exactly does the fed work? exactly does the fed work?

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Legal money printer


Brrrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrr brrrrr

It's a bunch of bankers that the government let's print money for their banker buddies


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it doesn't work




Private bank prints monopoly money at interest whenever they want, endebting the USA permanently.

When the gov't requires money, it requests a money printout from the fed. The fed prints the money from thin air and paper-- basically creates a trillion paper IOU notes. The IOU note says that the government promises to pay back the money (with interest, figure that one out) to the fed one day.

That's why the dollar says "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE" at the top, and in the middle says "legal tender for debts public and private". It's a note for a debt that can never be fully paid, because to pay it would mean to remove the dollar system

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This post best post

So basically when the government wants brrrrr, the reserve brrrrrr which makes more brrrr?

They don't even have to physically brrrrrrr it out anymore is the best part. Nowadays they can just add some zeroes in the ledger digitally and put a dollar sign in front.

They only do physical brrrrrrr-ing when they need more physical cash for the general populace to use

>The IOU note says that the government promises to pay back the money
But do they ever pay it back?

I had a feeling this would be posted, great video

They are an organ of the state. Basically they buy bank assets from banks and pay with cash they just create out of nowhere. Most of this cash stays at accounts commercial banks have at the fed and a bit is handed to banks as notes and coins. It also offers a payment network for banks, as banks can send each other cash by doing transfers between their accounts at the Fed.
But basically they just create the base money, and they dont just hand it over, they buy things with it.
You should understand that the government can basically do whatever it wants.

God I wish I was in charge of the federal reserve. Imagine the brrrrrr

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Nah, they all know how the game works. To pay it back would be to just take money out of circulation, or deflate the currency. They need it inflated all the time to cover everyone's ass and make sure that the official money number is enough to covers everyone's expense accounts.

Close but innacurate. The main inaccuracy is the idea that the debt cannot be paid. It can be paid as the Fed can create money backed by any asset, not just debt. For instance stocks. The FED can buy stocks and pay with fresh cash and this cash has nothing to do with debt. Normally it used to limit to US government bonds (thus debt) but with QE they keep relaxing the requirements for buying assets. They now buy mortgages, stocks, corporate debt, etc.

Domo arigato, Jyuu-sama

Oh you also being innacurate by calling fed notes government IOUs. Cash and usd notes are not IOUs, government bonds are IOUs. The FED buys these bonds and it is the government that promises to pay the interest on the bonds, but FED cash is not itself an IOU. Its just cash. Its just printed and the closet thing you have to "cashing out" is to exchange said cash for a different asset, so basically each time you buy something you are "cashing out".
Can you go to the FED and cash out your cash? Actually yes, but what that means is they will give you a bunch of bonds, stocks and diverse FED assets. Cashing out just means to exchange one asset for another.

They print money and buy government bonds with it. And something about the national debt.

But say every American was allowed to trade in all of their cash for government bonds and did so-- in that scenario, the government would just theoretically owe money to every American, the debt relationship would be inverted. What would they pay them with? Land deeds?

They buy more than government bonds. Supposedly they buy riskier assets now at a discount (or so they claim). Mortgages, stocks, corporate debt. Sooner they will straight up buy real estate, directly fund cash 4 clunkers, directly fund infrastructure (which they would own).

Sounds about right. Lotta government land in Nevada and new mexico. It's a little used and slightly irradiated but still land.

>Cash and usd notes are not IOUs, government bonds are IOUs. The FED buys these bonds and it is the government that promises to pay the interest on the bonds, but FED cash is not itself an IOU.
So the Jews didn't do nothing and it's the US government that is creating this bubble of eternal debt by issuing endless bonds that it can never repay without borrowing from FED by issuing more bonds etc, while the FED is an entirely legitimate enterprise?

On topic. Nothing about niggers or faggots. What are you a Palestinian?

Wait a minute, I didn't vote for this!

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Well it's a private institution so checks out.

This might be controversial but the fed provides a really valuable service. Not everyone has a good enough printer that can produce the right amout of brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

haha money printer go brrrr

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heheheh machin go BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Cash is a FED liability, if people cashed out then there would be no cash but people would have a bunch of FED assets, and only a fraction (big fraction) would be government debt. Even then cash would reintroduced by selling new US bonds to the FED for new cash.

>how exactly does the fed work?

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we have given a small private group the ability to just arbitrarily create money and then charge us interest on the money they made up
banks then take this money and lend out 10x more than what they borrowed
so for every dollar the fed creates we have to pay interest on at least 10
even though no one along the line from the fed to us actually did anything of value, we must exchange a large amount of value for it
society is a plantation

The fed is a state organ. Its not government=bad Fed=good. The fed is goverment.

A government that has nothing to do with the governed except financial control lol

Country died in 1913


Fed purchases. Until 2008 it was ordered, mostly US bonds. After 2009 their purchases exploded and they bought mortgages. Banks now issue mortgages and sell them straight to the FED (prior some repackaging), they wont sit on them no more. Stocks are in there too. Soon they will buy everything. It isn't any worse than paying taxes, the state takes whatever it needs.

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They control society via financial manipulation all day then go home and fuck trafficked children.

They print themselves money and buy real stuff like yachts and mansions.

> exactly does the fed work?

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Some, I assume, are good people

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it doesnt work.
it sits back and collects interest

>They control society via financial manipulation all day then go home and fuck trafficked children.


Not for themselves on a personal level but central banks do buy assets for "the bank". The bank of Japan has famously bought golf courses for their employees.

Of course not, it's literally impossible to pay the debt back.
If the Fed creates all the money, how could the government pay back to it more money than how much the Fed created?

They have an account, and they decide how much money is in that account.

The FED can create money not backed by debt. All it needs is to be backed by an asset. Stocks and real estate are not debt. The FED can buy them and new cash is paid out that has nothing to do with debt. So you are wrong, the debt can be paid. However there is zero interest in paying it.

The king will hear of this

Its the definition of a long con. Like they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. The Fed's conception happened over 100 years before it was finally created.

They are (possibally soon to be werrrrrrr) a logical and natural evolution of the monetary system - just done in a really weird way.

They go brrrrrrrrrr and we "trust them" the product of brrrrrrrrrrrrr can be exchanged for stuff

>The FED can create money not backed by debt.
Of course it can.
>All it needs is to be backed by an asset.
No, it doesn't need it to be backed by anything.
It could easily give the government free money if it wanted.
All restrictions the Fed has are self imposed.
The Fed could easily end all the debt the government owns it in a click.


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The "trust" part works a lot better in the US than in other countries. If the central bank of Russia or Guatemala does a brrrt they get get inflation within a millisecond as people rush to buy USD.
Welcome to the FED, Where money's made up and the backing doesn't matter.

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Will the Fed buy my dirty old socks? I value them at $100
