Boomers are getting what they deserve

Fuck your yacht and fuck your granite countertop. Every person should be banned from taking loans at 60 years old and social security should be abolished. Death to parasites. The state should invest in the fertile element of the population.

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Boomers are getting what they deserve, but you are completely wrong. This crisis proves that the boomer mentality of "work for what you have and work for your right to exist, you fucking parasite" was flawed and unsustainable. Now selfish, narcissistic entitled boomers are being poetically murdered by a virus, and the private sector healthcare system that they so beloved is woefully unequipped to serve them. Fuck boomers and fuck you, because you are the golem of boomers, espousing their same hypercapitalist and free market views. Fucking faggot

This. Hurry up and die, you're holding up progress!

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Can you please shut the fuck up about UBI? Anyone who thinks that giving niggers and Mexicans $1,000 a month out of taxpayer money is a good idea should be sterilized.

The people at the bottom of the economic ladder are always hit hardest by crises like this. They have no safety net.

Richard Spencer should just khs at this point.
What a total faggot.

The fact that you're hatred for people different than you is SO strong that it forces you to vote against your own economic interests is astounding. People like you truly do amaze me. I could understand in 2016, when Hillary Clinton was a right-winger and didn't have any kind of positive, left-wing economic platform, outside of vague promises of 15 dollar an hour minimum wage which never would have materialized, but the fact that you can actually hold this kind of political view, and base everyone down to race, is just astounding to me.

I understand also that race IS a divider. And I understand the trepidation about multiculturalism. But really, but giving in to this mentality of putting race above class, you're just giving fully into the plan of the elites and rulers of this country, who want to keep enslaving you and your family in the hopes that you'll turn your frustrations toward different racial groups rather than them, because even they know that they are the ones that ACTUALLY caused your problems

Yes, right wingers decimated. Thanks trump for murdering your voters lol


Class is a social construct. Race is everything.

Fake pic


Is that real


what is his problem with Ramz, they clashed heads already

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Fuck interest based lones at all, dont just say over 60. usury faggot

Based and absolutely true


>Can you please shut the fuck up about UBI? Anyone who thinks that giving niggers and Mexicans $1,000 a month out of taxpayer money is a good idea should be sterilized.
How do you plan on surviving the food riots then?

4 weeks bruh. Like it or not, Feds are going to start giving away money.


I find it amazing how boomers managed to squeeze their biggest fuck you in right before they all died. We shut down the entire worlds economy and likely put the world into complete economic collapse because 10% of boomers might have died at 75 instead of 85. We’re going into a full on depression, destroying young people’s lives just so we can protect a group of people that are at the end of their lives. We’re risking global famine because some people that lived their good years during the best US economy had an elevated risk of dying of the cold.
Fuck boomers

Their safety net should have been considerate parents that made at least six figures a year, so theyd be making seven figures a year

Glad even our young people are fucking tards


As if Republicans are any different

>Yas Forums is finally waking up to how retarded the actual right is

Spencer needs to learn to dodge.

>Class is a social construct.
As opposed to class being biological? You fucking retard?

Hopefully, this generation will never grow old or acquire anything they’d like to conserve like all the previous generations did.

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I usually agree with RAMZPAUL, but that is an utterly retarded response. Besides people can work from home now. It’s not like fifty years ago where leaving the house was a requirement. Less people die from an economic collapse than a virus that literally makes you sterile.

I'd be impressed if they weren't voting for a Boomer

This. Kill all boomers.

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No he’s right. We should all go back to work and give the boomer the virus. I’m not even kidding.

>"work for what you have and work for your right to exist, you fucking parasite"
I see no lie tho. Fuck free shit you pussy.

Hourly reminder Spencer and Kike Enoch are feds

>create a big nanny state govt that controls everything because it’s what (((they))) don’t want
How fucking new are you?

Social security is fucking bullshit. Just let me put that money into a 401k... I don’t get it

How the fuck do come up with that conclusion. If anything, this shows exactly what socialism and socialized healthcare will look like.

We are at the mercy of Big Government now which has closed everything

Shut your mouth antisemite. Stop blaming everything on the Jewish upper class. It is inbred Whites in West Virginia that actually run the show and ruin the lives of international shitskinery

Artificial golden age. To mold and control them.

Best part is theyll spend all their money turning 95 instead of like 89. Instead of on their kids. Cus theyre completely brainwashed.

Warfare never stops. We are in the middle of it.

>Hourly reminder
Is it because they pay you by the hour kike?

Boomers are reaping the benefits of their multi-culti open borders liberalist globalism. Hope it was worth it, you old coofing fucks.

Yes, credit card debt should be cancelled.

Ramz called out (((the tribe))) while Spencer worships them.

From day one, Yas Forums has been calling out Spencer as an obvious pied piper, designed to lead astray any dissident right-wing movements. In all probability, he's on at least one government payroll.

Dumb gutter nigger. Why deflect when it would be worse if we had socialized medicine. We would have less hospital beds and less competent staff.

This doesn't bother me. Honestly. I understand this. 100%. Saying "nigger" on the internet is fun, transgressive, feels like breaking free from repressive social norms. I understand that 100%. But what I don't understand is when you let this desire define you, and warp your mind to the point where you are literally voting for your own slavery just because you perceive that vote as making the niggers life slightly harder. When IRL both you and the nigger, and the spic are all getting fucked by the same people, and all of your lives would get better if you just voted for your own interests rather some perceived racial interest (which by the way, never materializes into any kind of racial purging, cleansing, fix in immigration, halt to demographic change or anything else)

I'm getting kind of pissed off that there are far-righties who unironically want this society to stay afloat. LET IT DIE, LET IT DIE, LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE!

OK then there's no such thing as "private property". If you don't want to pay people with your taxes then you can't expect people to pay you just in order to not die. You can't kick people off all of the land, or you're going to have problems. That's why you have leftism

There's already a nanny state that controls everything. I didn't create. Mostly right-wingers did.

You want to start talking about libertarian solutions. You want to start talking about abolishing private property, I'm all ears. But I sorta doubt you want to do that. What you ACTUALLY want to do is use the nanny state to oppress poor people


We have the most privatized healthcare in the western world, almost the most privatized healthcare in the entire world, and we're the society that ran short on masks, medical supplies, beds, ventilators.

But all the places with socialized medicine are objectively having far fewer of these issues than we already are in the USA

Ramzpaul names the jew
Richard Spencer is a limp-dick faggot
>200 or 400 cases in America is NOT an emergency and current actions taken are unrealistic

I guess you can't have epidemic if people can't afford to get tested, real big brain free market solution to pandemics

They are already getting it and much more you fucking dumbass. Socialism is alive and well here, you are not allowed to benefit from it, only pay.

I usually like Ramzpaul, but his take on the Corona virus is a weird one.

I don't care.

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Waaaahhhhh I need the state to care for my children waaaaaaaah

This is laughably false.

We fucked up

Reminder that spreading fed hysteria with literally no substance to back up your claims is what feds ACTUALLY do to paralyze us

>Inb4 a bunch of ameragoym try to tell you our healthcare system is actually great you're just to poor to enjoy is properly

The government should shut everything down to fight the virus, but they cant because most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and missing work for a week would cause most people to end up homeless

Considering a handfull of families own more wealth than most people on the planet and will continue to hold that wealth for many generations, I would think that class is not a social construct.

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or 400 cases in America is NOT an emergency and current actions taken are unrealistic
Making accurate predictions of the future from real mathematical data from other countries is beyond your abilities. We get it. You're a nigger level intellect. Too bad there's not a ball game on TV for you to watch right now. Then we wouldn't have to listen to your stupid utterances.