Is it true that British people are retarded?

Is it true that British people are retarded?

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No, our leaders are psychopathic

>it’s my right to consume an 8,000 calorie Mountain Dew

Only in America

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If they have to pay for your medical care, they get to dictate how you live.


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i mean, they lost to america.

go fuck yourself you freedomhating faggot

Oops wrong picture

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There is no right to be retarded. You think the government putting some common sense health regulations into effect is bad. We need to do something about all the lardasses in this country.

The few Brits I've met recently are almost American conservatives as far as values go. Anti-immigrant, pro-gun, refuse to pay BBC tv loiscense, drive old gas and diesel cars, eat too much, drink too much and defy all the Brit tabloid stereotypes that we Americans see so often.

>doesnt have the choice to kill himself with food
Quite literally, hates freedom.

> british

>same pic
>same short sentence as yesterday

Slide away, kikeboy

>is an obese lardass


I don't think that's a bad premise. My taxes go to healthcare, so that in the event that I have an accident or get cancer I may be treated, not so that some fucking lardo can stuff his fat piggie face with tons of pizza and gallons of mountain dew until I have to pay for his third bypass surgery.
Population health should be one of the prime concerns of the government and there should be incentives at work and with tax breaks for people to be healthy.
Fuck "freedom" if it means you get to be an obese lardo putting a strain on everyone else.

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im okay with this.
there’s a reason so much (((sugar))) is in everything.

I kind of feel bad for the bongs.They got jewed so hard that they became pic related.

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This. It’s a pretty sane idea but of course the Alex Jones types freak out at it.

>Is it true that British people are retarded?

they just hate to cook but love to eat.
huge % of people are overweight.

Hey i am going up there in 20m

Lorry driver bro in law just rang my bird and said theyve been banned from all imports/exports for 2 weeks from noon today, reckons 2-3 days max and all the shops will be empty
Its actually happening lads


How believable?

>has to have the government regulate his food intake and wast excretion because it's far too complicated for him to handle on his own

How about a better alternative, instead of paying for a bunch of fucking bypass surgeries, commit him to a mental institution to figure out what the fuck is wrong with him making him eat 15lbs of high octane garbage every day, you know, actually treating the problem.


>Is it true that British people are retarded?
They fell for Tegnell's herd immunity meme, what do you think?

Guberment git out reeeeeeeeee. Let people become fatties and win their prize. Stop subsidising their shitty existence and stop taking my fucking tax dollars.

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It is patently obvious that it actually is for the majority of the lard-ass population in the US.
What's the obesity rate now? 60%?
Amerigoyim can't be trusted with their own health.

Nice meme, but I'm talking actual sensible options, not edgy "just kill em xd" shit.

Don't we have the most critical care beds per 100k? These fags are mad their system is inferior.

yes and pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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You should run what I wrote through a translator because you're a bit off.

Yeah I don't know what the fuck I misread there, makes sense.
My bad.

I went through a 10 pound bag of sugar just today

At least they have nice feet.

Very very believable lad, he doesnt panic about anything until today
He knows ive been prepping since jan and laughed at me but now he knows its real

>There is no right to be retarded
there absolutely is you fucking niggerfaggot

Go be retarded and jump off a bridge, but don't expect me to pay for your surgeries if your wretched nigger body manages to somehow survive.

is that picture to prove that the site didn't throw shade at USA?

>calorie cap

It's probably just a joke though.
Like the entire UK govt

>story from 2 years ago and predicts something that literally never happened
>american unquestioningly believes story

Yes, user. It's the British who are retarded.

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Is it true that Americans are retarded?

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This is what they Brexited for? Lol
Who's idea was this? Bloomberg?

>I kind of feel bad for the bongs.

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How is this a war on choice? Just order two pizzas

oi you got a license to see those stars

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Wait, the bongs invaded us? When?

The only result of free healthcare. Public health becomes government responsibility, and claims a direct say over more of people's lives so they don't burden the system.


guess what happened

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How do you think they got Gibraltar and Menorca?

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No fucking clue, I thought it was given to them in some wonky treaty or some shit.

Pizzas have been getting smaller before this. Sad!

Shh, let them go.

Yeah because over half your country is morbidly obese and the other half gets shot on the regular, so of course you niggers need more critical care beds.

>Is it true that Americans are retarded?
Most people here are dumb as fuck and are almost proud to be buttfucking stupid

is there also a peeping tom license ?

That's a big blackpill


That pedophile island formerly known as the “UK” needs a good deep cleaning and fumigating
The satanist sodomites masquerading as your leaders will be exposed.

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Nice ad hominem. Try not to let your inferiority show too much. Isn't Catalonia a fake country? Didn't you guys try to spring for independence a few years ago and got your head's cracked open by Spanish police? If I recall you guys completely dropped the notion...