Will coronachan finally be the straw that breaks capitalism's back...

Will coronachan finally be the straw that breaks capitalism's back? Are people finally going to get fed up with rich people living the good life while they toil and slave for nothing?

Just wait until property values start to bottom out, people end up upside down on their mortgages, and then the fucking BANKS get bailed out rather than the consumer AS you're getting foreclosed on. If you can't start to see the crime inherent to "private property" in such a scenario, then I don't know WTF can save you

Attached: richard branson.jpg (960x960, 170.11K)

He doesn't just have 4.1 bn of gold coins in a giant vault like Scrooge McDuck, you silly goose.

Oh you mean he has it tied up in property and assets? Even better, that means that YOUR tax dollars are going to protect HIS fucking stuff.

I don't see how Branson owes people money for not doing any work.
I have a small fortune compared to the average Indian or African, but they're not entitled to any of that either.

I remember Kappy calling out Branson in his last video before he "committed suicide"

His employees make the company. He doesn't do the work himself. He only reaps the benefits and jetsets on his lavish luxury cruise ships and private plane. And now he's simply turning them loose in the middle of a fucking crisis. And then the banks will foreclose on their residence, or the "landlord" will kick them out. This is capitalism for you. Maybe now people will see the sociopathy inherent to the system.

If the don't declare a new welfare benefit like Basic Income then a lot of people could starve to death here.

You don’t run an empire to lose money. Fuck his employees. There’s always more.

>And now he's simply turning them loose in the middle of a fucking crisis.
And just to add to this, only because it's momentarily inexpedient for him to have them onboard. Just like that. Poof. People dedicate their entire lives to making him rich, then the second their worth is expired he cuts them loose to go turn into homeless fucking poppers.

If it's that easy I don't see why they don't just make their own company without Branson. And I still don't see how he owes them anything if they're not at work.

TOP kek

and you can bet when this blows over, he will expect them to come running back.

>If it's that easy I don't see why they don't just make their own company without Branson.
Even if you really think this obtuse and retarded-ly about the world, you at least have to recognize that the tax code is deliberately rigged so the rich pay nothing, while upstarts and smaller businesses have to pay disproportionate amounts, leaving them fundamentally unable to compete. The rich can also buy congress to pass laws which put their competition out of business. Happens all the time and always has going back to the robber baron days

If 10000 girls sucked off 100 guys per day we could all get blowjobs on the regular.

Why doesn't he just sell his company to pay the people working for his company?

Others have already cornered the market making competition far harder for new companies than it was when they started, they have the advantage in being older and prevents fair competition

You silly faggot, nothing can break capitalism’s back. Even in communist countries, capitalism thrives in the black market, it’s literally unstoppable.

He'll find a new batch of slaves and not miss a step because the state kidnaps / murders people if they don't relinquish their property for not taking part in the monetary system.

That is to say, even if you have 2 acres of land, and you grow all of your own food, maybe have some chickens, make your own fucking soap and shoes and all of that hippie stuff, and all you want is to be left alone, then the state will still come knocking on your door and throw your fucking ass out for not "paying your taxes". They'll take your fucking land, they'll shoot your family if you or any of them resist being turned into a homeless person. Then the Republicans will get into office and pass "vagrancy laws" to make your very existence outside of your pre-ordained patch of land that you pay a fucking ransom for every year a fucking crime

Actually fuck tard, a lot of businesses are waving penalty fees and interest due to the crisis. Governments are blocking eviction and subsidising businesses.

You're a real dumbass that needs to fuck right out of America. You're the issue with today's society.

Go back to the shithole you can from if America is such a bad place.

I think you meant "paupers". I agree with you that it's about time to roll out the guillotines.

>What is intellectual property protection, initial investment required to compete and cease and desist litigation by extremely well paid Jewish lawyers?

this fucking faggot was all over the Epstein black book and used to write op-eds about how Soros demolishing borders was an act of philanthropy
this cunt needs to go up against the wall and get shot

>net worth
>think he has 4b sitting under his mattress

Why can't they get temporary new jobs til the crisis is over. There problem solved

>Governments are blocking eviction and subsidising businesses.
Only temporarily, the second the virus is out of control those people are going to end up homeless because they'll have accrued this massive debt to their landlords, which they obviously won't be able to pay even if they are "workers" because all of their jobs and hours have dried up.

Oh, unless, of course, you start supporting socialism, and you support doling out free money to those people from the taxpayers (taxes hopefully taken from the fucking billionaires). But that would make you a full-on socialist and so I know a good little Republican and conservative like yourself would NEVER support such a thing.

Yes, I meant paupers, ugh.



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He should subsidize his employees while they isolate. Amazon, interestingly has increased the hourly wage during this unprecedented crisis.

>Only temporarily, the second the virus is out of control
"under" control, I mean. Not "out" of control. "Under" control

>blocking eviction
They will still owe back rent and be evicted when happy pretend fun time is over. The electrics might not be cut off, but the bills will still pile up.


The system in most danger due to coronachan is actually globalism.

You’re wasting your time on these slave mentality retards, the Stockholm syndrome is too strong with them. They deserve everything they have coming to them.

>Thinking he dosent have 4.1 billion in liquid assets just waiting to be used.
top kek.

ww3 is on the cusp
we're just waiting for the false flag / deep fake
we will have socialism during this time
like every war, bcos it work
pls stop being retarded


Those Indians and Africans aren’t generating revenue for you as employees , fucking retarded bootlicker

Employees are just another business tool. No different from a machine or a truck. They serve only to benefit the company. Once they become of no use, they are fucked off. Employees certainty don’t make the company

Richard Branson is going to have 0.0Billion dollars after all his shit's confiscated and he's executed by coronachan

And Yas Forumscels are licking his boots “BECAUSE ITS THE FREE MARKET ATLEAST AMIRITE?!”

>job market under a quarantine event
you can’t possibly be this retarded

>People dedicate their entire lives to making him rich
chill winston. People turned up and did their job.

>corporatists on the right encourage "free trade" so multinational corps can remove jobs through offshoring and consolidate the gains at the top
>corporatists on the left encourage "free movement" so the labor market is flooded and wages are held down, consolidating more gains at the top
Globalism is the cancer killing us, not capitalism. All the market gains since 2008 went straight to banks and billionaires, I'm glad it's melting down even with the fed's money printers on fire.

these billionaires are basically pimps and their workers are prostitutes who they exploit to get rich off. If you want to worship people like that then go for it, but I won't be joining in.

t. Greatest Bootlicker Goy

>>corporatists on the left encourage "free movement" so the labor market is flooded and wages are held down, consolidating more gains at the top
This is NOT really true. Many on the far left believe in tightly closed borders, the same way many on the far left believe in gun rights. If you're going by the DNC as your definition of "left", then yeah, they are not "left" at all, they are a corporatist, hyper-capitalist party and they will attempt to turn you into a slave, for sure. No difference between them and the Republican party, either. Ever notice how Democrat presidents end up cutting welfare, and Republican presidents end up enacting gun control? We live in a one-party state masquerading as a two-party state. And if you compared the DNC or any mainstream DNC politician to a politician from Europe they'd be considered a "far-right whackjob". Bernie Sanders would be considered a centrist.

Attached: hillary clinton political compass.png (400x400, 30.4K)

The capitalists have one last play they can make: social justice and identity politics. Any socialist or communist movement that arises from the coming collapse will likely not have any unity to it due to woketards focusing on dumbshit that doesn't matter in the strategic moment. That'll be their final play to make sure everyone is fighting each other and not united against the capitalist class. You can already see it among woketards on twitter focusing on dumbshit like fucking retarded evangelicals or one dimwit white person acting like a tard.

People underestimate just how resilient capitalism is. It's whole life is booms and busts and when it does bust it nearly always finds a way to crawl its way back like some sort of parasitic monster. The far left also tend to overestimate just how much social glue there is (solidarity). There is none, thanks to capital and liberalism. Social justice exacerbates these conditions and really works well as a means to keep capital going through divide and conquer. I think there is a collapse coming, but I just don't see how people are going to organize against capital. You need a societal wide movement. You can't have that when women are against men (and vice versa), generational conflict, ethnic conflict, and various other dumb identity shit that has no bearing on defeating capital (and works in capital's favor).

Wow you sound like a commie, don't you know we are all just temporarily embarrassed millionaires? When I'm a millionaire I will benefit from low taxes and no worker protections and will be able to abuse the goyim to make bank!

Seethe then cope

Dilate, bootlicker tranny.

Then the employees should start their own airline or other business

0 IQ post

You don’t work you don’t get paid

Then why do landlords get paid?

it started for me and I'm rethinking a lot of things regarding UBI. Demand side looking might good right now. It's going to end up in Bezos pocket anyway.

My sister is a dental technician. Her boss gave the whole office 30 days paid vacation and said he'd consider longer if this mess doesn't look better when it's time to come back.

0 IQ post


It's paupers, fucking idiot.


Rent free (literally).

Have sex (figuratively)

We used demand side economics in this country for most of the 20th century. And no, it wasn't the war that made us prosperous in that time as right-wingers claim. We're talking about policies and prosperity that lasted from the 40s, through the 50s, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s and up into the 90s in Clinton's second term.

If we went back to the policies that we HAD in this country under RONALD REAGAN then conservatives today would be crying "OH MY GOD THIS IS FULL SOCIALISM!". And, of course, even under Reagan, one of the primary architects of wealth inequality in this country, there was considerably less wealth inequality than there is now. People forget we had a Democrat controlled congress for 40 years, and back then Democrats were legitimately left-wing (as opposed to now when they are corporatist shills). So Reagan couldn't get most of his agenda through. He hated the keynesian economics, but most of the keynesian economics ended up surviving his presidency.

Now you tell me, when the Marshall Plan ended in 1951, do you REALLY think we were prosperous in the 80s and 90s "cuz Europe was destroyed by WW2!". This is what right-wingers would genuinely tell you and have you believe

Attached: wealth inequality.png (1200x767, 65.74K)

Yeah yeah, I fucked up, I know, I acknowledged it earlier in the thread. Not really a typo but a genuine spelling error, but still anyway pic related

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