sacrifice myself. A lot of questions to like helping the poor and what not. Yes I agree but it’s dependent wheather we live in an ethnostate or not. So many questions are so dependent on so many variables it’s impossible to answer accurately without proper context.


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Hedonism BTFO

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like 1/4 of the questions are absolutely retarded but its mostly ok

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If your monotheism you are not redpilled

I actually liked this test

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I got 50:50 down the middle of all of them

wtf does that mean?

Come at me bro

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I think I'm kind of weird

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this was a nice questionnaire

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Column is stoicism.

You're decently based.

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I'm actually pretty cool.

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Monotheist for me.

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And you would be wrong and a faggot, so who the fuck cares incel?

here ya go b0ss

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nah you're in line with the majority of pol

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>materialist, egoist, rationalist
sounds about right

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Not all materialists are hedonists moron.

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Who here 50/50 split between rationalism/romanticism masterrace?

I would say this describes me rather well except I'm not nihilistic whatsoever, slightly more absolutist, and dont think egoism and altruism are dichotomic. Nice test if a bit retarded

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my brother
how does it feel to be so based?

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Least autistic person on this thread?

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Moralfag masterace

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>materialismi, nihilism, skepticism

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thing is I am not a monotheist so the tag doesn't make sense
otherwise I am also called a nihilist a lot but I guess not?

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Rate me

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I'm in the middle for most things. Example of material v spiritual. I dont see them as mutually exclusive. They are one. When you delve into quantum physics, and see that the natural laws break down, but it still produces all that we know to be physical. What would you even call that? Order from entropy? And the concept itself is the absolute that can be discovered. On the same level, many principles of wealth require virtuous behavior. Things are a little different today, but many principles still apply. Be frugal, be vigilant, invest in the future, be useful to others, and be charitable. Wealth is not evil in itself, and once again spiritualism and materialism are not mutually exclusive.

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Oh I see now. I got the YinYang. I'm assuming that's Taoism or Buddhism. Neat.

The spiritual answers do not say that material things do not exist, just that there is something more than the material world. Platos forms are a good example of this. I do not understand how can someone be on the middle on this question. Either the world is solely material or there is something else.

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well its a philosophy survey there's no 'right' answer

>well its a philosophy survey there's no 'right' answer
>sees flag
You are wrong Schlomo

About expected

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The literature test is better, even if less board relevant.

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You're implying the two are separate. When you dream, you can feel things right? You imagine and create things in your mind. Is that real? Is that material? If not, how can you feel it? From your material brain? Why do the chemicals react in such a way to create these images? Where do your thoughts come from that form the dream?

well the point is to represent the survey taker's believes so whatever you think the right answer is, is it.
what do you mean by me being 'wrong' ?

This is the Ideal Philosophy.You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

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Kys moralfags

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A lot of you guys are really fucked up.

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That a lot of people here are fucked up was a big surprise for me too

Hey, we are really similar in many ways!

Peak performance except egoism. Materialists BTFO'd

>*tips fedora*

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>You're implying the two are separate.
Well I would say one flows from the other, but they are not separate. The soul is the form of the body. One cannot exist without the other. With certain exceptions.

"Most of these words don't have any objective meaning."


czechs out


>*tips menorah*

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Can I use your guys’ posts for my Data Science project? :)

we are the only chads here

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Based moralists

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Here goes
>t. tradcat

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