Now here is an interesting conspiracy theory if you want:

Now here is an interesting conspiracy theory if you want:
Impact of coronavirus on stock exchanges worldwide, within 1 month:

- 17%

Now, look at this:

(China) + 0,3%

China, creator of the pandemic, has miraculously "recovered", has almost no more cases of coronavirus. The world is now beginning to feel the effects and panic about the disease. Who recovered first ?? China itself! It seems to be that this virus was a move by the Chinese government in response to the loss of the trade war with the United States. The goal: to throw the world into recession !!!
Is the scenario not clear? They are already growing! China bought almost everything it devalued on the stock exchanges around the world ... with that the Chinese became owners of the global companies that are in China and without the money leaving China.

Attached: 1582858340934.jpg (1080x1080, 144.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:




WOW she is absolutely STUNNING

+0.3%? that's it?

their own 9/11


she looks like an alien.

no, she looks like an adict to the BBC

Their market is a state controlled facade.

they didn't have as much fallout from 2008, and had more plunge protections in place. arguably, we're a literally jew run system, and their monetary system is still more jewed.
they outjewed the jews. there's no real mystery, virus aside.

China and the democrats are working together to take down Trump. They will install Biden who will tear up all trade agreements and make new ones where China comes out VERY well.

what does this mean?

More chicom nonsense.
When will you fucks learn (((they))) always use misdirection.

it's dooood, user

>meme flag nigger
Chinese's didn't force everyone to shut it all down when there are only 100 sick people in a whole country
this level of reaction is ridiculous

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hannah is so fucking pretty up until she opens her mouth. then it gets fucking annoying as shit.

You seem informed. What's (((his))) name?

that is literally what this guy was saying the other day:

zuckbook /mahmoud.elawadi.9/videos/10163288717110720/

mahmoud elawadi (saudi arabian?), banker for wells fargo / merrill lynch / morgan stanley

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-18 020104.jpg (615x566, 40.45K)

el luchadore needs to go back

>You seem informed. What's (((his))) name?
I only know this from Yas Forums, couldn't tell you his name. honestly, when I first saw his pic thought it was female, sad, I genuinely can't tell the difference!

does she have a penis

This is the theory I'm working with.

>implying the chinese stock market isn't completely propped up
Your regular chinaman has nowhere else to put their money and there are huge restrictions on selling. Also, all the major companies are either owned by the government outright, or are so closely connected that they might as well be, and therefor aren't going anywhere.

I think it's a real grill, she does asmr

Bump, pretty much this.
Also make look Trump bad, make him loose election and install pedobiden so he can continue to sell out US IP and move US work back to China.



stfu faggot



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This a 1000 times.

>it's a real grill
ah fug! I just dk anymore, Yas Forums broke me!

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checks flag

Tfw no alien waifu.

If this turns out to be correct,
>Bye bye China.
Retaliation will be swift.

It was all I could do to resist selling some of the 75 pounds of rolled silver quarters my dad left me and btfo short puts all month, because we all knew what was gonna happen.

If I knew then what I know now, I would've skint their asses up and bought some physical gold to get through the transistion.

But it's all good. I have no debt. Own my house, 3 trucks, 2008 CTS with a custom crate LS smallblock vs that crappy northstar motor.

So Im good,

Fake and transexual

10/10 trap. Would cross swords with.

She’s pretty

When you you have worried?

>Release a virus to the WORLD so they could change the president of 1 country.
Burger narcissism is truly amazing.

everyone needs to PAY ATTENTION TO THIS
who benefits if world markets crash? china
who claimed this virus was suuuuper duuuuper bad guise? china
where did this originate? china

don't get me wrong, its' not the black plague and it doesn't have to be that lethal for this chink scheme to work. these lying fucking rats are stoking this and the fucking liberal western leadership and media are going along with it because they want orange man bad to have mud on his face.
>not every country is usa
trump was starting (starting) to clear the way for similar leaders to take power in other countries. and since he was even nominated we've had a full blown pants shitting episode from the media over it. why are they so scared of him? even foreign media trip over themselves to make orange man bad jokes like the baby balloon in UK. so dont tell me it has nothing to do with other countries because you're being disingenuous.

this was a play by china with a few videos and bad acting and giving the citizens all a 2 week staycation, and they crashed global markets. now they're probably going to buy up shares of US companies and try to accumulate a majority--
oh, look, that's exactly what happened. tencent just tried buying out disney.

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I fucking knew the Chinese would find a way to become a superpower. Let's stop them by moving our business elsewhere as retaliation. Lots of cheap labour in India.


You have been bamboozled!

Traps are women

he STILL believes any chinese number

Conspiracy Theory?

You sure you aren't sitting in intel meetings? Because this is exactly what happened.

They were going to get fucked by the trade talks, so they decided they'd level the playing field and cull their oldest and most unproductive people while they're at it, while also having an excuse to shut down the protests in HK.

This was 100% an act of bioterrorism by the PRC.

>still no arguments


It's safest to assume everything that looks like a chick on Yas Forums is actually just another faggot.

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Nonsense, China is down 10% from their peak in mid-january

It doesnt matter as long as the US has the world reserve currency, and the most well funded military on the planet, we will never be dethroned as the largest world superpower. Both of those things ensure the other one continues to exist. China cant take our place without physical destruction of our country.


What are we going to do? Nuke them?
Military doesn't mean shit in this mutually assured destruction world

It's all about influence and ownership

>China and the democrats are working together to take down Trump.
I believe this is true.

> memeflag
> crying about China
> never mentioning the jewish involvement in this crisis

Shame about all the countries that will no longer be buying your shit. No worries though, I'm sure it'll all work out just fine.