Croatia giving away shit to people under 40 who want to live there for 15 years. Close to border with Hungary.
Wanna live in an ethnostate?
thats not good man i dont want american mutts screaming that they are more croatian than us because their grandfather was 1/4 croatian
We will make men of them in one generation, dont worry. Its better than a wave of afgani syrians etc
>Close to border with Hungary.
Do you list that as a pro or a con?
i would rather like to diaspora to return
Up to you. Depends on each person. Maybe someone likes to be closer to big EU hubs. Im more of a coastline Croat, but I love north as well, both are great. But please, you dont come, we wanna stay white. Thank you for your understanding Sadiq.
I don't speak Croatian otherwise I would, also I'm a seaman so I would prefer to live near the coast. I know Croatia has a pretty reputable shipbuilding industry, if I lived there that's probably where I'd try to work.
i would do it if i had money. such is life
You have to offer women to get men to move to your Country. We all want families not free trinkets.
They newer left, they are 6th column. Their hearts are home. But yeah, I would like it if we made so many babies that we can have both diaspora and a full country.
Here are your new residents, bro.
Is this France?
Be careful what you wish for, look where you wished them to appear.
I’d laugh but
>Close to border with Hungary.
Youd have to be crazy to return to that shithole. Ive left croatia since 5 years and its the best decision i made in my life. My only regret is not leaving earlier.
I came back and at first I was like you, now I could not go back to west europe, tries it again, just cant. Miss the sun, people, home. Call me crazy but Im happy and it has more meaning than wageslave for globohomo.
What's the nearest town there?
Can i get an island
Can you change your language to English?
Thats a cool roof
This is where they giving away land.
I already do.
>there are only 2 croats on pol
Does Ukraine have a functional mail service? How reliable is package delivery?
Can I join?
>Does Ukraine have a functional mail service?
>How reliable is package delivery?
Fuck off, you're full
I'm a nurse so I'm economically useful, are you an Orthodox country?
Looks kinda comfy outside the city, but not shure about living there for 15 years.
why do they act like complete animals? it's always like this
How old are you now?
I don't think there are more than a million Croatian American
Oh boy the rape babies are here thinking they're superior to anyone again
Spanish city in North Africa, or Cueta.
Is it normal to feel scared of them?
If my online business didn't just crash due to the corona virus I'd consider it lol.
Probably less dangerous than the average bus ride in El Salvador desu. I thought every one of you had gone to the US by now.
Notice anything?
looks like a transylvanian village
Americans are barely Croat.
Mostly German-Irish-Anglo-Scots-Spanish-Italian (West European)
>I thought every one of you had gone to the US by now.
I'll move to Florida sooner or later
that just looks like Hungary (or NE Slovenia)
Fuck off we’re full
(Unless you’re a Castizo or Criollo)
Mestizos or less, fuck off
A family having a comfy reunion lunch together?
i may be phoning the croatian authorities.
THEY ARE FILTH, just so you know, balkan refugees has completely assimilated with the ghetto culture of every other shitskin from MENA africa crap. So yes please take them.
lots of fatties, well fed people
If you have decent internet connection there, then I might consider it.
Jeez and i thought Croatians are nationalistic... and now they are doing this shit. Well enjoy whoever wants to fuck your women.
they're all white.
The swed is correct , here in Australia atleast I can confirm this also
t.non subhuman acting balkan diaspora
No niggers or spics :) its heavenly
its not an ethnostate if you let people in
Can I own guns in Croatia or is it a disarmed European fag state?
Would you rather have an average American from flyover country, or some Paki kebab rapist?
No kids
No wonder the population is ageing and shrinking
They are niggers. They dont act like animals, they ARE animals.
I've actually never seen an American claim to have Croatian heritage. Hell, I've never even met a Croatian for that matter, just Bosnians and Serbs.
European slums look kind of comfy.
And I don't want to make offspring with more confusing lineage than my own. I'm already some kraut/potato hybrid American and it would be too cruel to add one or two more countries to that. I guess the American part doesn't really count though, since the miracle of white people started in Europe. Ideally I'd like to breed with a German, Irish or another krautato hybrid in an effort to maintain some form of racial identity.
Would you accept a pure alpine from real France (the countryside) ?
Niggers aren't human.
>Croatia has seen a net outflow of people since the early 1990s
Can't imagine why.
My great grandfather came from Fuzine but it was Austria-Hungary then
Muh fugga
Mup da dip dop mop bop
Muhfuggin chikn sammich naw'm'sayin
wow, your typing in real US American, such a rare treat. I'm taking a screenshot!