Why are Americans so ignorant?
Why are Americans so ignorant?
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HA HA HA, Katie is precious.
I bet she has Herpes.
Freedom triggers the Europoor.
Based Kate removing the boomers with boomer approval
>And I'll do what I want.
Typical, self-centered, filthy whore.
What even is America anymore? Can no one take anything seriously? Is it just a nation where people can CONSUME over priced okish food. I hate this country, well I hate its people. People will look back at this and say “ at least they still CONSUMED during a time of crisis!” Truly what a beautiful nation. CONSUME the American way
Why are croatniggers raised to be bootlickers? Unless I am under arrest, I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Natural Selection in action, only faggots are afraid of the boomer holocaust.
Evidence the Great Culling is long overdue.
With that five-head she's rockin' herpes is the least of her problems
Get the fuck out of my country, you defeatist faggot. If you think the point of the tweet is to exclaim consoomerism, you'll be doing us all a favor.
You're fucking retarded and need to be executed.
with due process in minecraft*
Kate's alright. At least she isn't holding up a Red Robin.
It's not an exclusive burger problem. Most young people grew up in a protected world. They lack any sense of danger. Pic is no shoop, that's an actually existing sign.
>red robin
fake story
Learn to spell nig brains
Wtf is wrong with her forehead? What eldritch knowledge does she keep in a cranium that big?
Shes actually right, keep your sick Croatian ass at home dawg!
The recipe for a great quiche.... just kidding women can’t cook
This country will burn itself into the fucking ground. To not be bound by the ideals of nationalism and law and order in the socialist commonwealth—the welfare of your kin, kind, and country—is inherently destructive, perverted, and isolationist.
We have given the game away, and we're proud of it. Fucking Christ.
this comment is just as fake as your politics are
I would drench this little buck toothed chick with so much cum, I dont know what it is but I really want to bang this ugly little spicarooni
"why dont people just do what they are told. stand in line and be counted like a good goy." aparently you need to be an American to think for yourself. we have tje right to assemble. 6 months from now this will be over and you shillis will be crying about something else.
Why the fuck do people care?
If you're under 50, it literally is just a fucking flu. Boomers are afraid we're going to kill them, that's why this narrative of "millennials need to save us" is everywhere now. They don't give a shit about us, only themselves. They want us to change our lives for a disease that really only affects them. I say fuck them, go out to bars with your friends, go to large gatherings. Why should you continue to have your life fucked up by the eternal boomer? They have shitted up this country with mass immigration while shipping our jobs off to China. I'm going about my life as usual. If boomers die, they die
Or you'll get the virus retard
lmao shes actually retarded
Get out of my country you dumb nigger. You fucking ugly halfwit mutt, I’ll fucking kill you you dumb fucking spic
exactly. Its not the millenials you need to socially distance yourself from. You get it, you pass it around, you have a mild cold, you friends get mild colds.
Its the boomers that need to stay home and socially distance themselves.
>Don't get this disease that permanently damages your lungs
>Fuck u this is murca I'll do what I dern please
>Why the fuck do people care?
Some of us don't have dysfunctional families and grew out of our 'fuk u dad I h8 u' phase.
Red Robin has good recipes, just shitty staff usually. If you find one with a decent cook than It's actually pretty tasty
>Amerimutt trashtalks frogs for going outside despite the confinment
>Amerimutt does the same
>FrEeDoM tRiGgErS uE
Its people like her that would be the reason a zombie apocalypse would happen
She has it backwards. If all people over 70 self quarantined and everyone else just went on with business as usual then there would be virtually no deaths.
>why do you care about your parents and millions of people's well-being? why do you prepare for the possibility that the virus might mutate and be dangerous to you as well? just CONSOOM to prop up the economy, bro
fuck off, kike
the 70 + people still need to get groceries and medicine from the pharmacy if they dont have a family to do it for them.
Create an emergency task force to deliver supplies to them. It would be much cheaper than completely crashing the economy.
>Why are Americans so ignorant?
% of 'young' individuals with complications requiring hospitalisation and ventilators exceeds current capacity.
It's not just old people
Why do state Shills fear the Corona so much?
BASED KATIE alpha female
It's just young people clogging up hospitals because doctors are compelled to treat their slightly worse than average flu as if it were life threatening due to the hysteria.
stupid fucking cunt
>Red Robin
Ffs just nuke us already
because we all secretly hope the nation is ravaged and brought to a standstill.
office shut-ins shouldn't be the only ones allowed to stay at home during this.
my fucking job sends me to meet strangers and do work in schools and so forth, and since theyre closed, my bosses are finding work for me to do. Busy work and meeting strangers. we're most likely to get and spread iplnesses, and its the fucking meet-nobody office folks that are being told to stay home.
my gfs jew boss is fucking cracking the whip on them.
this time fucking sucks for those of us who do anything useful. i hope i get sick.
Anything to own liberals... pathetic
>its just a flu bro
Stop calling us Ignorant ? im tired of people shitting on Americans on this board. its ridiculous !
Lmao imagine behaving like a dumb entitled child and feeling proud about it. Martial law when
>look at this youtube video that says it's just a flu bro
Love a good fivehead. Reminds me of that bene gesserit witch. Bet they know some real kinky shit.
The guy in the video is Wolfgang Wodarg, former chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee.
Based frogs vae victis fuck germany
He's literally saying sample selection matters
duh. no shit.
look at the Koreans. They tested shit load of people. that's 1% death rate
The UK has tested 50k, 2k of which are carriers, 55 of which have died. That's still 2%
Yes people have underlying issues, but even then, the rate is real fucking high my dude.
The Italians? Well those dago fucks are shitting and not washing their hands + are hypersocial retards.
ya dingus
Do burgers not have homecooking?
She's the same bitch who told people to go to Chinese restaurants in NYC. Nice mixed message Alexandria.
He's saying that, but also that a lot of deaths of people with comorbidities are now being counted as coronavirus deaths, when prior to this hysteria that wouldn't have happened to the same degree.
because nobody gives a shit about what some shitskin spic has to say.
>it's unthinkable torture for normies to stay at home for a week