Communists urge people to “Flatten the curve”

Flattening the curve by delaying the peak of the epidemic stretches out the crisis considerably. While a fast peak is essential to getting back to life as usual within 4-6 weeks, “flattening the curve” means life is disrupted by 4-6 month, causing en economic depression with hundreds of millions unemployed worldwide.

What can we do to call out the curve flatteners?

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you're a dumbfuck kraut

if you don't flatten the curve 5 million people will die in 4-6 weeks

you come off as a complete retard. pipe down and stop embarrassing yourself, little retard.



They forget the alternative
Cull all the boomers before they can catch the disease

every trump press conference talks about flattening the curve you retard


Neither option is good. The virus should be eradicated, like China and Korea have been doing

>5 million people will die in 4-6 weeks
And that's a bad thing because?

have sex incel

OP automatically associates reasonable thoughtful arguments with left-wing

No you fucking Kraut it's the doctors who are taking the brunt in the fucking hospital that are trying to get people to flatten the curve

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It's been too late to flatten the curve since that shit left chinkland.

>Flatten the curve
First confirmed death in China was like Dec 2nd 2019
Wuhan Lab has oversight from WHO
Chinks got the Virus from US labs in 2015
Everybody knew exactly what this was 4 months ago
CDC Jew and Trump do nothing until last week
>Flatten the Curve goyim!

What a colossal fuckup by Trump. I wont even care if Antifa storm the White House once the rioting starts because of 500k+ deaths and resource scarcity.

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I do the exact opposite of what the pink hair jew says.

A true communist would be for just outright cleansing the boomers entirely.

Flattening the curve means less deaths you sad fuck.

>less people dying is bad for the economy
global real intelligence levels showing here lately. burn it all down because we can't pause a month or two. anybody average iq or below just all kys.

resets from 1 unless you are surround by people with second homes in wuhan or something. it's not too late but we're losing badly.

>Flattening the curve
They gettin y'all ready

1 billion deaths still wouldn’t be enough

infect yourself, kikes

Look, you millennial fuckwit, I'm a landlord. If people are out of work for months, that means I don't get my rent. Let half die now so I can get what I'm owed from the half who survive. Fuck burning it all down. I'll personally burn this fucking city to the ground before I let squatters take over my properties.

>pandemic rampage
>muh sacred gdp

jesus fucking god

can someone please nuke germans already?

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they surrendered too fast
maybe next time

When have we ever flattened the curve with influenca which kills millions?

>Create an isolated, individualist, self interested society over the last 80 years
>Actual threat appears

It simply does not work that way

>complaining about millions dying.
You're pretty new at this, aren't you?

I'm gonna drink your brain matter once the depression kicks in

Get fucked kike. Hope you get shot.

>curve flatteners
Could have called them flat curvers. what a waste

Most people across the political spectrum agree this is the right approach. The British and Scandiniggers have surrendered though and are going for acceleration.

Make it 6 million

Softening the peak is the only way we survive this at all. The pain will be longer felt but less intense.

South Korea went in for the quick peak and life is back to normal.

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The average normie will hear "flatten the curve" and immediately think, "slow down the rate of infection so that people aren't dying all of a sudden." They won't invest any thought into it beyond that and your comic won't even mean anything to them. In fact, I would sooner expect them to interpret it as anti-male because of the thing under each bell curve.

>flatten the curve
or bring r0 < 1, this would cause less deaths and..
>smartey woman and dumbdumb man maymay
fuck it, get r0 as high as possible and be done with these idiots

they were going to fast trek it until the found out how many boomers would be removed and now these disgusting old reptiles are throwing the economy in the gutter so they can cling to life
either way I don't give a fuck

Oh no, the parasites might wither and die. We wouldn’t want that.

Well, thats not going to happen. But if it did, what would be the problem?


6 Billions would be fine.

> OP is retarded so my backwards ideology is correct


>What can we do to call out the curve flatteners?
Just lick and cough on every door knob, you will survive as you are at the beginning of the curve, still a lot of medical equipment for you.

Worstt Korea managed to track every vector.

>hundreds of millions unemployed worldwide.
nigger that's africa on any given day
you're a fucking breinlet that doesn't understand shit
so shut the fuck up and go back to lurking you pastry raping troglodyde looking pice of shit


dictated, not read

Time for your curve flattening, honey!

The rope is too kind for you. You get cock and ball torture, followed by execution carried out by a pack of angry dogs.

And those 5 million will overwhelmingly be conservative boomers, so what's the problem?

There is no other choice but to protest. What are the authorities going to do against a unified mob on the streets? Kill them? In first world countries? The governments are well aware of this major weakness in their plan, hence they're doing their best to prevent people from gathering in the first place. It doesn't even have to be violent. As soon as large mobs protesting "peacefully" assemble in multiple cities simultaneously, the governments will have no choice but to lift the quarantines.

>Boris Johnson is a communist
this is news to me

Also, are you really so stupid as to think the countless preventable deaths that would result from a fast, sudden peak wouldn't also have huge consequences on the economy? You're just selfishly worried about your STONKS

>Look, you millennial fuckwit, I'm a landlord.

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Worse he’s a blairite

Some people are vaccinated against influenza, some people have recently had influenza, so there are immunities present within the population, meaning that it's not going to affect everyone at once.

>implying flattening the curve is possible
>implying anybody has the answer to this
>implying the world isn't in uncharted waters

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You're missing that while people are flattening the curve medication and vaccines are developed.

> If we just let people die then they will have no lives to disrupt.

OP you are fucking retarded.

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I'm not a communist but you're testing my sympathy for the kulaks and I'm not sure if this is intentional bait.

There is no getting back to life as usual quick when it involves a 7% death rate.

The idea of flattening the curve means long term undermining of globalists that never ends. It's the best thing ever. Secure your borders.. to flatten the curve.. yeah that's right.. the curve.

Call them out for not showing TIME, # of HOSPITAL BEDS on the graph. Graphing it against the actual ICU capacity shows the futility of it all.

And 4 million die over 4-6 months because the capacity to hand the throughput for them all does not exist.

If you start flattening early and hard enough you can ease things off sooner in the end and you have a functioning medical system during the same time.

Also you give businesses time to adapt and downsize without having to post huge losses because their employees are literally dead and they can't function anymore or have to bleed money and productivity out the ass on retraining.

See .