The Right has lost the culture war

The Right is pretty much dead online. Sense 2016 the tide has completely turned. Yas Forums is a laughing stock and infamous for being a bunch of braindead retards. Even here on Yas Forums every other board is sick of your shit and hates you with a passion. Everyone else is progressive. You have absolutely no traction in any online space and even here things like natsoc is contested.

Face it you lost. 2016 was the last little glimmer for the alt-right and any significant right wing movement, you're fucked. You've completely lost the argument and nationalists were completely crushed across the west in most elections aside from a few major upsets.

Twitter is dominated by the left, youtube is dominated by the left, even know your meme mocks every single Yas Forums meme and is downvoted. Reddit is solidly progressive and makes sure you can't spread propaganda.

Bernie has more meme power now than trump has. There's no recover, there is no path forward.

Being right wing is just an embarrassment at this point. Even Yas Forums laughs at you fucks. Gaming and all media is now progressive and there is no going back.

Face it, you lost. You have no path forward. But it's not to late to join the winning side.

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>pol/ is a laughing stock and infamous for being a bunch of braindead retards

What else is new?

The Left covers itself in feces and screams.
They call that "winning".

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This is a reality most people here can't accept. White nationalism and giving a shit about white people is just retarded and cringe and everyone knows it. This board is also a lot slower. People moved on and stopped leaping as retarded Nazis. It's pretty much over for the right.

And yet they pretty much have dominance over the internet and all online spaces. Everyone just mocks the shit out of white people and nationalists.

Where can I get one of those? I need a new urinal.

You get mocked way more than they do.

You niggers are so delusional

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And that's why Corona is coming. To Purge the earth.

How am I wrong.

You have no platform and your ideas are cringe. No one takes white nationalism seriously.

except the majority that will keep trump in office.

Go back to plebbit you fuck, you are not welcome here

Why do you keep trying when you know it won't work?

Lmao. It's boomers and civic nationalist that will reelect trump (if he get's reelected). And half the country already hates his guts.

I'm talking specifically about YOU. The far right nationalists types. YOU have no way forward. Don't conflate trump that is only kept alive by boomers at this point with your shitty movement. He's an incumbent president, and unless the economy doesn't recover after COVID that's what will carry him. He couldn't get elected as he was in 2016 today.

Only the most milquetoast of cuckservatives can cling to a semblance of power. The left underestimated memes in 2016 but that's not the case now. The left controls memes and all online spaces. Your fucked.

Borders closed. Planes on the ground. US troops everywhere. People in their homes. People online. Google search unfiltered


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If that were true then you wouldn't be here coping. Every normie zoomer nowadays sounds like a Yas Forums shitposter and there's nothing you can do about it

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>Sense 2016 the tide has completely turned.


you lost me there, great champion of the greater good of (you), Inc.

fuck off, dickbreath.

since, you fucktard. learn to spell.

Also: No refunds buddy

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They cover themselves in feces and scream about how everyone who points this out is "LOL JUST BECAUSE I COVER MYSELF IN SHIT, YOU THINK YOU ARE OWNING THE LIBS!?"

All behavior like OP does is help push the genetic inferiority theory of leftists/leftists are evil as theories. It is time rightists stop tolerating leftists and pretending they are rational sane humans who deep down want to do good. They are evil.

>culture war

Why do leftists use such stupid words that have no meaning?

>Even Yas Forums laughs at you fucks
Holy fuck! quick guys, how do we try and get approval from Yas Forums??!!

Actually senpai, they are afraid.

>Every normie zoomer nowadays sounds like a Yas Forums shitposter and there's nothing you can do about it

You're too deep in your echochamber. If you crawled out of this shithole you'd realize that this isn't the case.

>Berniememe power

How’d Bernie do, again?
Yeah. That’s the left and reality. While Trump is and will remain president.

Let us know when when left memes at least start getting popular and going viral.
Until then......Keep coping. You lost

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Sad. The left just keeps losing

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ok coomer

Thats why nobody takes you seriously. You see it as some sort of crusade against evil. Thats not how politics work, we're not in 1936 anymore. Can't just round em' em up and shoot em' down. If you swastika guys were actually articulate and smart, maybe there would be a debate. But theres no debate, theres only FUCK NIGGERS FUCK COMMIES FUCK DEGENERATES


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Fuck you're right. I am a socialist commie fag now.

Based the left is cancer

>all heavily moderated platforms are Leftist
>implying this is representative of real life at all
Buckle up, you sniveling Yiddish rat

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Go back to repeadit. This place goes to shit when school is out. Teenage know it all's are economically illiterate retards who read at the 5th grade level come here to troll in the most trite and obviously-teen ways.

>fucking pussy bitch OP shrieking as loudly as possible
>to appear a winner

please let me kill you, goyim

just let me fucking hunt you, just let me

Based schizo kike

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Another seething tranny

Wtf is a culture war you cucked cunt. Degenerate leftist faggots like you will be the first lot we push up against the wall when the real war comes to pineapple your pussy ass.

Leftist narratives are only "dominant" in arenas they have near absolute control over.
In all arenas where actually free discourse is allowed, rightwing narratives dominate.

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>the left controls memes
Imagine being this out of touch with reality

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They think their heavily moderated and censored online safe spaces are reality. Then when guys like Bernie run for president they get slapped hard with reality. Most of the left are spoiled white kids and trannies who dont leave their mom's house so they frequently learn reality the hard way.

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Then explain know your meme, and ever other board on Yas Forums that mocks and ridicules you

We sure got a badass over here


Every single major conservative or alt righter was targeted except for like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, it's through no merit of leftist ideas this happened, it was not through a fair competition.

And you're right, the thing is you're next. Some of you like Kyle Kulinski have the most basic level of self awareness and spoke out against this, adding something like "leftism will be the major loser of enabling the precedent of deplatforming any kind of speech since unlike the right wing we actually threaten big business", something you don't seem to understand.

I think everyone here has realized there is no taking down the establishment, but you still think you can do it, even though nobody shows up to vote for you, and all of your communications and attempts to spread ideas are being monitored 24/7 by big business.

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Trannys are hot bro!

>twitter is real life: the post

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>social shaming
Oh yeah kike, its coming

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Sense....bruh u are dumb as shyt

>You're too deep in your echochamber
>said the leftist bragging about internet censorship
This thread is gold.

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Wow 90 million Californians hate us? What else is new.

>Then explain know your meme
Not a free arena. The mods there are left wing as fuck.

>and ever other board on Yas Forums that mocks and ridicules you
Nice delusions you got there.
There are Yas Forums tier threads all over Yas Forums and the only reason they aren't even more dominant is because leftie crybabies like you report those threads to the mods who delete them or kick them here for being off topic, not because they are right wing.
Your ilk can only claim dominance in arenas where you can silence us.

They're not even dominant in Europe, the overton window keeps shifting right here.

You got that backwards sweaty. Screeching about muh white people is retarded cringe and anyone who does it is properly ignored or ridiculed.
How sad it must be to see everything you thought you would have five years ago get destroyed.
Dialate and have sex.

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You need to get out and catch up with reality boomer. The world just isnt going in your direction. Bernie will never be President. The left will simply jever have their own President. Sorry

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>Bernie has more meme power now than trump
>he still thinks it's about Trump

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The right wing, implicitly ethnonationalist party is the biggest party here in finland (whose youth wing had unironic fucking fascists and open ethnonationalist in it lol). The leftist thot government we have now is fucking up the corona crisis something fierce, come next election and we'll have based Master Halla-Aho as our prime minister.
I will gladly join the right wing death squads and purge all subhuman niggers off this land if he so commands.

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>meanwhile the greeks are literally murdering refugees and setting their camps on fire
As you've been told numerous times in this thread, you are completely and utterly delusional.

Mainstream discourse is heavily controlled by government and media in favor of a right-wing consumerist
capitalist narrative. You’re comparing outlier online spaces to status quo as if they were on the same footing, the latter is a highly funded effort at social control which historically has been enforced at gun point by COINTELPRO, McCarthyism, et al. Dunning-Kruger like a motherfucker.

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Ok boomer

>Things are true just because I say them.
UR a gay faggot.

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Yas Forums is third positionist, not right-wing.

Also read Spengler. This is all part of the process.

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stop fat shaming

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you've already sealed your fate though, eventually the left will lose because it can only spread its current platform of (((ideas))) in controlled environments. you don't win in life by being proud of having the smallest balls in the room.

Keep telling yourself this, we'll just keep winning elections.

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How demoralizing

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Absolutely based, in Portugal the nationalist party will have by far the largest growth come next elections. We're late as usual but better late than never I guess.

>Yas Forums is a laughing stock
>everyone else is progressive
>every other board
You can always tell it's a woman or an effeminate onions cuck by the way they appeal to the herd.

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>Yas Forums is not right-wing
ok retard

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>it's not to late
>No one takes white nationalism seriously.
And yet the US congress held a committee to determine how to defeat it and the ADL and other hate-organizations spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to suppress it.
All for a dead ideology with no support?
No ideology could sustain the level of suppression that White nationalism endures. That is because it's not a movement. It's nature.

>>The right has lost a culture war
>posts dead tree media cover

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>You're too deep in your echochamber.
dude, you're sitting here saying the nationalists are losing. this coronavirus thing is tilting the board in the nationalists favor - look at the EU nations closing their borders!

They actually managed to hold it back unfortunately, I doubt white nationalist right wing ideology is more popular now than it was in 2017 even though I wouldn't say it's less popular, but like you said it took everything they had and required targeting just about every single person right of centre. When lefties get too big they will have no choice but to allow the right to obliterate them.