Was giving women rights a mistake?

Was giving women rights a mistake?

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and we pay the price by destroying the family as we knew it

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Thats a loaded question

In all honesty, thats low

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You're just mad you weren't one of the 100

I've killed well over 100 people, but that doesn't define me as a murderer.

she's right, she's not a slut
100 is a genghislut

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I agree... it was probably well before she got to a dozen that it defined her as a slut.

>Was giving women rights a mistake?
If you even have to ask you are part of the problem.

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Slut here is the same as saying a lump og graphite is as a diamond for hardness because its carbon
They need a more prosuming name

That defines her as a contamination zone. Pretty loose contamination zone.

We're well past this question at this point. The question now is when we put chains back on them and get them barefoot and pregnant again. Hopefully corona-chan will speed the process along.

where did "define as" come from?

the worst mistake civilization has ever made

>I am a literal slut but that doesn't mean I'm a slut

Islam is the last redpill

I fucked about 130 women, id say I was a bit of a slag desu, fucking awesome time, 14-22, most of it was 17-21, good fucking times.

Literally HOW

Yes it does. Dumb fucking Whore.

>be female
>lay down
>open legs
Repeat twice a week for a year.
Not hard.

You're part of the reason why it won't matter when this country is taken over by pakis or nogs.

People like her are incapable of emotions. There is nothing left, or maybe there was nothing there to begin with. There is no light or fire inside of her, just endless darkness and semen. Kill her or ignore her, it makes no difference, just make sure you don't become the 100-fold microchimeracuckold.

Before sexbots and artificial wombs yes. After sexbots it is the optimal strategy that will make them increase their obsolescence even faster.

Any kids?

What would you think of a fella who went out with one of them after you'd shagged them? I can never help but think: 'soft cunt, all that effort and commitment for something other people got for no effort'. That's why I never buy second hand anymore when it comes to birds.

Rights aren't the problem its the enabling we give them. The scarlet letter needs to return

It is the reason that everyone here is living in gayliest era of human history. It definitely was a mistake. Women are biologically NOT suited to be in charge of anything but of her babies her home and her husband. Women have become autonomous, after the jews inserted this concept of feminism inside their heads, I believe they were even surprised just by how far women could go after this, in the sense women are capable of completely destruction of a normal, healthy society built by white men. The vast majority are all whores now.

Also because you have to include women in anything now, even our progress as humans has been slowed down. Men alone got to this point, they built everything you now see, but when have to include women because "equality" you fuck everything up, they just can't be as thoughtful as men, interrupting our motherfucking lineal progress! I fucking hate them!

The US has to appeal the 19th. Actually all countries around the globe have to ban female vote, and take away women's right, because it is perverse and it literally is destroying our civilizations progress as a whole.

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I get what you mean dude but in the long run, he would thank me, it can go more than one way, some girls just fuck everything and stay slags, some get a bit of fucking out of their system then settle down and never cheat, some settle down with the first then cheat later when they think they missed out, very rarely you get a couple who just fuck each other and then die of old age.

Why they weren't fucking them ... looked pretty into white imo.


You're right user, I-

w-wait, I haven't even typed my sentence yetooooooOOOHHHH IIII'M...I'M.... I'M GOOONNAAA


Yeah you do see two lines of thinking on that. That women need to shag around a bit to 'get it out of their system' then settle down, or that it just opens the floodgates of slagdom. I'm honestly in the latter camp with that. I've known decent girls and they've lost their virginity to a mediocre fella, but then stayed with him despite that, until he cheated or really cocked up. But after that, when they are less valuable, they have higher demands of fellas they get with afterwords even if they are better than their first boyfriend! It's mind-blowing really, like charging the first fella a quid for a loaf of bread, then charging the second 2 quid for a moldy loaf.

females that had more than 1 sexual partner are incapable of binding.
the amount of hormones that floods their brains during intercouse fucks them up forever.

It’s ok when we do it.

Like even if the Germany didn't win, the Allies should never have pushed forward their progressive agenda.

But well, it wasn't those men's fault (the allies soldiers), I don't blame them, they believed they were fighting for something, they didn't know this thing was just a jewish scheme. Oh boy, had just they knew...

The 20th century, or well half of it, was really the last century still worth living in. I should not have born here in this one, all that you have here is faggots and decay, but you see, now it is "legalized" degeneracy, and who's to blame for all of this are women and fucking jews. Nothing good can come from the 21st century, we're doomed. But who knows, you guys say there's still hope. Let's see.

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a key that can open any lock is a master key. dudes are master keys.
a lock that can be opened by any key, that's just a shitty lock. a skeezer is just a shitty lock.

I wouldn't even touch her, even if she paid me to do so. Having sex with a woman who has has 100 dicks is like asking for STDs.

Exactly, this is true. Unfortunately there aren't many women who are virgins knocking around now. It seems to be the reverse of the meme:
In real life they are often used once at about 16 by some beta, THEN Chad uses them. It's strange to see, but it's what often happens over here, that even if a girl has never had a boyfriend or anything she has had sex at least once aged 15 or 16, often with some ugly/low fella. A very strange phenomenon.

Coronavirus is faster.

Based. Reminds me that I need make your embassy gibs me dat citizenship.

or you know, they lie

nice man
totally worth the horrors to come/that are
> i don't care

Women are also not naturally polygamous. It makes no sense for them to keep sleeping around. Imagine a woman with many partners. She has sex wth all of them and gets pregnant from one and cannot provide the sexual needs of other men. If she is also on her period then that will be disgusting. If a man has many partners though, he can. Men are polygamous in nature. Men will still watch porn and check out other women even after being married. Also societies where polygamy is legal, adultery is illegal and women become modest.

The many partners women you’re doing in this day are complete degenerates and is totally against their nature. Women were meant to be loyal to one partner only but th is is not true for men. Stop treating men and women as the same thing. They are equal but they are not the same. They don’t have the same function? Would you use a spoon to cut something? No, you would use a knife but you don’t keep using the spoon for a function it was not meant to have and claim this means equality.

No, not the rights to the women are the problem but the Capitalism that degraded women for capital and not only, saying that women right are a mistake because of sluts is like saying men right are a mistake too because of simps.In Eastern bloc women had more rights than nowdays women yet they were not sluts and settled down
with somebody at a young age and had big families.

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I don't even hate her the way you guys do, I'm just confused how people are able to get sexual partners so easily.

men are meant to die for tribe, leaving plenty of unclaimed females
this is also the reason why more boys are born, albeit just a little bit more

step 1
be female
there is no step 2


>Kelly Tyler
>>not a slut
it's in her name. if an American girl came up to me and introduced herself as Kelly Tyler, I would assume she had at least fucked 20 men minimum

Rights do not exist. Privilege does - afforded by masters. If you are referring to suffrage then most people should not have it.






She's right. The HPV, herpes and cunt flaps that drag along the ground make her a slut.

>5% virgin at marriage

Yeah sure

how should she be called to assume virginity?

>Stop treating men and women as the same thing. They are equal but they are not the same.
Lol, the irony of this.
"I want men to have rights that women
don't have."
"Yes this is equal somehow"
Just complete and utter bullshit.

>Would you use a spoon to cut something?
This analogy as a whole is bullshit, but as a matter of fact, I actually do sometimes. Using the edge of a spoon to cut a part of something off.
Almost like not everything has to fit into some rigid framework.

All you have to do is separate men from women and everyone knows who will win.
Sex robots are around the corner and could seriously change everything. Their only hope to compete would be pumping themselves full of drugs/hormone suppressors, but I don't think that will end well for them. Men are designed by nature to compete on every level at the highest level. Hopefully it doesn't come to this but if it ever did, it would be fun (for us).

as far as we fucking know NATURE itself is a rigid framework faggot, so yes everything has to fit in

Those sheckle women....

Not true for girls deemed unattractive, which is actually most girls because most people tend to look average.
There's full hate threads on this board hating on average looking Asian girls for being "ugly subhumans" because they don't look like models or idols.

are you implying women don't have rights

>women get equal rights
>immediately fuck dogs and niggers
hmmmm I wonder

Not really, nature's not rigid at all. Your primitive understanding of it is.

oh so you are actually retarded, nevermind then

Exactly this.

Does anyone have that post from infinitychan, explaining why women shouldn't sleep with lots of men because they will carry part of the "dna" of every men she's been with?

It was literally the biggest mistake that humanity ever made.

It was no mistake. The Jews behind it knew exactly what they were doing.

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The girl that aborted my baby and banged half my town is a elementary school teacher where I went to school as a kid

Whatever you say, primitive ignoramus.


What's the difference between a woman having protected sex once with 100 different men and a woman having protected sex with her husband 100 times?

This one goes, but if write eight (in number) and then "chan", it gets stopped because it's "spam"

>faggot gives his opinion on male/female social dynamics

First of all, your opinion is worthless on any matter you repulsive degenerate and secondly, the only thing you deserve is to be doused in gasoline and set on fire.

>I am a slut but ACTUALLY i'm not a slut

They try to avoid accountability. So stupid

sexual intercouse releases hormones, some of which are responsible for interpersonal bonds, guess what happens when brain was literally FLOODED by them with 2 different people?

I've been on neetbux for 6 years, but that does NOT define me as a lazy bum.

Faggot hole.

That's nice. I just finished my work week, so I've got a couple days to relax and play my games and exercise.

Lol, you say vile shit like this and then cry about being "censored" by the "intolerant left".
You deserve absolutely everything coming your way, scumbag.