Rh Negative bloodtype

I'm A+, according to my mom. She is O- and had to take shots so her body wouldn't reject the pregnancy. Rh- are literally a different bloodline.

Attached: Rh--Battery-Baby-copy.png (400x600, 122.35K)

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Could Rh- be neanderthal blood? I'm pretty sure Rh- is only found in Europeans and Europeans share 4% neanderthal DNA.

Rh- = aliens

Im RH- with brown/reddish hair. Im definitely part alien senpais.

Are they aliens? No. Are they angels? No. They are Gods.

Attached: poster_DolphLundren.jpg_1200x1510.jpg (1200x1510, 243.77K)

Rh negative only rejects after antibodies are built up after first pregnancy. As first born I've always suspected my brother is a soulless NPC.

Attached: 1578683048630.jpg (658x434, 205.29K)

Rh- is God blood. From Adam and Eve, pure human lineage.

Attached: cf56f5086f7698e43f7be96900932aa7.jpg (700x1050, 59.72K)

im black and have O-

what's that mean

That you are still a nigger

That you're a nigger.

You are mixed, you are not fully Sub-Saharan African Negroid. That is to be expected if you live in a Western country, especially America.

Probably have a European ancestor who mated with one of your ancestors.

I bet he's a brainlet

Im a wasp and im o-. O- is the universal donor by the way. Anyone can take my blood for a transfusion.

Guess that explains it. Mom is pretty much dark skin, high percentage of African lineage present in her. Dad, however, is nearly a third Irish and light skinned.

Sounds like cope. You can be beautiful and have a high IQ. The Gods have it all. You are jealous. Not that he needs his wits or an education to survive, when you can pay the bills with your looks alone. Some people are born truly blessed.


Attached: Mikkel Jensen.jpg (1000x1333, 318.1K)

Thats a slav

I'm RH- and black too but I have european features for some reason. Maybe they're onto something here..

can confirm
O negative CCR5 Delta 32 reporting.

It clearly isn't. he might speak a slavic language and live in a slavic country. But he does not look slavic at all. He looks nordic, so he most likely is.
There has been a lot of Nordic settlements throughout Europa, so obviously you can find people of mostly Nordic decent living everywhere in Europa.

He is Danish.

I'm also A+, was a twin, and my mother is B-

It's not a different line. It's a different sugar. All it means is your kids (which you wont have let's be real) might end up like your mom more than you

that's AB+ you mong

A- here, the RH- is jew blood. Ancient Aryan Jew blood. You see Abraham was the father of the jews and he was from Sumeria, or sum-Aryan. Hitler was RH- Jew and they tried to kill all the RH+ fake jews. Hitler was a zionist and started israel with the haavara agreement. The RH- blood in Trump protected him from the zion-wu-flu. RH- blood has a CCR5 mutation that makes us immune to aids, ebola, covid because they are lab created in monkeys and we are not sunhumanzees. Third temple is coming and the earth is being cleansed to prepare

Dad is AB+

Shut up shlomo GTFO of here loser

Have you asked your dad why he married a nigger?

So you have a older brother/sister uh?

Neat, I never met him, thanks user. But wait...
Oh fugg

Only have Indian/South Asian features, or so I've been told. Flat face, smaller nose, thick brows.


No thanks, I'm content that he's with my mom

Nevermind i cant read

not sure if serious
big think on this

No, my mother miscarried 2 or 3 times before she had me. I am her only son but her other children didn't make it.

Abortions will do that

The Basque have the highest % per capa of any one in earth for RH-

She didn't abort.

Do some digging its all true, RH- is alien bs is a distraction from incoming extinction

Basque are lost tribe of dan, same as berbers

> The highest percentage of people with rh- blood is found in the Atlas mountains of Morocco(40%). The next highest are the Basques, reported in different publications as having 25 and 32%, depending on location. The people of northwest Ireland, the Highland Scots and the western islanders of Norway all have between 16 and 25%, while the Lapps of Norway and Finland have between 5 and 7%

Lies. My mom is Mexican and she has O negative blood.

A lot of spanish crypto jews

Ancient Berbers were Aryan.

I'm sorry man.. but that's still the reason she had to take those meds. Btw it's beyond comprension now WHY humans can have incompatible childs.. it's not natural.

Imagine being this retarded.

You mom lied who is your dad among possible mates

>Most people who have the Rh blood type are Rh-positive. There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. Health problems may occur for the unborn child of a mother with Rh-Negative blood when the baby is Rh-Positive. This has led some to suggest that Rh-Negative blood must be of a non-human origin.
I was born as a breach, sister was underdeveloped. We're both A+.

Most Mexicans share Spanish blood from the conquistadors

i'm safe then. good luck monkeybloods

Im forming a team. International. O- at the top. Rh- street soldiers. You stand out you'll make capo. We'll be in touch.

so, we are the lost tribes of israel? makes sense now, if so

No user Yamnaya were Aryan. Basque wuz true Europoor.


Because nature hates race mixing, and tries to prevent the two lineages from mixing by aborting the pregnancy. Most hybrids in nature are sterile with a few exceptions.


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Are there any face-montages of different blood types?
Words don't mean much without an image to associate them with.

this article makes sense now

I’m O+
English, Irish, Portuguese

Spanish rape baby so yeah.

That video doesn't mention that hybrids are sterile this one does:

trips don't lie

I'm A- and I've always felt like most people around me are mentally and physically inferior.

I’m O-. Blue eyes, red beard, brown hair. I’m ethnically Irish. It’s all bs, we are just regular people.