Whites and Buddhists in Burma Thailand and Sri Lanka are both threatened by encroachment of Muslim invaders breeding like rabbits in our respective nations. Imagine how based it would be if we had an Anti-Mudslime Alliance who would support each other against Muslim threats? Buddha was a blue eyed Caucasian and was spread by the Redheaded white Tocharians after all. We should team up to BTFO the Eternal Ahmed from our nations once and for all
White-Buddhist Pact
Pretty sure guy was found out to be a larper and a fraud with expensive cars, etc. so many Buddhists monks are.
what a piece of shit, he literally turned monk for 1 week or someshit for a publicity stunt.
We need to get the address of those based anti-Muslim Buddhists in Burma and try getting in contact with them
he's a muay thai fighter
If he bodyflops Mudslime monkeys he's alright with me
That is not the same person
>subhuman shitskins whoreship molloch
fucking yawn
no proof he did though, just a cringe larp photo shoot like many monks
Oh yeah, this guy wasn’t even living a fraudulent life as Buddhist monk, he literally play dress up for a week kek
betcha it is
might not be but I bet they’re both frauds
Support your Buddha Buddies against the evil Rohingya.
Many monks in Thailand are ex cons ,
They get time of their sentence if they promise to be a monk for a couple of years
That is pretty based though. Probably one of the better rehabilitation programs there are.
Literally completely different skull and face
>Le poor Rohingyas being raped and genocided by evil Buddhist racists
>Wahhabist Muslim savages rape and slaughter Buddhist and pagan villages in the Chittagong hill tracts of Bangladesh, along with any "Asian looking" villages, human rights activists who try to raise awareness are macheted by jihadist assassins in the streets
>No global media coverage
>A group with the exact same dialect and religion as the savages appears just across the border in Burma, call themselves ""Rohingya""
>Immediately start breeding like rabbits, 8-9 children average per mother, to outnumber the Buddhists and conquer and kill them when they have majority ISIS style (Wahhabism teaches this)
>Start getting cocky, ransack and massacre several Buddhist villages
>No global media coverage
>Rohingya Jihadists are set up through Pakistani and Saudi funding
>Attack multiple Burmese military outposts
>Furious Buddhists retaliate
>Jihadi and Islamist networks and lobbies influence organisations and groups like Amnesty International to report on "Le oppressed Rohingya who dindu nuffin"
>Mass Global media coverage and condemnation
You see now, Buddhists have a lot in common with the Dissident right, the Muslim cried out in pain as he strikes them. We should start making allegiances with the Buddhist world
I liked him in that Fight with VanDamme in Bloodsport.
Really it has nothing to do with Muslims. Just have a Nationalist alliance with them. No encroachment, by any group. I'm a fedora and as racist as they come but there's no reason to put a religion or race label on this. Everybody just needs to stay in their own fucking countries, period.
>Buddha was a blue eye Caucasia
The absolute state kek
you are nex!
It’s probably true though. He was from Shakya (Scythian) tribe which is still here today
some how I thought you had replied to yourself OP. Meant to say the two pictures you posted look the same. Not the other clearly different person
969 Defend Buddhism
He was always described as blue eyed with curly brown hair, sometimes it's described as curly black or curly blonde hair. He definitely had at last partial indo-aryan ancestry
Fuck retarded arabs, inbred jews and other human garbage from Middle East.
Absolutely based chad, how do we contact him bros?
you sure you're not a mudshit yourself?
the Muslims encroaching on the Buddhist territory in Asia aren’t Arabs or from the Middle East. They’re from nearby countrys.
No he had red hair
>Two leading members of the Buddhist nationalist monk group Ma Ba Tha cautiously welcomed the landslide victory of Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy in the country’s election, but warned against any attempt to change the controversial “race and religion laws.”
>Firebrand monk Wirathu, notorious for his anti-Muslim rhetoric, told Myanmar Now the group is determined to protect the laws even if they need to confront a new NLD government.
>The Patriotic Association of Myanmar, better known by its Myanmar language acronym, Ma Ba Tha, had urged the public to shun the NLD in the run up to the elections, saying a win for the opposition party would risk the country being dominated by Muslims.
>Ma Ba Tha monks have publicly voiced support for the military-backed ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), which this year swiftly passed laws proposed by Ma Ba Tha that the nationalist group claimed would protect Myanmar women and Buddhism, but which critics said discriminated against minority Muslims.
Absolutely BASED get this chad on RedIce TV lads get him on Infowars
no he had black hair and blue eye
Buddhists are just glorified centrists/civnats/facesitters thay suicide themselves when real conflict arises
Into the bin with them
Good. Kill 'em all I say. They are all faggot pussies who need to die. Iyd rather live with pedo Muslims with based attitude than with a fucking Buddhist coward. Kill em all. Fucking veggie larping cunts. Fu k Aussies too. They have dirty assess. They use toilet paper to clean or move the shit around their ass. Disgusting.
Okay Ahmed you inbred cocksucker, meanwhile they're literally passing racial purity laws and forcing Jihadists out of their country through guns and steel Kino and based, someone based needs to get a Burmese translator and interview this guy
I do not want you responding to me you filthy fookin hindu
Do not
its the dude from robot in the family
I am correcting you on what someone from my country looked like. mudslime filth
Have you not seen the Jihadists hordes of evil growing in power in Indonesia? Muslims are the greatest threat to us all next to their enablers
he’s a mudslime
>16 Western countries all refuse to elect a government that supports their own people
>One based monk literally galvanises an entire nation against mudslime invaders, literally turns it into an ethnostate through speeches and Facebook groups
We can LEARN from this man Yas Forums
>A britshit would rather live with muslims than buddhists
Yeah, that surprises exactly noone.
Do you want me to go to your country again cuz I will I am not scared
Idk I'll probably go bang some indonesians next since the nepali were all ugly evil prudes
Im a god
Go kill some Jew bankers and politicians instead of raping White underaged girls.
Probably a Paki
What a weird Buddhist who takes steroids and shave his eyebrows
Hey how do I get a singaporean gf I want one of those fat ones, or skinny one with a thigh gap and some tits
Im a white god btw will settle for a rich milf
Pls repond thx
You sound like the evil fridge guy from Ong Bak
You start searching here.
I know you guys go to that street with the thai hookers well yeah I did that and even found some really coot chingchong but I want one of the sluts I see on the subway n sheeeeeit that speak english come on you goys idolize white ppl make it happen hook a brotha up
Well traveling asian has made me a ruthless sob now how do I get one of these richy rich westernized chink skankholes
Please some burmese user help us get an interview with them, it can be on literally any channel Infowars Red Ice Fuentes you name it, let's get dialogue going with these ethnonat Buddhist CHADS
Nirvana swole
Your tribesman has those secrets.
Bump bump bump
>imagine not being a Buddhist already
Mongolia is Buddhist shithole.
>Use google translate
>After a period of flourishing under the USDP government, Ma Ba Tha (the Burmese acronym for the Organization for the Protection of Race and Religion) has experienced a series of setbacks since the NLD came to power in 2016. First, a ruling from the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (Ma Ha Na, in its Burmese acronym) in July 2016 clarified that Ma Ba Tha was not formed as an official sangha organization. That was followed by another Ma Ha Na ruling in May 2017 that outlawed the group’s use of the name Ma Ba Tha. (Here, we continue to use Ma Ba Tha as a shorthand, since many of its supporters and critics in Myanmar do the same.) In July 2018, Ma Ha Na issued a similar order directed against the group’s new branding, the Buddha Dhamma Parahita Foundation. The government’s campaign against Ma Ba Tha escalated when sedition charges were brought against the vitriolic monk U Wirathu in May of this year, and another Ma Ha Na ruling last week has reiterated both the ban on the group’s previous names and the threat of civil prosecution for those defying it.
I thought Tengrism was prevalent there?
Also what does horse milk taste like?