Is pic related the cure anons?
First of, i'm asthmatic and use cortesoides as medication, Turns out they drastically worsens corona symptons.
So i turned to something i used to do years ago for my asthma. Wim-hof method + cold showers. Been doing it for days now and i feel amazing. Forgot how powerfull this technique is.
But now wim-hof himself is claiming that his method can eliviate the symptons of corona-chan.
And i believe him. I legit think this shit is a cure for corona chan. Won't cure lungs filled with fluid but will prevent the shit out of your lungs filling with fluid in the first place.
Start doing it now anons. This shit is unironically life changing and there never was a better time to try this shit out then now.
The cure to corona! Start doing it! now
Was thinking about this too. Post some resources for other anons who don't know how to do it
PUFA """defiency""" cured my asthma
Quick rundown on this snake oil method?
I started this a couple weeks ago. Able to hold my breath for over 3 minutes now. Cold showers sucked at first but now I feel refreshed during them.
Found it in a thread on here a few weeks ago. Well worth the small effort.
The quick rundown is that the guy can go 2 hours with full body ice contact and recover like it's nothing. You try going 20 minutes without dying.
If you think it doesnt have metabolic and immunity consequences, then you're pretty silly
Have any of his students been able to achieve similar results?
The basics as i understand them:
To rapidly oxydize the blood by breathing deeply in and out combined with cold showers.Your immune system goes superhuman.
This guy climbed mountains with 80yo cancer patients in their underwear. He trained them for 1 month prior.
He's been injected with pathogens and he does not get sick. This he also trained normal people to do within days. He's been studied and hes legit.
Joe rogan:
Joe rogan again:
And loads of testimonials like this on his channel:
Been interested in and inconsistently practicing the basic steps of the WH method for a few months (breathing exercises and cold exposure).
Can confirm it makes you feel pretty good. I havnt been really sick since I started doing it but have had some very minor sniffles. Hard to say if thats as a result of the practice or not.
Yes, that's what made me get interested. He was not only able to seemingly conciously control his immune response but also teach a group of students to do so in an experiment
Ok yeah I pulled up some articles. Looks worth a shot to try at least
Been taking ice cold showers since 2 weeks ago.
Is that basically the Whim hof thing? What am I missing? Some breath techniques?
Breathing and cold, that's basically it. Sounds so stupidly simple. But the results are truly amazing.
See it for yourself, you don't need to buy anything. Yust be serious about it for a couple of days and see for yourself.
I felt improvement in my asthma in just 1 session.
yes cold showers are fucking amazing.
do you know if there is any downside of taking of them a day? Should I limit to 1?
Breathing exercises plus cold showers is essentially it. I used to do it years ago but stopped doing the cold showers this past summer and never got back into it. I think I will pick it back up because it made me feel amazing, though it is painful as fuck at first.
Wim hof says to work up to multiple cold showers per day.
But even besides the wim-hof method. Just a 10 second cold shower after your warm shower has health benefits.
But yea, wim hof says to work up to multiple.
>Daily reminder
>an expert
sounds credible
I was asthmatic as well. I have cure myself with vitamin C and fasting. You can find evrything online.
Wim Hof is also OK.
can i still smoke cigs and do this shit?
Lol people have died trying his shit.
Of course taking an ice bath alleviates flu symptoms. Many of those symptoms are from the fever, the high temperature. Even coldblooded animals simulate a fever by going to a very hot area when they want their body to fight a virus. You don't cure virusses by suppressing your immune system.
Good luck dying!
Did the cold showers for a month. Its like a cup of coffee and i honestly felt more confident because i was doing it. The breathing portion would be hard to do if you are already sick, breathing with interstitial fluid is pretty painful. It would be hard to "fill up" your lungs.
>Lol people have died trying his shit.
Some people died trying to stay under water for very long. No one died from the method itself. Stop spreading misinformation.
This shit could be life saving for anons here.
Corona-chan -> inflamation of the lungs -> Drown in your own fluids.
The wim hof method drasticaly reduces inflamation.
This method could be the difference between dying a horrible death and having a sore throat for a few days.
shameless bump
>gray haired vegan manlet
raising ph levels help with any virus, wim hof is a retard who has no idea what he is doing, but his method is legit.
>stop spreading misinformation
>this shit is a cure for corona chan
I’m all clear if it thankfully.
explain the wim-hof method retard
>this shit is a cure for corona chan
It's technically not a cure. But the technique would be life saving for a lot of people.
Here retard desu
Yes abdominal breathing has lots of health benefits.
Just did 2 rounds of his breathing exercise then took a cold shower. Had a killer hangover and it is mostly gone now. Works way better than a coffee and aspirin.
The results will probaby be far less effective
Mr. Burns have all the sicknesses trapped in the door so chinkvirus can't get in.
literally just hypoxia, he's hyperventilating so his blood get super oxygenated. that's it.
>the technique would be life saving for a lot of people.
No it won't but it's a good market for snake oil.
>Your immune system goes superhuman.
Suppressing your immune response is only good in some cases, like when you have an allergic reaction. It's not a smart idea to do when you need an immune response.
Wim is a hippie retard, but he did stumble on some effective techniques for making yourself healthier
>it's a good market for snake oil.
It's FREE and you can start within minutes.
Fake and gay
So are exercise or studying.
Or shitposting.
Not saying its all it purports to be. But the man holds an impressive number of world records and has been totally open and transparent around submitting himself to testing.
In my view that merits investigation. But hey time is valuable, do what you want.
None of that is an argument.
Rhematoid Arthritis sufferer here, no joke, his breathing technique has done wonders for my inflammation (which is exactly what will kill you if the infection reaches your lungs). I used to take immune suppressants, but I haven't taken them in over 6 months and haven't had a single flare up. I do his breathing technique every morning and have gradually eased myself into a routine of cold showers.
Regardless of whether or not it will help you deal with corona, if you're suffering from anxiety it will at least reduce the various stressors that would contribute to a worse infection. Fear and anxiety actually weaken your immune system, believe it or not. Hell, there's even a large amount of evidence that his method helps you to fight off infections without the various side effects (fever, cough, etc.). The dude is legit, even if there is a wiff of spiritual pseudoscience about him.
What does a round consist of exactly?
Lay down on bed. Inhale fully as quickly as able. Feel air filling up whole body and expanding with it. Let go and release without pushing air out. Let go, don't fully exhale. Repeat at steady pace.
Two cups of coffee a day keeps Coronavirus away
Coffeee is good for you!
Give it a try yourself!
just remember that it's breathing + cold exposure
so go take a cold shower after doing a round, for best results do it on a empty stomach so easiest in the morning.
Wim is insanely based I saw him when he came to Vancouver. The thing he said at his talk that explains everything and is so simple is this: people just aren’t breathing enough. People are slowly suffocating themselves to death through shallow breathing. Every single piece of scientific and medical evidence we have shows that oxygen is essential to life. The more oxygen you get the healthier you are. It’s like drinking water. But people have become so inactive in their lifestyles they can go days at a time without taking a deep breath. This is Fucking up every process in our bodies and the immune system just happens to be the most obvious one that’s fixed through breathing more. After he explained it like that everything really clicked for me. There’s nothing obtuse or esoteric about any of this stuff at all. People just aren’t breathing enough.
Wouldn't be the first grifter Rogan has featured
And the testing showed that it is a way to suppress an immune reaction.
Good luck suppressing your immune reaction as a cure to a virus.
Nor is that. I gave an argument and you ignored it.
He also has a higher abundance of brown fat than the average person. Look it up, it will help in extreme cold.
>Good luck suppressing your immune reaction as a cure to a virus.
It's not a cure user. You die from inflamantion. This technique suppresses inflamation drasticaly.
This can save people.
>be me
>take the cold shower pill
>two years later
>my tolerance for cold water is high enough I enjoy cold showers in winter
>notice my toe is red
>it's itchy a few hours after showering
>think it's athlete's foot, treat accordingly
>continue taking ice cold showers
>everyday the itching gets worse a few hours after showering
>something must be wrong with my shoes
>new shoes, same itch
>skin on toe looks fugged up
>little voice in my head says it's frostbite
>do research.exe
>it was frostbite, stop cold showers
>toe regains color and is mostly healed but still numb to the touch
I miss my cold showers bros
A cold shower can't cause frostbite idiot.
Probably diabetes.
>And i believe him. I legit think this shit is a cure for corona chan.
>It's not a cure user
I'm glad we finally agree.
Now all you need to admit is that it doesn't make your immune system go "superhuman" and that the pathogen he was injected with was just one that causes flu symptoms and we'll be on the same page.
It can and did. Prolonged exposure to cold water can cause it. In the a few weeks before my toe got red my tub wasn't draining properly so I was standing in a puddle of near freezing water for the duration of the shower. I'm not diabetic.
>Rhematoid Arthritis
I think I might have this. Do your bones crack all the time? I’ve told my doctor to look into it but he wants me to take an ssri
That's because you're taking cold showers without improving your breathing and circulation first. You can actually do some serious damage if you don't prepare.