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Trump is a fucking moron

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>If I post this pic the 2000th time with the same text, I swear I'll get him!
>F-fuck blumpf!

>we have 15 cases, soon it could be 0, we think it will be 0.

Didn’t he say if the Dow Jones drops 3,000 points in a day the president should be fired?

What the fuck do you want him to do? He did more, faster than we did in Canada. The global economic downturn is not his fault, as it the whole world that is going on lockdown and both domestic and international economies have grinded to a halt. He is telling people to relax and not panic, which is good because there is already mass hysteria. Tell me why I'm wrong, because when I objectively look at things, I think trump is doing alright, but not perfect. Nobody is perfect.

as it is* the whole world

Why the fuck do you people care? If you're under 50, it literally is just a fucking flu. Boomers are afraid we're going to kill them, that's why this narrative of "millennials need to save us" is everywhere now. They still don't give a shit about us, only themselves. They want us to change our lives for a disease that really only affects them. I say fuck them, go out to bars with your friends, go to large gatherings. Why should you continue to have your life fucked up by the eternal boomer? They have shitted up this country with mass immigration while shipping our jobs off to China. Let them die.

When you are older (or if you get some sort of serious disease like cancer), do you really want another potentially deadly virus in circulation every year?

say goodbye

I hope he cuts the fed rate down to negatives. Surely that will cure the disease.

To me, he’s played a huge and culpable part in the public downplaying of what was going to happen. He’s also verbally expressed interest in suppressing testing and repatriating known infected “to keep numbers down” which means you can probably bet behind the scenes he’s working to suppress testing in the real world. We’re now reactively scrambling to support states’ healthcare systems, figure out what workers are going to do and how they’re going to be paid, etc. when we could have been doing that for the past 2 months. What were we doing instead? Oh right, he was insisting it was going to go away on its own and worried about appeasing stonks.

I mean panicking doesn't solve anything.

even less people would have cooperated with quarantines if it was seen as unnecessary and that's the only option once the early cases start breaking out.
you guys would make bad managers of a day care. stop posting.

Just goes to show that the high Jew IQ meme really is just a fucking meme. They are incompetent at all levels. Even at the FED and economic level. They failed at everything. And despite only seeing you as tax cattle to be herded and milked, they even fail at that now.

The first Jewish president is also the most incompetent one. Imagine fucking that. Who coulda seen this coming. ALL they knew is leeching and economic scheemes. LOL

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>why do you care that the president buried his head in the sand and let a viral pandemic hit the country and paralyze it

Your brain on ptg

The trump strategy of “just ignore it lol” sure is effective at preventing the spread of disease

Never been there, stay mad faggot

SUB 20k
>SUB 20k
SUB 20k
>SUB 20k

Are you seriously implying if I quarantine myself this will go away and never return?

No. Everyone that hates orange man is right. We shouldn't remain calm and should be freaking the fuck out. It's literally the end of the world and everything won't go back to normal by June.

Seething chinklet

Oh so you’re just naturally retarded? Why don’t you go to the hospital and tell the victims to just ignore it like Daddy said lmao


nice strawman, Daddy literally said to ignore a deadly virus you retard.

You should write screenplays, user.

Retard, the danger is mostly fake, it's a cover to take down the Deep State.

It's almost over. It will last another week at most. Buy the dip.

You don't know anyone who has it, you don't even know anyone who knows anyone who has it.

Fake. This is all the Demstate has short of killing him.


Holy fuck I hope you aren’t doing all this for free. How much adderall did you take this morning?

It will, same as flu and colds. These kinds of virus are only around in the winter.

>t. Assmad panicked faggot
Who's in the hospital with this? Who's died? Fucking old people. Now where did I say old people should ignore this. How about the people that are affected by this worry about what they do? Why should young people be putting their lives on hold for something that is no more deadly than the flu for us? How about that idea dipshit? Do you put yourself on lockdown every flu season?

Idk if you’re being sarcastic but thanks user I know I go on and on sometimes

>expecting a Zionist to protect you
MIGAtards are deranged

People have already died in my town from it you larping faggot. Nice try. Trump is a fucking moron and he’s crashing the economy.

It will go away lmao. Just ignore it.

Notice how he only started taking it seriously after it could’ve hit him. He doesn’t give a fuck about us.

>2 cents has been deposited to your account

Yes, i did it for free, how did you notice it?

Fuck trump

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This is turning about to be a great year.

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It will go away. Stay calm.

t. MD Donald Kushner

its hard to actually criticize trump when all the anti-trump threads seem like they are made by the same person. is this some kind of reverse psychology to make us love trump more


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fuck off eugene

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You've never argued against a single point I made. Just sarcastic bs replies. They aren't sending their best.

“Just ignore it bro”

He only cares about his (((tribe)))

I’m just repeating the great medical advice our very stable genius, highest IQ President ever told us. I trust him.

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>all the anti-trump threads seem like they are made by the same person
Whatever you go to tell yourself.

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What does the markets have anything to do with the head of national security and militaries. Faggots acting like the president is the king and has control of all matters in all branches of government. You faggots are worse than cucks and trannies.

you guys bought inverted funds, right?

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imagine thinking that we would be perpetually sick unless the government did "something".
pandemics actually do just go away eventually, user.

It’s a less deadly variant of the seasonal flu. I think we’ll be fine.

It will though. You're ironically dumber than Trump if you think this will last until summer

How much were you paid to write this post?

He's the Herbert Hoover of the 21st Century. An FDR is on it's way.

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It's amazing you people still attempt to infiltrate us. Not a single attempt has ever worked.

Pillow yourself

The thing is you fuckers were saying you were an idiot for thinking it would reach the US at all. Then you’re an idiot if you think it’s going to cause any kind of reaction or affect our lives at all. Now you’re an idiot if you think it won’t go away by summer. Maybe I am an idiot but I’m skeptical of the rapidly shifting goalposts.

>Why buy a mask when you can buy the dip!
Capitalism in a nutshell

He'll be reelected because "MAH GUNS", even though they still have their guns after 8 years of Obama.

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>i'm so woke
>look at how woke i am
you're nothing in wokeness compared to italy.
you should go hug random chinese people today, user.
show the world that you're not racist.
pic related.

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still makes me kek

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>attempt to infiltrate us.
Lol that's rich coming from an r/the_donald shill

>complaining about Trump not wanting to make enough economic sacrifices to stop the virus while at the same time complaining about the economy declining and blaming it on Trump

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>He'll be reelected

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It's a nothingburger. Media induced panic is the cause for the effect it has in your life, not the coronavirus itself.

Borders closed. Planes on the ground. US troops everywhere. People in their homes. People online. Google search unfiltered


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But have you seen those black unemployment numbers?

Are you retarded? user is just repeating what Trump himself said. I agree that the president isn't fully responsible for the stock market. The irony here is that Trump is the one who said otherwise, so if you're gonna get mad and throw a temper tantrum, it should be directed at Trump, since he's the one making a retarded statement.

You genuinely believe in Biden?

>It's a nothingburger.
Well it certainly tastes like a somethingburger.

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I think that’s retarded as well desu. Governments aren’t taking sweeping actions because of muh media. The media response has been light relative to Ebola and swine flu, but the real action has been much heavier. I’ve also been following this since the very beginning, pre Wuhan lockdown, and the media still isn’t even telling people how bad it could be based on what we know/confidently believe to be true.

Hi Kike

What's the JIDF payrate? Also did they do a cutdown on staff due to recent developments? Been seeing less of you shills since the corona lockdown.

Hope you and your coworkers choke on your own fluids.

Sorry, faggot. No refunds.

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