How long until normies snap?

How long until normies snap?

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I've been training for this my whole life

Finally, something where I'm good at.

I am finding it extremely difficult to pass the time.
Haven’t had tacos in days.
Smoking weed and lurking all day.
Might try to watch some movies today but for some reason it’s hard for me to enjoy them without other people’s company.
I think I have some sort of problem with being by myself.

Neets are immune to that Kind of shit. Neets truly are the next step of human Evolution.


Lol what a fag

I was molded by isolation
Cured of my attachments
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe
I've seen normies first fight over toilet paper
Seen nprmalfags become as beasts on the void

Now all these moments lost like just the flu in the quarantine

>introvert neets are going to adapt to the post-apocalypse better than extrovert normies

Finally, Corona is the normie plague we've been waiting for.

Most of us here are ENJOYING the social distancing.

>It's now way to live
I guess we are superhumans to their eyes.

Now, imagine their 3G/4G shuts down and internet goes down.
I have terabytes of stuff to watch hoarded and books. Even got two 5000 pieces puzzles. I'm set.

They have Netflix and it's the end of the world not to meet other retards like themselves. They're ridiculous.

>tfw complete shut-in with social anxiety
>tfw suddenly getting the urge to go outside like looking into the abyss and wanting to jump in

Finally, at long last, I have an advantage over most people.

how about you fucking paint or learn guitar you sack of shit

literally nothing in my life has changed except I don't eat out twice a week

They will FINALLY succumb to nature's grasp. They shouldn't have existed to plague up the world with their stupidity to begin with, death is the answer they brought upon themselves.

Ridiculous that everyone thinks that the government cares about people so much. This quarantine isn’t about protecting people.

Normies BTFO

I'm live in a house with 2 roomate that are childhood friend so it will be fine.
We have 2 weeks of food, beer, booze, a shitload of movie/TV/anime and I have many video game to play.
Also homeworking.

I have the same feeling. After all those years i suddenly have the urge to be around people. Ironic.

what is an ability to adapt,,

but not a surprise that people with corona where having more suicidal toughs.
normies are going to break down and the quarantine is only starting. it will be fun to see what is going to happen'

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imagine losing your shit this hard because your not allowed to go to bars and be a whore for just a fucking WEEK

Jesus I hate city people.

>I am finding it extremely difficult to pass the time
You don't deserve consciousness you fucking sheep.
Actually you're probably not!

>no longer have to take my normie gf out to overpriced bars and restaurants
Based. Corona-chan can stay here forever as far as I’m concerned

I just realized, all these fucking city faggots are the same ones that pretend to be intellectuals reading books all the time.

yet they lose their minds from just like 2 days without going to a bar???

I don't think any of them have ever actually read a fucking book
it's all a god damn lie

Let them die from coronavirus

>into the woodchipper with neitzsche.
Based solopsist

Why the fuck do people care?
If you're under 50, it literally is just a fucking flu. Boomers are afraid we're going to kill them, that's why this narrative of "millennials need to save us" is everywhere now. They don't give a shit about us, only themselves. They want us to change our lives for a disease that really only affects them. I say fuck them, go out to bars with your friends, go to large gatherings. Why should you continue to have your life fucked up by the eternal boomer? They have shitted up this country with mass immigration while shipping our jobs off to China. I'm going about my life as usual. If boomers die, they die

>TFW im an introvert
What a time to be alive.

then just go out and hang out with people you paranoid fuck, this new flu strain aint gonna kill you

>I think I have some sort of problem with being by myself.

It's called being a NPC/normalfaggot.

Learn to go deep into meditation. There are plenty of guided meditations on youtube. If you really want to get your knocked off your rockers, ya'll should check out the Ananda Mandala breath meditation on youtube. Very powerful, it will clean your chakras out and get them spinnin'

So you just like doing what you're told not to..
Did you burn your hand on the stove a lot as a child?

maybe you're just trying to enjoy outside without so many fucking cancer cells walking around.

>not just spending the next year rereading Platon
Imagine having a hard time simply "passing time". Putain les mecs...

Same here. I guess it's just the lack of noise

I have been watching normies sperg out on fb and desu I think they already have
T-This might be it Yas Forums.

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I've been training for this my entire life - it's business as usual. I hope these attention addicted normalniggers kill themselves.

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tfw your extreme Introversion means that there is basically no difference between your personal life under normal circumstances and your personal life during a pandemic

>tfw I have already coomed 3 times today and it isn't even 3pm yet

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Imagine needing other people to charge your energy.

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There's still an underlying sense of dread

The only Thing that pisses me of a Little is that i cant go to the brothel anymore.

This is all the truth but the boomers make the rules so of course they’re telling everyone to protect THEM. If the disease only effected millennials do you think they would do this shit?

I'm at home with my 3 kids if we run out of bubbles or Mac n cheese we're screwed. godspeed anons

>I hope these attention addicted normalniggers kill themselves.
especially the old people who go shopping every day to do three minutes of shopping and 3 hours of holding up lines trying to get their social needs filled by retail employees who can't tell them to fuck off

>Government is giving everybody neetbux now
>Streets are quiet
I’m enjoying this alot
Been reading up on old books and going for peaceful morning runs

Gas yourself, degenerate.

INTJ: 0.9%
INTP: 1.7%

Intelligent life on the planet is at risk.

It's actually more quiet during the days now. It's nice.

I watch them crumble, its fucking pathetic really

Of course it is a lie.
NEETs win again. While normies need like 4-6 months for a single book, NEETs read VNs that are as long as the bible in a week

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I made tacos for breakfast today. Though I doubt your burger habitation cubes even have kitchens


Stay jelly, canacuck (;

You're an NPC

>Intelligent life on the planet is at risk.
What does that have to do with women?

Also had a sol with it because why the fuck not drink on Tuesday at 9am

fapping to your jap drawings isnt ""reading""

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What did they have in them? and what kind of tortilla?
Without homemade tortillas they don't even tastes that good, so whatever. You have to come down to south Texas to really know what I'm talking about

>12 pm: wake up
>12 - 2 pm: go to shops and wait in line to buy toilet paper, still sold out
>2pm: masturbate
>2 - 6 pm: autistic spamming on this site
>6pm: masturbate
>6 - 7 pm: cook and eat 3 pieces of pasta from the last box I have
>7 - 10 pm: more autistic spamming
>10 pm: masturbate
>10 - 12 pm: drink myself borderline blackout
>12 am: masturbate before going to sleep
repeat for 14 days

This situation has some pros indeed.

Their priorities are gonna straighten up.
>Wah wah stop misgendering deadnaming
>Wah way stop manspreading mansplaining manthinging
>Wah wah stop racism ablism thingism
>Wah wah stop shaving stop washing save the planet
>Wah wah stop this stop that do this do that.

There, now you have reality in front of you. You have a real issue coming your way. Your little Twitter PTSD is ridiculous now isn't it.
Finally a real threat so they can stop inventing one every day.

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>fapping to VNs

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About one hour...

Imagine hating yourself so much that you can't be alone for a week without going crazy. Just imagine.
What's wrong, oh so high and mighty city elites? Is your exposed red brick apartment not seeming so cool anymore?
The normiepocalypse has arrived, we have begun NEET impact.

this is amazing. I'm working from home and getting more done than I ever could at work

The NEETs shall inherit the Earth.

I'm pretty social in general, but I do like being by myself. My city had a 100 year blizzard at the start of this winter and we were under lockdown for a week, I had a really great week by myself, recharging, without having to take time off work, and my union protected me so that I got paid.

Normies are completely and utterly pathetic.
Bitch, it's been like 4 days. Try living in your room with no human contact with 10 years, then get back to me.
These are the people that would revert to cannibalism after like 6 hours trapped on a desert island.

If you don't play vidya or do social on shitty website, of course you'll go full retard

Ontario has declared a State of Emergency! ALL restaurants are closed.

Why is everyone ostracizing poor Corona Chan? She seems like a nice girl, yet every treats her like a pariah and won't be frens with her

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Extroverts on suicide watch

Maybe people will focus on some hobbies or skills. Painting, sewing, programming, whatever you find interesting in your own time, and not because you're told to.

I've had several members of my family and friends actually almost feel like they have been illuminated once they simply just stop watching tons of TV when they cant go socialize. Now my friends and family are working on projects they always wanted to, programming, painting, sewing, etc.

It's almost like they are shocked to realize there is more to life than just work.

everyone bragging about how they're shut ins haha pathetic. how have hermits and shut ins ever benefitted society.
don't give me the friars copying illuminated manuscripts they lived in communes too


fucking cunts crying and it hasn't even started yet...

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bad signs in Italy, people snapping up while doing groceries, shoving other people. so much for distancing

Seethy wagie.

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*Stares in British delay to lock down because we understand behavioural science*

Nobody listens...

if you read a book and don't tell anyone about it, did it really happen?

Its all over the bar you guys know this right ? They don't give a fuck about shopping or any commercial stores or restaurants . Normies cant live without sitting in a strange place and spending large sums of money to poison themselves.

your country is just am embarrassment for europe
how did a "first world" country fail so embarrassingly in controlling a flu?

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>can't stand being alone
>abusing drugs
looks like you have a lot of shit you gotta work through
lucky you, now you've got the time you failure


For me, it's more of an underlying sense of fun...
Seriously, this shit was absolutely fucking entertaining from my point of view.

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I can guarantee you that once this is over (or even before it) Netflix will produce a "relateable" series about a woman's heroic anguish during dreadful corona isolation.

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lol, Yas Forums leading the pack on anti-social behavior. You guys are the lowest risk group.

I hate people and I work from home. Suck it NPCs.

yeah, just let the older generation with the higher percentage of white people just die. So that the vote of spics, chinks and niggers weighs more.
This will sure turn out well in the elections.

>You are in violation of WHO/CDC social distancing policies, your anti civil behavior is putting elderly citizens at risk. Take into account biological hazards you are exposing the rest of the public to. Return home immediately or face corporal punishment and forced relocation for your malcompliance.

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>ive been self separating my whole life
fb tier. you animal.
>i dont need social interaction
>stays on Yas Forums all day for crude semblance of social interaction

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that's literally how they think isn't it

Based poo

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>"It's no way to live"
Also, what the fuck does that even mean?
>"I want to be in a crowded bar, while people talk loudly and smell bad. Not so I can talk to them, but just so I can be NEAR them!!!"

Who gives a shit? What exactly here has been lost?

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I only had wheat flour in the pantry so I baked small wheat tortillas. Tomorrow I might try if polenta is a decent substitute for maize flour.

Usually, when I make tacos or enchiladas I simmer the beef for like 4h but now I didn't bother. Bought this 1lb chunk yesterday and chopped it up.

Cooked some mild salsa from tomatoes, onion and chili powder.

Grated some emmental, made guacamole and topped everything with sour cream.

>You have to come down to south Texas to really know what I'm talking about

I'm gonna apply for exchange for fall '22 in Laredo.

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Theres nothing else to do but count stacks.

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No. That's your inbred psychosis.
Enjoy the last week of your life anyone respects you.

What is the NEET fertility rate ?

Born to inherit the earth