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simp fags, sad

Consumer NPC nigger whores, sad

Both, sad.

American women are very materialistic

you don't like cool multicolored shoes that cost hundreds of dollars, user?


What's wrong with Jordans? Serious question

Jordans are fine, racemixing is not

You’d rock them like the good nigger loving wigger kike you are mosh

They're named after a nig

No. I wear $10 slip-ons from Walmart.

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but bitches need you to buy jordans for them so they can get bleached

I don't know, I don't think anythings wrong with Jordan. That's why you bitch niggas should stop blowing them up

I actually met Jordan once when I got seated at his favorite booth at his steakhouse in Chicago. He paid for my entire meal and I moved to a different table lol.

Good dude. Hope he isn't involved in satanic illuminati shit.

Why do they both have the same profile pic

Michael Jordan's actually a notorious dickhead. Even black people know about it. Go look up Chamillionaire and MJ on youtube. There's a plebbit thread about fans who met him, he told a little kid to fuck off once when asked for an autograph

Well I'm glad I caught him on a good day then.

sounds like he has enough money to get you out of his seat and was like fuck this lil nigga in my seat fo'

Good eye, i didn't even look at their pics

Black women are literally the worst meme
No point to an ugly woman with nappy hair

A long time ago, a man could get a girl simply by demonstrating that he can provide. However we live in a time where no one dies of hunger in the west. So how do men demonstrate that they are good providers?

At the same time, there is this push to have the state take care of everything and everyone. This will make the dynamic even wilder, because if you are a man, why provide? Why attach to a woman? Why love?

The people forcing the changes in society, have not fully thought out the repercussions of those changes.We are currently at the stage where a guy who can get expensive shoes for a girl will attract them for the short term. But will he really be satisfied with her, and will she be satisfied with him?

that was interesting, Chamillionaire seems like a chill dude

Not gonna lie. WMBF is literally everywhere on twitter and tumblr.

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Because white men are the best in the world and everyone knows it. That guy is a racemixer traitor tho.

he does seem like a good, normal black dude. i thought so too

I don't understand what I'm supposed to get from this pic.

>inb4 ok boomer
>t. boomer


He is.

>paying hundreds of dollars for some cheap slave factory made niggerball shoes worth maybe $10 in materials
kek they specifically market these shoes to hype beast retard goyim desu

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I don’t get the proud whore meme

Any attention is still attention. Self-reflection doesn't really jive with trying to get it.

Why is a white guy giving presents to a nigress

I see

If you're going to spend that much money on shit made by chinks. You might as well get some actual designer shit made with quality. They look better than ugly ass jordans and are actually made with quality leather etc. These shoes go for about the price of 3 jordans. Keep in mind people who buy jordans buy like 5 pairs of jordans a year. On top of other hypebeast shoes made in china.

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Or better yet get yourself some designer boots. A lot of people shit on paying that much for designer stuff but that shit pretty much last you a lifetime. I have regular shoes and boots that start wearing out within a year. Meanwhile all my designer stuff still good as new. Haven't even bought any new designer sneakers in like 7 years because they still are as good as new. That's the kind of quality you can expect.

I am willing to bet you don't wear your designer shoes every single day. Of course they would last longer. I still have a pair of Sperry Topsiders that has lasted me for 7 years. 90 bucks. Pair of Sauconys that has lasted me three. Regular shoes will last forever too if you don't ruin them.


Everyday? Of course not i have many shoes and boots. But i wore my rafs to college almost everytime. Couldn't go from one class to the next without multiple people stopping me to ask about my shoes. They were pretty much my daily beaters. Yet they still hold up. In fact you can argue they get better with age. That's the thing with the quality stuff made from quality leather. They get a nice look to them when they get worn. There's no such thing as a pair of jordans or some other nike, adidas or other chink shit looking better with age. They always end up looking like payless shoes.

Women like fashionable things and expensive gifts. Nothing wrong with that.

go back to redddit you slope eyed chink

is this one of those millenials that need a loan to buy a fucking pair of shoes

because you niggers need to learn how to act white for your girls

>They look better
for a 5 year old maybe
not that jordans are good but your pic is utter kiddo garbage

That is the obligatory "I'm a roastie" selfie. The slant is to give them a slight edge on their attention-seeking. They don't understand that if everyone does it, it becomes less effective

Did he then try to leave the store with 15 milky ways without paying?

See that's the thing about fashion. If you don't know what you are talking about your opinion is worth jack shit. And were not even talking about any abstract or avante garde shit here. Just a simple high top sneaker. You don't have the eye for even a basic sneaker and that's ok. Stick your jordans and vans.

I had a pair of those shoes when I was a kid back in the 80's.

Which ones would those be? Got a picture?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

No, that was thirty years ago

You don't know the brand? I'd love to see what you're talking about since the point of those shoes are a retro high top style sneaker.

Also stop acting like a redditor you fucking disgusting boomer. You won't fit in copy pasting shit you find on the internet.

>they look better

Post a picture of yourself in any shoes boots you are wearing and I'll do the exact same wearing said shoes although in a different colorway.

Nigger, I was making fun of you for thinking you have some special ability to determine what is fashionable. You are like an artfag that thinks that a signed urinal is the pinnacle of human artistic ability.

But I'm not you faggot as boomer. You just made that up in your head. The fact you even think a simple fucking desgin of a sneaker is in any way ugly is just so fucking laughable. Literally a shoe designed to look retro and simple is somehow ugly to you. I could understand if i posted some crazy ass looking shoes. But these shoes are literally made to look from your time gramps. What the fuck is wrong with you boomer. Compare those shoes to any single jordan ever made except the first 3. Deluded faggot boomer. Hope the virus kills you.

Fucking kek, or better yet you could grow up and wear adult shoes you fag. Don't you know how to tie your shoe laces?

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>You just made that up in your head
Just made what up?

That sneaker is nigger-tier. You millennial faggots follow every trend that comes along, you don't have a modicum of style. Style is timeless and does not need qualifiers such as 'retro'. He is a hint though: nothing that uses velcro has style.

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This is a new movement among black women who are pissed off about black men and others thinking they're ugly, fat, manly and not wanting them, instead opting to date white women and other ethnicities. So now they are shilling and larping amongst themselves about dating men outside their ethnic group, to "increase" their value and femininity in society's eyes. Pretty pathetic desu, but kinda scary because they're becoming more self aware, tons of youtube channels and instagram accounts crying about it.

> Tfw, The year is 2050 and all white men are mandated by law to have a sheboon gf that looks like Serena Williams.

Are you retarded? I clearly stated i wear many shoes. Do you think im advocating wearing only those pair of shoes? Judging from all the yous it seems like that's the case. In fact i even said getting some designer boots was a better option. Maybe learn to read before you decide to post you faggot? This is the nigger tier payless shoes you people are defending. And yes you faggots are defending them by being the faggots you are. Keep supporting chink and nigger shoes instead of products made by whites in white countries.

Inb4 "I'm not defending jordans" sure thing cucks

Also post your shoes

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>Nigresses are gaining sentience
I was worried this day would come

>Crybaby manchild pissing himself over some shoes

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Honestly what would you know what looks like what. Nobody takes fashion advice from old people unless it's concerning a business suit or something. You simply aren't qualified to have this discussion. That's just the way it is.

I win. Who's next.

>Arguing about childish shoes like a materialistic nigger.
Grow up.

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