Who the fuck allowed Russia to have this much land?

Seriously guys, why does Russia have this much land? Why haven't we done nothing to prevent them from taking fucking 1/3 of Eurasia all for themselves?

Attached: russia.png (1252x641, 341.02K)

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its all wasteland you retarded mutt.
Only the west and some southern parts are lifeable.

Uses mercator map.

It's like Canada, mostly wasteland that's uninhabitable.

The USA has the most useful land in the world LOL. Same can be said about us.

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>can make mars lifeable
>can't make earth lifeable

Relax he didn’t know

Russia did dipshit

And what are you going to do to stop them?

The only country to ever contest them in the east was Imperial Japan.

>you would come along to mars
Go fuck yourself shitskin nigger

It is the richest country in natural resources on earth, and has the 6th largest oil reserves

>Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev appears

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>why does Russia have this much land?
they colonised it? the same way amerimutts colonised the west coast huh also most of asian part of russia isn't populated + living there would be terrible because of climate etc so hold your horses

Russia never should’ve sold Alaska to the USA desu

Doesnt make it inhabitable.
Also you should read up on the history of the northern part.
Then you will find out why its barren.

good question.

We must deport r*ssians and niggers to deep siberian wasteland and divide the rest of r*ssian territory among European people.

He already broke up the Soviet Union, and is now living his last days in Los Angeles, giving you a clue of who paid for the breakup of USSR.
What now?

Back in the 17th century they did a final solution to the threat of Mongol attacks by conquering everything to the east.

Open a Gall-Peters map and you'll understand why that is

I went to Siberia last year, it’s getting way warmer. The population of Siberia has been growing and some Russians have been talking about moving there because it’s cheaper and is pretty

russia isnt that big lol its just a little bigger than the US



Most of that land is completely useless, not even good for low tech, isolated agriculture. It's also relatively low in resources considering its size.
Putin gives gigantic chunks of new land for free to whoever bothers to start new settlements, on the condition that they'll be part of the Russian Federation.

russia- 6,601,670 sq mi
usa- 3,796,742 sq mi

literally not that much bigger than the US you fucking brainlet

They had Alaska too but their dumb asses sold it for peanuts lmao

Dunno what your point is, considering he’s basically Russian Gandhi regardless of the fact the USA would obviously support him in theory

Lol that’s pretty much larger than the USA my friend

They sold it because they knew the UK or US would take in eventually anyway

THhey didn’t expect it to last, and it probably won’t.

No one ever said we need to make ALL of Mars lifeable.

Its probably not explored for resources as much as european Russia. Its too remote to make it worthwhile to produce minerals if you have to haul them 6000 km to market.

Because you actively prevented us from doing anything. Especially the Swedes and Ottomans and Germans

Didn’t know that, just googled it, it also happened during the Crimean war apparently and would’ve became a liability

That's almost double the size you retarded mutt

It really was a great decision to steal it from the natives.

Fuck off!

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They colonized and were only ones who did not decolonize.

Good point. But again, that's why they want it to be more colonised. That way more localised economies can work there too.

Stop blaming Gorbameme for destroying the USSR. The whole system was already fucked to the core in the late 70s and he just did the inevitable by pressing the restart button.

>would’ve became a liability
The vast majority of colonial possessions are liabilities. The entire game was done in the ideology of merchantalism, which has fallen out of favour because free trade is more lucrative.

Why would you want to prevent whites from oppressing natives like you did with redskins and still do with palestinians, kike?

He's jealous of you guys. I mean Russia even has tigers.

They should just put the world's incels there. Most of them don't have hope in the West anymore. Give them sexbots and artificial wombs. They'll have Jap salary man tier slaves.

Our army and fleet.

big brain post

>russia isnt that big lol its just a little bigger than the US
almost twice bigger

Furtax and Cossacks.

Russia is more lifeable than Netherlands since we don't have high chimps every 1cm

The Pacific Fleet is the weakest of the three, and the two others ain't exactly anything to brage about

Have fun in your 15 Sq kilometer country that no one even knows about. Seriously I don't even know what your flag is. What is your contribution to the world?

Imagine if Russia still had Alaska. Alaska makes up 18,3% of USA.

You sound like a kike

yeah would be even bigger, probably the size of africa or some shit

another reasons to let them have them



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Holy fuck dude, how did you grow up and not know 90% of the russian landscape is swamp/melting permafrost......literally perfect for hiding shit and most of the forests stay alive due to not being able to cut it down.

>can make mars lifeable
>can't make earth lifeable

>Why haven't we done nothing to prevent them from taking fucking 1/3 of Eurasia all for themselves?
Because your country didn't existed then

Are you retarded? Russia is the only country in the world that could destroy all human life in America.

It was sold prior to the Turkish wars, when Britain was protecting Ottoman roaches to prevent Russia from making Constantinople christian again.
It would be very hard to defend and since its true strategic and resource value was impossible to know at the time they got rid of in favor of focusing resources on the west and south.

So as with pretty much everything else in the world you can blame the anglo jew and be right in 9 out of 10 cases.

Fabrique Nationale, craft beers and waffles

This thread reminds me why burgz aren't taken seriously on this board

Russian Gandhi?
Nigger, you must be retarded. Everyone in Russia hates his ass, and of he showed his face in Russia, he would be trampled to death by an angry crowd. He fucked over EVERYONE in the country, while escaping to the west as a rich man.

Gandhi my ass. Igor Talkov was the Russian Gandhi, but ((they)) shot him on stage.

> I don't even know what your flag is. What is your contribution to the world?
>retarded amerimutt who doesnt know where his guns come from

>Mutti Merkel appears
Fuck off. Yes, the system was overloaded with leeches, because when everyone has nothing, the only way to get ahead was to steal from the state. But all the ((leeches)) had one thing in common, they are all now either in Brighton Beach, or Tel Aviv.
Noone worked harder than Gorbachev to destroy it all, though.