>~This is a comfy thread~
ONLY post ITT if you haven't changed any part of your daily life and routine. (Because the "virus" is nothing but more fake news.)
>~This is a comfy thread~
Comfy Corona Deniers Thread /ccd/
it's a global outbreak of chemtrail flu, amplified by 5g
I am not convinced that it is even real
What the fuck is up with the nigger news anchor on cbs just now? Guy looks and sounds like hes about to die? Jeff something
Its a global hoax/conspiracy. I do not know to what end or the reasoning behind it. But my bullshit detector buried the needle the second this shit started.
Well I mean the Coronavirus was admittedly not real by George Soros and Bill Gates at their international meeting of the elites back in December. They specifically said it’s a test run and the project virus name is Coronavirus.
It’s 100% fake. However this shows how much control the media has. Any sickness and death caused by a flu can be contributed to the fake Coronavirus.
Basically confirms Jewish control, and ability to cover for crash of the stock markets and ultimately the gullibility of the goyim who were informed beforehand by the meeting in 2019 of the elites specifically that Coronavirus was fake.
You people are retarded.
Coof coof
Seems to be some fake and gay psyop to me. Thanks for this thread.
>haven't changed any part of your daily life and routine
Well I cant but cereal right now
Jeff pegues.
In one to two weeks or so, maybe a month tops, everything will be back to normal. They'll say all the closures and quarantines worked and that we curved the spread. We did it guys.
But in reality this was all just a test to see just how much control they can take over society. And now we know the answer. Complete. Complete control. And people will beg for it.
The best way to get white people to hate you is by being seen as someone who spreads disease during a crisis. It sounds like something a jew would do.
low IQ take
Shanghai Shivers
Sino Sneeze
Beijing Bug
Beijing Bung Lung
Tiananmen Toxicant
Wuhan Whatchamacallit
Wuhan Wheeze
Wuhan Weapon
Wuhanic Plague
Seoul Damage Control
Tokyo Airborne Torpedo
Rangoon Doom
Lo Mein Pain
Cantonese Killer
Jingpei Jitters
Dim-Sum Diarrhea
Xinping Cough
Guangdong Gout
Confucian Cancer
Szechuan Sore Throat
Coolie Cooties
Terminal Taoism
Mandarin Malady
Hong Kong Cholera
Hong Kong Fluey
Asian Microinvasion
Asian Ailment
Chinese Cough Pandemic (CCP)
Red Plague
Bamboo Burden
Egg Roll Toll
Teriyaki Terror
Winnie the Flu
Wu-Ping Cough
Yellow Fever
Genghis Cough
Fu Manchu Fever
Xi Jinplague
Brack Prague
Chinese Virus
Chinese-Origin Viral Infectious Disease
Communist Offensive Viral Infectious Disease
Lung Pao Sicken
Sweet n' Sour Sicken
Rice Rabies
Finger Trap Clap
Chinky Fever
Oriental Onset
Zipperheads' Biological Warhead
Ching-Chong Chang Flu
Gook Germ
Gook Puke
Gooking Cough
Chinaman Infliction
Bat Eating Nigger Gook Flu
Slant-Eyes' Demise
Slant-Eye Sickness
Wet Market Surprise
Communist Lung Herpes
China's One-Corpse Policy
Som Ting Wong
Panda Pandemic
The Great Sneeze Forward
Grandfather died on Wednesday. Wake on Sunday funeral on Monday. Hugged every single person who wanted to hug (most), shook hands, etc. close to 1,000 people. Working from home today because wife is sick and daycare closed, but back to work for the rest of the week.
Not convinced it's real. Way to shady. This is exactly the situation people have been predicting they'd unleash on us but it was never decided how. Well guess what, it's a fake virus. Invisible enemy. Pure panic.
I think the virus is either totally fake and gay, or at worst a nothingburger.
That said, maybe the real happening was the panic-induced societal collapse we made along the way. I do regret not prepping more but I’m way more concerned with whether or not I should shoot any government thugs that show up without hesitation.
Fuck Bernie Sanders' brain dead white supporters.
Fuck The Green New Deal.
Fuck socialism.
Fuck the Tories.
Fuck environmentalists.
Fuck communists.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck whites who race mix.
Fuck whites who don't want all nonwhites dead.
Fuck jews.
Fuck whites who convict whites for killing blacks.
Fuck rap.
Fuck jazz
Fuck the blues.
Fuck r&b.
Fuck hiphop.
Fuck wiggers.
Fuck ms13.
Fuck the triads.
Fuck los zetas.
Fuck the yakuza.
Fuck coal burners.
Fuck oil drillers.
Fuck the EU.
Fuck NATO.
Fuck all white traitors.
Fuck muslims.
Fuck zionists.
Fuck chinks.
Fuck weebs.
Fuck autists.
Fuck the LGBT community.
Fuck criminals.
Fuck women's rights.
Fuck AOC.
Fuck border hoppers.
Fuck diversity.
Fuck cuckolds.
Fuck multiculturalism.
Fuck globalism.
Fuck vegans.
Fuck fedora tippers.
Fuck gun grabbers.
Fuck faggots.
Fuck trannies.
Fuck janitors.
Fuck janitor applicants.
Fuck the ((("Coronavirus")))
Finnally anfter two fucking months someone uses my coolie cooties.
It's not fake in that there is yet another flu like bug going around and taking a few lives, so as always you want to practice decent hygiene in the hopes of not contracting any illness, but on the flip side, there is no need to FREAK THE FUCK OUT! Bow Before Me Peasants! Muahahahahaha!
Real virus, fake threat. No different than any of the several I identified “flu like” illness that cover the globe annually. If it didn’t have a name, a test, and hype, it would go completely unnoticed.
Someone is FLUent in Mandarin
>a worldwide psyop and all countries are in it
It's about time to take your meds
Still going to work by the bus, thanks to virus quarantine measures bus is 50% emptier and no one bothers
Total blackpill. Even the people around me who I thought were clear thinking individuals (including grown men who work serious jobs) largely bought into the hysteria. I'm talking about even guys who liked Ron Paul and are skeptical of government talking about how China "did things the right way" and saying that without marshal law and a police state shutting everything down, we're all going to die.
It's over, they won. Time to get good with God, bros.
This. The whole thing is fake so they can collapse the economy and loot the rest of peoples assets.
>Wuhanic Plague
>Winnie the Flu
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Yellow Fever
>The Great Sneeze Forward
>One corpse policy
These are amazing
Holocost jew bottom right is Heroin Chic - American Apparel is in the phone
When they started saying that being racist to chinks was worse than the virus, my bullshit meter went off as well.
The day of the coof has arrived for boomers.
not that comfy here
Restaurants are closed in a lot of states. That does affect people.
>Ryke Geerd Hamer (17 May 1935 – 2 July 2017) aged 82
>Hamer claimed that his method is a "Germanic" alternative to mainstream clinical medicine, which he claimed is part of a Jewish conspiracy to decimate non-Jews.
Hello...? What have we here?
Bacteria and viruses don't cause disease.
here they arent opening the front door of the bus, and its all taped off at the front section. have to use back door!
Here, here
The scariest thing of all of this is people begging for quarantines and shutdowns. Thats against human nature. "WHY WONT THEY FORCE ME TO STAY HOME AT GUNPOINT".
Well all they have to do is to not test asymptomatic cases. South Korea tested just about everybody and the death rate there is under 1%.
Capitalism eh? Please send me home, so tired, please...
This is one high quality shill meme
I guess I'm somewhere in the middle.
It's not the nothing burger that I initially thought, but at the same time the overly hysteric response of the public to a shittier version of the flu seems overblown and fabricated.
What concerns me way more than the actual coofid19 is the panicking normies, the toilet paper I have at home will last for another 10 days, maybe 14, but then what?
fucking this, this shit is going to fade out of the minds of society's subconscious when bigger issues take place again. Liberals want panic and hysteria to say they're right and preppers want to LARP for any chance of a happening. I know most of Yas Forums is just shills and 13 year olds but im surprised how ignorant people are of the cycle we go through every fucking year.
>shit hits the fan
>you mainly worry about toilet paper
Shopping is fucking annoying. Fucking boomers clearing out the shelves the selfish cunts.
Mao Wei All Cough
Bat Su Pneumonia
Chinky Chicken Feet Fever
Slanty-Iris Virus
Dim Dictator's Dysentery
Cheatin' Chinese Wheeze
Why would I care about the virus when I'm not 80 years old?
It'll be like a cold.
I'd rather take a cold over not being able to wipe my asshole due to some pathetic lemming horde panicbuying every roll they can find.
they arnt retarded, its moshe and his friends
he has gotten the better of us yet again
damn you moshe !
Government mandated? Nah fuck that. If this shit is real and is as serious as king nigger of the who says, collectively as Americans we should take the initiative to chill the fuck out for a month. Stop going out and doing bullshit that isn’t needed. Fuck the fed telling us to do it. But aye, that’s the problem with America. It’s flooded with immigrants and selfish fucking people. No one feels community anymore. People think “why should I stop doing shit if I’m not old?” Selfish fucking cunts. My wife and I stopped going out in public. Now we hike after work and make dinner together. I work in manufacturing and deal with the same 5 people everyday. She quit her job because it dealt with a select group of the public, and the people that owned the business she contracted through wouldn’t take anything seriously, including not caring when contractors would come in sick. She’s at home and we’re living off my salary. I’m not worried, we have enough saved to live over a year on no income. The problem is going to be all the people who only care about themselves. The reason trump is toeing the line, asking people to reign in their out of the house activities, is because they don’t want to drop the hammer. Rightfully so, can you imagine the chimpouts that would happen? If people would just stop being selfish fucks it wouldn’t ever happen.
Now check this, trick
Shill harder
The Ching Chong Death Gong
ah yes I 'member that
whatever the Jews are doing it looks like the economy and society are hanging by a thread
I went to the park yesterday and it was full of people enjoying the sunny day. Its been far too cold this winter.
KEK get these to Trump's desk asap