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What did you expect neoboomer?

And now you know why everyone was shilling it

Spot price and what you can actually sell it for are completely different. If you actually look there is no silver available. All PM dealers are basically sold out of non numismatics. There's 100% a silver shortage right now.

silver tanked in 2008 during the recession then shot up to $49/ounce a couple years later. Just hold on to it.

what is boomer metal?

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Short term fluctuations in gold's price is fucking meaningless you stupid faggot. You are so stupid you deserve to die.

Buying stocks on precious metals instead of the metals themselves. Are you sleepy

the value of paper money can go from 100% to 0% overnight. That's why you buy gold. Gold will never be worthless, like paper currency.

Fucking moron.

PM dealers are closed due to Corona in Germany

>he didn't buy brass and lead

Precious metals fags answer me this. You think in some post apoc world you gonna be busting out your tin snips and a hanging postal scale?
Who will set the spot? The seller of the goods you want?

Seriously you guys are retarded

imagine investing in anything but obsecure agriculture companies

1) that's silver and not gold
2) a 40% plunge in value isn't a "fluctuation"
3) it's probably not short term and will be a few years before it goes back up, (if it does)

fuck jannies and fuck niggers


You were supposed to buy physical, retard.

Name three?

Should've spent your money on cigarettes and stonks and faggotcoin instead.

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Private organic small farms in Vermont that only sell local or to farmer's markets in non-major cities.

see Precious metals aren't a way of making profits. Go back to your stonks, stonks boy. Even if the price of gold/silver plummets 99.9% it will still be worth infinitely more than cash in a collapse.

Yea, because human civilization didn’t come up with concept of measurement and records for shits and giggles, or did you think it just poof’d into existence?

protip: no one gives a fuck about precious metals when they are hungry, thirsty, cold, sick, and tired

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cope boomer

>I bought the boomer metal

The "Boomer" metals are uranium and plutonium, not gold and silver. U-235 and Pu-239 literally go "boom".

Fucking Christ. How stupid are you?

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This... if you haven't been buying guns and their stocks you're playing it wrong.

How do you pay for shit using a silver bar? People won't have change

At least this will eventually go back up unlike the 3000 dollars I spent on shitcoins at the top of the market 2 years ago.

Still "hodlering"

If you can buy both, buy both. It may be worthless when you’re in the shit, but keep it stashed and you at least have something for when the hard times are inevitably over. If it’s an either/or situation though, get supplies.



Chad looter vs virgin silver hoarder


aqua regia now no longer the only thing that can dissolve gold

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based boomer metal

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They didn't come up with the concept of measurements and records in the midst of a societal collapse either you paint chip eating retard. The whole impetus for a collapse is the failure of the standards and measurements you're talking about; attempting to use them in a different name isn't going to help you in the slightest. has it right. When people are scared, hungry, and insecure, they don't give one measly fuck about having a shiny coin if they're still huddled in the freezing rain. Can you trade them shelter? Security? Food? Vices to relieve them of themselves? Tools to acquire any of the aforementioned? Those will be the real sellers in a SHTF scenario. Aside from that, once word gets around that you've got the things people want, you damn sure better have some really good security yourself. Interacting with the public would be borderline suicidal.

Right now and probably until mid April is the best possible time to buy. If you get it now and hold by august it'll probably be back up to based numbers

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pro tip: the people who advise you to buy silver are trying to sell silver

lol no it won't. some jewish warlord will sell you a cup of stale rice for your entire silver hoard and you'll pay it because you're starving

isn't it the same with gold or cryptocurrency?

If you want to know what will really be valuable after the apocalypse, think about what you would consider raiding your neighbour's house for if you were desperate and no stores were open.

>trillions in money printing bailouts
>dollar up
>gold down
what did you expect user?

Nuclear fusion will make gold's value sink to 0. ITER will literally be able to print free gold.

A Metal is still a metal dude

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The all time highs of silver were due to the Hunt brothers trying to corner the market and they basically lit $2-3 billion (in 1970 money) on fire due to it. Outside of that instance, it's never done much

How fucking autistic are you :Dd ebin

time to confiscate and redistribute to all the hungry homeless

if you bought phyzz, you made a good decision. silver has incredible upside potential.

OH no! The fake numbers next to my real physical asset got smaller! What am I going to do???


ive been wasting my time talking anyone out of it that i can on Yas Forums. theres at least 3 shills spamming the threads. i hope no one else falls for kike tricks. use your brains guys. why would someone on Yas Forums tell you the secret to getting rich. wouldnt they just get rich themselves? only kikes shill here not good guys


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palladiumfags BTFO

apmex isn't saying that. They say '3-day' delays, but not showing a lot out of stock.
They did, however, jack their premiums up overnight. Prices on ebay are high too.
Spot price might be

Hmm, I wonder if there is a plutonium etf so i could say I own some plutonium...

You purchased something you don't comprehend.

If only they knew how bad things really were

there's these things called coins

You bought paper or physical?

Bought at propably all time high, not buying now when it dipped like never before, honestly if you dont buy silver now you are plain stupid, even if it drops it will still be worth as alternate currency etc.

I meant that the OP bought at the all time high.

boomers help!!!

kys kike