Why isn't National Socialism tried again?
Why isn't National Socialism tried again?
because its shit
Because it's awful
>taken serios
chosse one retard
They were shown as "the bad guys" in global media for 80 years. Hard to come back from that, though it seems that some National socialism is making a comeback, so the time may soon be right.
wasnt your country made up of gypsys and prostitutes ?
National socialism is a shitty ideology that puts the dictatorship of the masses as an end in itself. All German nationalism is idiotic.
Because like every form of socialism it has never been socialism. That's why you can't "try" it again.
There was socialism in the USSR. The means of production belonged to the people
It has been, Zimbabwe was very much national socialist.
That was communism tho, and no a majority straved to death so it didn't "belong to the people"
Normie narrative they were fed since childhood.
They believe Nazis were responsible for
>Starting WW2
>Wanting to kill all non-blondes
It's insane, but the beliefs are so deep seated that redpilling them is like saying gravity is not real, or time goes backwards.
It would work, there would be no druggies, homeless or gays and the jews would reeeee.
Not really, the huge majority of money that country has made is from white farmers. So in a way that's help/aid and not natsoc
Except national socialism is nothing like Marxist socialism. Hitler privatized several firms, lowered many taxes, established hereditary farming, etc. The opposite of Marxism.
>Starting WW2
>Wanting to kill all non-blondes
Are you denying reality right now? Yes, the Nazis started world war II , killed Jews and wanted to make Slavs slaves.
borders closed, blame other countries for messing us up instead of being appeasingly diplomatic, govt working closely with but not commandeering private companies like Walmart and Target to take care of the people, gearing up economy to be independent of globalism
Everyone gets some money from the economy to support themselves in time of need
National Socialism is coming to America. And here's why that's a good thing....
Because of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century- the Holocaust.
>Why isn't National Socialism tried again?
The Soviet Union collapsed because the Soviet Union was hated by the entire Western world. Europe and the United States destroyed the USSR. The Americans imposed an arms race and arranged ideological diversions in the form of "jeans and Coca Cola"
didn't they confiscate all that from the white farmers similarly to how the Nazis did with jews? ofc, it wasn't farm land but wealth property.
Because they didn't actually DO ANYTHING except start a war and build lots of jew safety camps.
Like what did hitler actually DO?
Nat Soc nazi LARPERS say stupid shit like
>he didn't have a chance! Anglo War Mongers chomping at the bit to invade and ass fuck germans!!
>He built the autobahn!!!
No one knows what he actually did besides say he hates jews in his stupid book which is a big self-masturbation project
isn't China nationalsocialist?
Because socialism doesn't work.
Socialism works. You've just been brainwashed by the capitalists
At least Ukrainians have dignity and some type of pride while Gypsies are sons of whores
China is state capitalist but not really natsoc. Don’t let the ethnonationalism fool you. Chinese workers work for 20 hours a day in filthy conditions, and the Chinese govt doesn’t give a shit about the environment or people. Not to mention it’s controlled by (((high finance))) and (((central banking))). A natsoc state actually has to care for its citizens
fuck off to your shithole gypsy
go larp being white somewhere else
>Why isn't National Socialism tried again?
Once somebody invents a time machine, they will go back and fix hitler's mistakes.
>what did Hitler do
He went to an economic model approximating the American System of the early 1800s (that supposedly made America into a superpower) while the rest of the west was using the Austrian Model?
it will be.
it is time for an ns empire of the European people world wide.
They begged them to return a year later
Where has it worked?
>inb4 it wasn't real socialism
it brought the entire country together, that's enough socialism to work with
Because it was a catastrophe the first time. Hitler Fanboys get off on early German victories, but they don't give a shit about the price that was paid. The war cost the lives of millions of German soldiers and civilians, and the explusion of ethnic Germans throughout Eastern and Central Europe, as well as the brutal rapes of millions of German women and girls. It's considered one of the largest mass rapes in history. All of this for no permanent territorial gains. It's a pretty high price for based pics of SS Soldiers marching thru the streets.
Only once we establish the proper ethnostate to make it stable and sustainable.
Literally jews
It’s illegal to advocate for such a system in many countries
They fought for your freedom you traitor
National „socialism“ = feel good capitalism european style
Pretty much this socialism when not done by browns and Jews actually works just fine
National Socialism is against (((their))) interests, since it takes back control over the banks, which are the kikes single largest source of power and income.
You're talking about warmongering and imperialism. While you're right that NatSocs would lose any wars and under-perform in imperialism (war and imperialism being the two things progressive democracies specifically do best), the idea that starting world wars is a mandatory consequence of people wanting to stay in their own countries is just you being an inveterate propagandist. Hitler was one example of a people tacking on retarded ambitions to their ideology, but still only one example, and unlike communism there are 10,000 years worth of other examples of traditionalist policy all across the globe, with all manner of intricate outcomes.
Cause that's the weird thing about doing politics correctly: it's complicated. So complicated that people often find it easier to find one attribute that characterizes the good life in whatever way they feel, and they stick to that forever. And then you get ridiculous conversations like this one:
>hey guys, since ethnonationalism works we should try it
^that is what talking to an instinctive propagandist is like.
because it was a total, epic, and thoroughly documented failure the first time around, like all socialisms are
was the war a necessary consequence tough? What if the war wouldn't have happened?
Yeah but modern socialism isn't the same as national socialism AT ALL. Rule 1. Socialism will never work with immigration.
actually reread that, national socialism was actually the only thoroughly documented socialism, every other was mitantly censored to hide the decline
Considering that they considered Ukrainians subhuman slavs I find this quite unpropable.
Because when you base your society around militarism and a belief that you are superior, you end up fighting wars beyond your capability and losing
Every serious empire ever
Because most neo-Nazis don't even know what NatSoc is. They think being a NatSoc is jacking off to whatever "far-right" political party in their country is... with said far-right parties almost always being little more than pro-(((capitalist))), pro Israel, only slightly anti-establishment, shills.
Idiots can't try what they don't know.
Because Israel exists.
It is working pretty well for China and Israel
The baby boomers have to die off first, as they were the generation most heavily influenced by the post-ww2 anti-nazi propaganda.
>China is state capitalist but not really natsoc.
Where’s the difference?
> Don’t let the ethnonationalism fool you.
As if it wasn’t one of the main characteristics
>Chinese workers work for 20 hours a day in filthy conditions, and the Chinese govt doesn’t give a shit about the environment or people.
3 lies in just one sentence
>Not to mention it’s controlled by (((high finance))) and (((central banking))).
Jews have least influence over china
>A natsoc state actually has to care for its citizens
And that’s exactly what china does
>Rule 1. Socialism will never work with immigration
Why are you even mentioning it?
None of the european socialist countries had immigration, they literally followed the policy of closed borders
China lets its people eat bats, rats, and god knows what else. And don’t even try to deny the Chinese sweatshop slave-tier labour. Not to mention China is atheist and modernist and totally opposed to natsoc ideals. The only similarity is ethnic homogeneity, but that’s not enough to be natsoc.
Also, pic related. Communist China totally is and was controlled by Jews.
socialism is bad and ruins countries
China basically has it which is why they are doing so good. Other than that it's the jews
Every problem in the western world today stems from Jewish central banking. It is truly amazing how such evil is allowed to persist.
Because it resulted in the death of 100 million people and the German capital getting raped by russians
Who would stop them?
They literally allow themselves to exist.
Because banker jews gained near complete control of the world through their communist and capitalist lieutenants. The closest attempts (Iraq, Libya) were destroyed by neoliberals
Jews cucked the west into feeling guilty over it
It's horseshit
I wish I had an answer, user. Most people are unaware of what central banking even is, and how it impacts society.
>and arranged ideological diversions in the form of "jeans and Coca Cola"
The Soviets did the exact same thing, and their efforts were far more successful
>China lets its people eat bats, rats, and god knows what else.
These are old traditions in rural areas
Why do you even care about it? They might find you eating cattle or pork just as disgusting as you find them eating bats
>And don’t even try to deny the Chinese sweatshop slave-tier labour.
What do you mean by that?
>China is atheist and modernist
Yes, china is very successful
>and totally opposed to natsoc ideals. The only similarity is ethnic homogeneity, but that’s not enough to be natsoc.
Look up what natsoc was
>Also, pic related. Communist China totally is and was controlled by Jews
No it’s not, of all countries in the world jews have the least influence on china, that’s why your zog pozzed government currently runs a full scale propaganda war against china
Are you from Donbas by chance, buddy?
It doesn't work
>Because it resulted in the death of 100 million people
So what?
War is war
And with 7 billion „people“ living on earth 100 million deaths is a rather neglectable number
No. Why would you think that?
Because it places loyalty above competence. Also, the idea of superiority is based on Social-Darwinism, which is pseudoscience and doesn't have anything to do with getting an evolutionary advantage.
But even if you go with the idea of Social-Darwinism, we're about to merge with computers and robots anyway, so in that context, race doesn't matter one iota.
>Why isn't National Socialism tried again?
it was never tried in the first place. hitler turned the nazi party from a workers party to the party of the cult of hitler. hitler (((betrayed))) natsoc.
>old traditions in rural areas
I’ll bite. Maybe it is. But humans naturally have the instinct for healthy food, like cattle. This is probably just a result of maos communist regime, which caused mass starvation and forced people to do this
>yes China is very successful
Technological success is only superficial success. Spiritually and socially, China is as decadent as the west.
>that’s why your song possesses government currently runs a full scale propaganda war against China
Yeah, the same thing happened during the Cold War against the USSR. Doesn’t change the fact that the Soviet Union was a Jew controlled empire just like the USA. Jews constantly set up farce global conflicts to fool the goyim. Hitler, for example, often referred to capitalism and communism as “two sides of the same Jewish coin”