Why do right-wingers suddenly support socialism?

Why do right-wingers suddenly support socialism?

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because there's a lot of us that are national socialists. not "right-wingers"

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>Give money to a company
>Company keeps workers employed just a little longer

>Give money to Jamal
>Jamal blows money on a TV
One of these things is not like the other...

This is more like aid during a crisis

most of us are some sort of third position you mongoloid

Because we're not right-wingers, we're nationalist socialist.

>give money to a company
>company cuts benefits, slashes hours, fires workers to keep more of the money

>give money to people
>they spend it for themselves and their families

why do you need the middleman company, you jewish kike? fucking corporate cuck shills never cease to amaze me with their free shilling for big business. the same big business that supported illegal immigration for the last 50 years.

Giving somebody a hand during a global crisis =/= giving somebody generational welfare that keeps them permanently useless and dependent on the state

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>they spend it for themselves and their families
Spend it on a TV

He blows money at a store that gets revenue from the purchase. Revenue which they use to hire more or pay more people. Why do you faggots think money just disappears when non white people spend it?

>Jamal blows money on TV
>Jamal has a TV
>TV company has money now.
>Some of the bailout money is recouped via taxation on the sale of the TV
>Give company money
>CEO sends it to offshore holding account to never be seen again.

>company cuts benefits, slashes hours, fires workers to keep more of the money
"Keep more of the money" to do what with you dumb nigger?
Research new products and efficiency measures to keep the rest of the employees employed?
You fucking commie faggots hear about high executive salaries and think that's where the bulk of corporate expenses go to because you're idiots with no sense of scale.

>CEO does magic thing and me angry because no taxes for gibs
Scrooge McDuck vaults don't exist you fucking idiot.

Socialism is the people owning the Means of Production, ya dumbass. Bailouts and welfare aren't Socialism. Neither are taxes.

I don't... but if the lefty Congress is gonna sign off on giving me a grand to buy a scary "assault" rifle. I am all for them choosing the form of their destruction l.

Based. fpbp

Why do you think money just disappears when corporations spend it faggot?

cut the crap Scrooge McFuck, you're not fooling anyone

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Another retard zionist pig kike thread. You can tell by the way they start an OP by asking a question from a false conclusion.Sage

CEOs keep most of it, retarded retard kike retard.

>jamals buys TV
>company who produced said TV now has profit to pay worker

on the other side
>give money to a company
>CEO put it in stock to raise networth
>worker gets fired because noone is buying TVs

>NatSocs aren't right-wing

Educate yourself

>what are you doing goys? don't give the money to individuals. give it to the bankers!
t. kike

>Why do right-wingers suddenly support socialism?
National Socialism. But it will only work when you have a nation of one ethnic group. The USA would be unworkable, too many very different groups.

>CEOs keep most of it
Give proof beyond your retarded feelings faggot.

Fuck off with your kikery.

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Feel the full power of socialism! We all get checks in the mail now. Sounds great! Heck, who needs to vote Bernie now?


And that money Jamal paid for the TV just vanishes?

>Nooo don't keep the institutions where working class people save their money afloat, let them go insolvent so the people have nothing and communism starts to look appealing.


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How would we even pay for this lol

Overton Window

Thanks bernie.

Reverse bailout isn't socialism; no one is taking money from X to give to Y.

This does create a risk of inflation, however. Still seems like a good idea.

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this may unironically be an effective strategy, packaging redpills into dumbass npc boomer memes, imagine bumperstickers, that say "diversity white genocide" or "uss liberty"

>research new products
>my new apple iphone xvxlxxii with eleventy million cameras and 23 different ways to watch Blacked porn in HD
>manufactured in china

you're the blackest, dumbest gorilla nigger in the world.

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the alternative here is not free market capitalism, it's giving money to bankers
the socialism/capitalism dichotomy is hegelian dialectic to divide working class americans against each other
nothing resembling free-market capitalism has existed for decades

don't be tricked into handing all your money to bankers for free

That's not proof that most of corporate revenue goes to CEOs you dumb nigger that's proof that people with money do accounting tricks to dodge taxes. No fucking shit.

None of you even know what socialism means. Welfare is not socialism.

>I suggest we don't collect taxes
>You're socialist!
Nigger, taxes don't belong to the government.

Helping people isn't socialism, government ownership of industry and business is

>One off help during a crisis to help the economy
>A lifetime of free money for no good reason

Jamal is just 13% of the population

Because im all for.national.socialism

>Noooo stop trying to keep your business afloat by creating new products!
>You're supposed to sell things that no one wants to buy, so you go out of business and all your employees lose their jobs!

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>overpay taxes that go to gibs and wasteful govt spending
>owe more taxes every year
>finally get something back from all I’ve paid in

Yea, go fuck yourself bernout

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Gee, man, it's almost like it's called National SOCIALISM.

because it literally does

Do you believe they're burning it or something?
Walk me through your thought process.

You especially don't know what "right-wing" means.
>left is socialism
>right is libertarianism

If the money is spent on immediate consumption, then the company that produced the good gets their margin, but the resources that went into the production are consumed. "The economy" isn't actually improved unless the company takes that small margin they received from the sale of the good and invests in increased production capacity.

That is to say, yes, giving money to poor people who blow it on booze and cigarettes is a waste.

Oh is this the play now? To compare Marxist bullshit to helping people in a national emergency? Fuck you leftists, and be prepared for your tears when we nuke China back to chopsticks.


Why is the government doing anything socialism to you idiots?

They literally move the money out of the country. It does disappear.

because that's the lie Marxist used to normalize their murderous ideology.

>putting it in offshore accounts
>"b-but atleast it's not burning money! :'("

Jamal won't buy a TV. He gun by dem new 'Bronz nigga gotsa hav fresh ass kix

Because we finally learned about mmt

>literal r*ddit posting
Massive gay faggot put a bullet through the roof of your mouth

right wing /left wing is completely meaningless outside of a fake bread and circus 2 party system like you guys have

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>to dumb to remember the bush tax checks

Why do these niggers in media have such short memories

seething kike

Bailing out business is bailing out Americans, but we shouldn't want a bail out to accelerate the collapse of western neo-liberalism.

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>Moving money out of the country so that bernouts can't steal it makes it disappear

k dude lmao
PS fucking kill yourself kike loving corporate cock sucking faggot. The jamals that blow it on a TV will starve, this isn't about them. No different from the wage slaves of any race that would take their trickle down shekels from bossman Mr. Goldberg and go buy beer and smokes.

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Why are offshore accounts bad, because you can't tax the money in those accounts and spend it on free breakfast programs for urban youth?

lol what

>Spend it on a TV
who gives a shit if they spend it on 20" vibrating horse dildo, it's still money injected straight into economy, keeping the system running
or you can give it to companies and hope that Mr. Shekelstein doesn't just shove it all up his own ass

Because they don't, fool.

Because they're realizing the industrialized military complex is already socialism, and all the big banks and corporations paying zero fucking sales taxes and abusing subsidies are corporate welfare. If we can repeatedly keep those entities on the tax payer drip, why the Hell wouldn't we look after citizens?


very based

>implying "socialists" actually worked an 8 hour day and payed into the system they actively subvert and leech off of

this is why this shit will never work. non of you lazy fuck heads do any actual work, and to make things worse you spit in the face of actual real working class people while pretending to be their champions... people notice this scummy underhanded behavior so they naturally reject your false idealism, the only real problem you have is that you know that you're a worthless parasite and your host is rejecting you.

>tfw paid admin leave until this is over
>might also get government gibs
It's annoying lazy minorities will get more gibs though. They should starve

>I'm just angry that you won't give money to niggers, but this isn't about niggers.

You hate "corporations" because decades of Marxist propaganda have convinced you that "corporation" means Immanuel Goldstein. You are an NPC controlled by pavlovian conditioning.

Why do leftwingers suddenly support borders ?

They are in power that's why

They only use that propaganda as a stick to cripple the other side when it's in power

Same with budget deficit and debt, obviously

Selective recollection when it favors.

you mean american right wingers? most national socialist support socialism geared towards the nation and helping along it's interest
there is a lot of that when you look at contemporary and historic 'right wing' ideals
it is just something the jews and other rich people successfully removed from your culture
you're barely more than slave race people of the bestest ally

Do I have to claim this as income?

>it's still money injected straight into economy, keeping the system running
Niggers aren't the economy.

fuck off basedcialist.

Split those hairs boy. Don't bother a google search for 'CEO pay over time', 'GDP to average income over time'.

you're arguing that helping the economy is bad because somewhere, at some point, a black person might be allowed to buy luxury goods. That is literally the definition of a pavlovian response. And you call other people brainwashed

>Why do right-wingers suddenly support socialism?

We don't.

>Why do right-wingers suddenly support socialism?
the government is causing the crash, god damn.

Why is the solution to every problem "print more money"?

We know how this will end up. Hell, even if we don't have Zimbabwe levels of hyperinflation, it is still punishing people who try to save their money. I want to save up for a house some day. But instead that some day may never come because as I get closer to my goal, the value of each dollar I saved becomes less and less. Why bother saving for anything? If I know my money will be worthless in a few years, I'm tempted to buy everything I can now, but then I will be screwed if I am in a bad financial position, like losing my job. We need to go back to the gold standard or have some kind of limit that prevents the fed from endlessly printing worthless money.

Emergency relief funds in the middle of a national crisis is not socialism. They’re not debating this because of income inequality or any of those other Marxist buzzwords you morons pander with. This is a temporary measure no different than disaster relief funds following a hurricane, wildfire, or flood. The government is not seizing the means of production to redistribute wealth among the masses. They’re just trying to keep the wheels from flying off during this crisis.

>hurr durr third position belongs on the right of the false dichotomy

Because Donald Trump is at risk of losing the election.

Remember, "It's OK when my guy does it"

No free hand outs ever. If you're too dumb to not prepare for a pandemic you don't deserve aid. Commies can get their dirty hand outs, I know my fellow capitalists will gladly refuse this welfare money because we're rich already.

Are you kidding me? We're supposed to believe that the land of the free contains a large population of people so eager to kneel that they'd submit to national socialism? Grow a spine!