Day 4 or 5? i dont even remember again to be honest, with making another Sovenian thread
>bars/restaurants closed
>schools/colleges closed
>only things necessary for living open such as banks, post-offices, grocery stores....
>253 cases, 1 death
Slovenia General
Kak je stanje v Ljubljani? vidim da vaša regija doomed
Čakal sem na general. Veliko novic danes.
Nič ne bo z zakajanjem. Že čakam da bodo travničarji začel REEEEEEEat kak travca pozdravi Aids.
kake novice user
Sem lih zakajen, sploh nevem komu prišla ta ideja na misel. Nisem od nobenga slišal da bi CBD naj pomagal....
Predvsem mainstream. Šele drugi dan karantene pa morajo že športniki svarit ljudi, kajti uporabljat svojo glavo je težko.
Prvi za Azijke>Slovenke
ne že spet ti
potem spet ostanemo pri ugotovitvi
One mixed race Rusinje na vzhodu so lepe. Druge ne tok. In sam zato ker so tiste deloma Azijke.
Place your bets, kolko bo danes okuženih?
Tolk ko bo država dopustila. Ne pozabit, jih ne testirajo več.
can you fuck off already your country is small and irrelevant as is mine stop making these trash threads dumb alpine nigger
always finding the one subhuman serb/croat in this thread
Guess its you this time
And i though my 18 cm is small
Mene predvsem preseneča kako je folku lahk dolgčas doma. Internet, glasba, tv, knjige. Tolk je za delat tet se pa ne znajo prilagodit.
jaz bi moral napisat diplomo do majskih počitnic pa še nisem nič pa se mi niti neda še, raje zapravljam čas tu
In 20 years Serbia will be smaller than Slovenia
Screencap this
Že največji normalfagi poznajo Youtube pa se ne morejo zamotit. Res ne razumem.
Dobra stran te epidemije d mam zdej ful matchov na tinderju. Ampak sem še skoz khv...
Tezko reces glede na to da ti nisi niti ene niti druge se snel
Vsaj ceste so zdej mal prazne
We live rent free in your head. You have to shit our every thread with yout balkanoid bullshit
Ej a vi lohk date tiča skoz wc rolco? Na netu pravjo da je to kao lohk merilo za nad/pod povprečnost, ampak jst ne vem ali imajo američane isto velike rolce kot mi
Odvisn od barve rolce
made early morning coffee edition, ampak ste vsi še smrčal
A misliš da je svet ljudem pred epidemijo bil nedostopen al kaj?
>Odvisn od barve rolce
What did he mean by this
How come none of you fags want to talk Luka with me
Luka? Which one. Luka is a common name here.
Fuck off, he is spammed in the news, I don't want to even hear his name any more than necessary
Fuck off, he is spammed in the news. I don't want to even hear his name any more than necessary
This is another positive side of corona.
Moraš se zavedati da je Yas Forums in /smg/ "top šit" kokr bi normalniggerji rekli. Tko da okol druge ure ko se borza odpre ljudje navalijo.
Samo Slovenci znamo naredit nesrečo na prazni cesti.
Doncic, the white savior of basketball
Stock market general
Its Dončič and also can you like not talk about him.
We really have enough of him as he was everywhere in the news for a long time.
ić, it's like jews hello fellow whites, when there is smt to gain
sm včer vidvu ko je nekdo postu, mislm da sm 10 minut crkavu skor celo vas zbudu
Eh idk, he seems to be injured a lot, not sure how common that is but it makes my ankle hurt. Everyone wants him to do great cause we love to flex our sportsmen, but I am worried. Really don't know what you want to discuss, I mean he's featured in the news 24/7. You already know everything.
Did you come here for the Slovenian lesson, Italo-speaking aussie?
Fantje pomojem je cajt da odpremo proizvodnjo oc za naš general. Da ne bomo skos slik recikliral. Če ma kdo dobro slikco za v hazmat jo lahko posta pa jo bom na hitr skupej vrgu.
>Ljubljanski lokali še vedo odprti kljub prepovedi
Tole sam chinks namest greeks
enako, dajte mi ideje pa nekaj pričaram v fotošopu za OC shit
exactly this
user basketball is rigged like chichken soup so don't even try
enako, sicer nism ps, majster se pa učim
>"Ker se skušam obnašati samozaščitno, sem tarča posmeha"
You're like a baby
Če piješ to alpsko mleko si pa res Beta.
Chadi pijejo Hoferjevo dalj časa sveže mleko.
Not near as rigged as tennis though
pa vidš da je to lukec?
proklet coomer spet boš zasral thread.
Naj nekdo shoopa pink wojaka kak se mu blede od dolgočasja medtem ko ma prižgano vso elektroniko.
Ekstra pike za Janšo pred oknom v hazmatu
Pizda ne znam gifa narest ampak png dobiš
Še template za ostale
Kateri Lukec?
Dej nehi smetiti s svojim fetišem na plastiko
K zmanka zalog
Ja in what about him?
Low effort ker sem ugotovu da mamo južno kmal