Once again the boomers are fucking things up for Millennials. Everything was going so well for us, the economy was great, the memes were dank, and trad women were making a comeback. The boomers were seething. They had to shut it down. Now we are just sitting here because the elderly get the flu every year and die miserably.
Once again the boomers are fucking things up for Millennials. Everything was going so well for us...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Everything was going so well for us, the economy was great, the memes were dank, and trad women were making a comeback. The boomers were seething.
None of these things are true at all. The boomers were happy because their portfolios were booming, the economy for millennials was horrible, and “Trad women” are literally instathots
bullshit everyone was working except for neets
57 year old boom boom here. Yes user...we’re fucking all of you. Cope. You will die screaming, hot, hungry and broke...violently too most likely. We don’t like you. My wife and I had no kids but everyone we know who did so regrets it. The best part of all of you got mopped up with a sock or piece of tissue paper. We’re all comfy and wealthy. We own everything and have money put away for a rainy day...oh look user!...just look!...it’s starting to rain!! Just know this, we hate (YOU) more than you hate us. We won. Our lives were blissful and prosperous. Yours is fucked.
Have fun when the dollar goes bust and you spend the rest of your life serving food on a cafeteria line. Your retirement is going bye bye.
Stfu and die of covid already, you degenerate shitsack.
LOL! Not worried user. Real estate will always be worth something and people need a place to live so all of my rental properties will continue to generate income past my own death. Got a stack of cash and that’s always better than not having a fat stack. I don’t see life changing for me but I see major suffering ahead for you & that makes me giggle like a school girl.
This is a good troll. Even I am seething
>Real estate will always be worth something
2008 called
Right, the devaluation of us our shared currency won't mean anything to you. You might have property but it won't mean shit when your country men are reduced to roaming savages and you need a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a gallon of milk. Sorry buddy, you are getting fucked hard and riding your smug attitude into the dirt. I hope you have some strong dentures.
I’m raising the rent on all of my rentals beginning May 1st...already notified my renters and all of them are millennials.
yes, working shit jobs with no future
>2008 called
I bought 10 rental houses in 2009 user. Cheap. Made way more than I spent on them back years ago.
Come at me.
Because history is full of examples of old men defending their resources from young men, amiright?
>thinking anyone's scared of some shaky-handed baby boomer
Absolutely right user. We have money and influence plus our own resources...you don’t.
next time the gov wont be able to print away the problem and then you are stuck with houses invaded by homeless
>shaky-handed baby boomer
We’re closer to the end of the road than youngsters. Most of us have lived full lives and done everything we’ve wanted to do and more. Youngsters are more afraid of dying than older people are user. I suspect when the first round whizzes by your ear so close you hear it and feel it, you’ll shit your diaper and run in fear. Flight wins more than fight with youngsters every single time.
>houses invaded by homeless
My renters won’t like that very much user.
Kek, is that all you have? I thought you had money. My aunt is scarier than you are. Have you even shot those guns? That shit looks brand new. Do you know how to shoot? Might be hard to pick up a skill like that at 57 but it might be necessary if you want to guard those sweet sweet rental properties.
>is that all you have?
No but you can only shoot one at a time accurately user...amirite? My dad was in WW2 user...I learned to shoot when I was 10. Got it down.
Oh, sorry to hear you don’t take care of your guns. My dad taught me this:
Take care of your guns, keep them cleaned and oiled and they’ll take care of you. All my guns look new user...it’s how I roll.
Historically speaking, you're right. This was already one of the worst economies to grow up in, and now we're heading for another recession because of corona. Boomers had the most beneficial 401k, pension plan and healthcare plans in history. The amount of benefit they garnered from every dollar earned/spent is insane when compared to that of the millennial generation. They still predominantly hold most of the wealth and voting power in America, and they will until they die out. Shit, why do you guys think there are so many "stereotypes" that boomers don't understand how hard it is to go to school or succeed economically now? Because they lived in a better time and they're ignorant to today's hardships.
The reason you hate us is because you're old and the only thing money doesn't buy is time. I actually feel sorry for your generation because, for the most part, they had an easy life handed to them and it made them weak and entitled. It's really sad when you think about it.
>they're ignorant to today's hardships.
No we’re not. We see it clearly. The country has been being dumbed down for decades. The younger generations have been ass fucked by their obsession with pop culture, sports, viddy games etc and a feeling of entitlement. They’re fucking stupid and spoiled. This is a service based economy and services are being automated and shut down. You losers are fucked. Should have either mastered a trade (plumbing, electrical etc) or stayed in school and got a degree/license & become a professional...some did...most didn’t. Oh well.
>easy life handed to them
HA! HA! My wife and I got absolutely nothing from either of our families. When we got married in our twenties we barely had enough money to put together to buy a six pack of beer. She didn’t even have a car. I had a truck I was making payments on. We didn’t buy our first house for several years. Been married to her for 32 years. We stayed in school and worked worked worked. Having no kids was the BIG plus. It’s the younger generations that were spoiled and left feeling entitled. You paint with far to broad a brush my friends.
>tfw live with parents and collect sweet neet bux
LOL, get reck old white people
>get reck
We’re wrecking you on our way out user and laughing about it.
peak boomerposting
You bastards come into work sick and legit think the chink coof is a scam.
Why do you have to be that way?
>peak boomerposting
Truthful boom boom posting...all the boomers I know have the same story. It’s these shit younger generations that sit around and cry because life is tough for them...it’s fucking tough for EVERY generation. COPE.
Is that why the clip is still in the box? My guess is you take care of your guns like a stsrwars collector takes care of his action figures. I shoot regularly and take fine care of my weapons. What you have here is a play kit for a larper whose thinks that he is anything like his father in WW2. My grandparents were of the greatest generation and its fitting because they birthed the biggest pieces of shit the world has ever known. Don't go comparing yourself to your father. When you were living the high life in the seventies did you think of your dad in the trenches and imagine yourself to be like him? He who had children, a family, a life, an actual contribution to this world. You are a laughable disgrace. No children, laughing at the generation that should be your sons and daughters for not having it as good as you. It is sad user, you are sad.
I’m 57 and haven’t missed a day of work in 30 plus years user. I work in the public school system too! Get the fuck outa here! Kids are super spreaders of this shit. I’m on PAID spring break now hoping they cancel school for the rest of this year. Pretty sure we’ll get a call this week giving us at least another week off but who knows. I’m a science person user...I believe the science.
The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".
WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.
WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined
New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections
28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again
28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected
27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"
27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant
26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again
21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"
19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says
14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier
31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"
Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition
Virus invades nervous systems
Whenever people use lots of emotional wording I know they're jews sowing division.
Somehow they know how to convey emotion via word. You can feel the ugly jew hatred for everything in that post.
Boomers are still trash though and it's thanks to jew tv "programming" in the 50s ,60s,70s.
All TV had subliminal messages that made boomers retards
>Hi fat boomer loser here
>u should have done X
>I know everything
I have zero empathy for the pain that is coming your way.
Yeah, just another Herpes variant. IIRC Herpes was created by the government tinkering with syphilis, looks like they have managed to combine the flu and herpes. It's pretty brilliant honestly. My family is immune to herpes, I am hoping that it helps us in this regard but if this virus is real then it looks like it's just getting started.
>clip is still in the box
LOL! It’s a magazine you twit, not a clip. Newbie posers call magazines clips. HA! HA! Just happened to get that 33 round magazine delivered by Santa Postman as I finished cleaning my Glock & Saint so I tossed it in with for the pic. Cry more. Kids suck user...enjoy the struggle you’re going to have paying for them, the stress, the responsibility you cannot escape. I avoided that tar pit trap and am glad I did. It made life much easier for me and wifey. My dad was in the navy in WW2 user and shot himself in the head when he was about my age now. I don’t compare myself or my life to his...he had it much tougher than I did...no doubt about it. He never bitched and moaned about it like you babies do today though. He sucked it up and carried on until he got colon cancer and having watched his mom die from it he decided to exit his way instead.
Based Boomer. These faggots deserve nothing except hardship and taxes. Fuck them. They are trash. Imagine not going through any resets ( world wars ) and still feeling entitled to the spoils from that period. Get fucked young anons.
>jews sowing divisio
Never even met one in my life user...I’ve only known 3 black people in my life too. White guy and white wife from Northern European stick. Live in a rural red state.
>I have zero empathy for the pain that is coming your way.
I think you have me confused for you user. I’m quite comfy.
>this based boomer
What a LARP
Still you’ll be glad to know that there are plenty of boomers on my street who I’ll be preying upon once shft.... some of them have some cute daughters too :)
Damn this boomer is triggering poor anons out here
Kids suck, responsibility sucks, but we owe ourselves to society and the work of our parents. Your generation slurped critical theory Jew cum like it was gold and now you have turned to me, peddling me the same tired wares that you whored yourself out for. It is good that you don't compare yourself to your father, it sounds like he was a decent man who suffered quite a bit. I am sorry that he did not have a son who valued his contribution to the world and to humanity. Instead he had a ZOG brainwashed Consoomer who thinks that it a real zinger to correct some pedantic phrase while making fun of people that should be his children's age.
Strong men build empires, their sons manage them, and their grandsons squander the remnants. You skipped right over the management phase and went straight to squandering. Good for you.
Is it any wonder Boomers get out in retirement homes and forgotten? Old people are a drain on society.
Only jews and honorary jews will try and tell you Corona Chan isn't a bioweapon
>millions and millions of fighting age men are shortly going to become dirt poor in a time where the average american absolutely hates each other
>boomers are STILL gloating and pointing fingers when they're way too old to be even halfway effective as soldiers
Lemme tell ya you're going to have lots of fun once the power goes out
Oh you’re good
>preying upon
You’ll be the one that ends up the prey user. Most all of my neighbors here around me are older than me and retired. I still work. 100% of them are packed...I wouldn’t wanna try and break into their shit. They all shoot regularly and I think they’re genuinely hoping someone like you comes along. Here’s what I woke up to again this morning. Been here for 25 years at this location. One way in is the only way out and a natural barrier on this side. Good luck. You’ll need it.
stfu bum ass nigga
The boomers are scared this time because it doesn't matter how much do they exploit us, they're going to get obliterated
>trad women were making a comeback
Lol what a load of shit
>did not have a son
He had 4 actually. I have an identical twin brother and two older brothers. We’re all on the same page. Only one of us had kids and he’s on his 4th marriage. One of his kids who is like most of the kiddies here on Yas Forums was a spoiled rotten entitled (he thought) asshole who, as he got older, resorted to a life of crime because he thought he deserved to live the life his mom and dad gave him as a kid forever and he didn’t think he should have to work for it. He worked for mommy as a young adult in his 20’s stealing from the cash register every day...hundreds of dollars a day. Her business eventually failed, after decades of being in business, because of him. He continued to get in trouble locally, had 3 kids himself by 3 different girls before going on a multi state crime wave that resulted in him being shot to death by cops after a home invasion.
This is how many here on this shit board will end up when the boog starts.
what a dumb lying faggot zoomer
These guys are outspoken democrats with rapefugee welcome signs on their lawns. Many have expressed their anti-2A views, one of their daughters is fucking a nigger for crying out loud
These are the woodstock kind of boomers who were spitting on soldiers returning from ‘nam
I’m very skeptical they are armed
20% of people age 65 or older dying off would be absolutely amazing for the world. I love my grandparents of course, but all they do is collect welfare and order from qvc.
More than likely correct, Jews are very much invested in sewing discord between generations. I don't hate boomers, I see them as a litmus test of how quickly things can change from one generation to the next. The golems of WW2 were eager to fight Jew wars so they were raised up to be good soldiers. Their children had to sell American exceptionslism to the rest of the world. The next crop that was born arrived in a world that was already actively subverting white society and advocating white replacement, the work of their forefathers is complete and the ZOG has no use for them.
Is this your blog now? So your family had some shit kids and you think that that's how it is for everyone all the time? Maybe you are right, it sounds like we were better off with you clipping your genetics from the human tree.
>heh, I found an extremely rare exception to the rule, looks you're BTFO now heh
fuck off retard, life must be hard with only three brain cells
Pic relevant...real ID fag
You’ve been BTFO
If Corona Chan doesn't take them out then all the roaving nig spic hordes are going to eat them alive. Any boomer that makes it to younger white men for help are going to get turned away from either lack of supplies or just flat out anger. Being old is worst case scenario for when you need to fight and these boomers are about to experience the biggest societal collapse in history where they've been constantly shitting on every other generation and themselves. To say boomers are fucked is a vast understatment. I wouldn't be surprised if thanks to the memes that there's going to be roaming boomer hunter squads that shoot on sight anybody with snow white or maybe even gray hair
Zoomer girls are just as thottish as millenial girls. Society is about to go through a hard rest though so they'll have shock collars around them soon enough or they'll be in a harem to some warlord
I’m not affiliated with any political party, pro 2A, anti illegal immigrant, ANTI TRUMP TO THE MAX, shoot every weekend, no kids.